I Have Already Eaten Susshi

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I have already

eaten sushi
Licda: Gracy Barahona

Let´s learn about present

perfect to talk about past
Let´s say what activities
we have already done.
Let´s say what activities
we have not done yet
¿Grammar Present perfect
Use present prefect: For past experiences without specific

Form: Have/has + past participle. Past participle of regular

verbs are the same as simple past
Positive statements

Subject + Auxiliary (Have/has) + past participle+ rest of the


I have been abroad / I´ve been abroad

They have eaten sushi./They´ve eaten sushi
We have done the homework./ We´ve done the homework

He has met a famous artist./He´s met a famous artist

She has read a book in English. / She´s read a book in English
Negative statements
S ubject + Auxiliary (Have/has) + not past participle+ rest of the

I have not been abroad / I haven´t been abroad

They have not eaten sushi./They haven´t eaten sushi
We have not done the homework./ We haven´t done the

He has not met a famous artist./He hasn´t met a famous artist

She has not read a book in English. / She hasn´t read a book in
Uses of already and yet with present perfect
Positive and negative statements

Use already for actions completed before now. (positive statement)
She´s already done her homework. He has done his homework already.
They have already eaten sushi They´ve eaten sushi already.

With negative statements for actions that are expected to happen but incomplete.
They have not done their homework yet. We´ve not seen the new
movie yet.
She has not gone to United stated yet He´s not eaten lunch yet.
I have already gone to Roatan.
I have gotten my master´s degree already.
I have already gone camping.
I have not become fluent in French yet.
I have not climbed the Eiffel tower yet.
I have read El conde de Montecristo already.

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