Threads: Source: Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne

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Source: Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

s Process can have 3 a single thread of control or activity 3 multiple threads of control or activity. s A thread is a flow of control within a process 3 a basic unit of CPU utilization also called a LWP 3 thread ID, program counter, register set and stack 3 all threads share the same address space of their process. s Multithreaded computer systems are common. 3 e.g., desktop PCs 3 Web browser can have two threads, one for display and the other for data retrieving. s Multithreading models s Threading issues s Thread libraries s OS examples
CSC 4103: Operating System 4.3 BB Karki, LSU

Single and Multithreaded Processes

s Threads belonging to a given process share with each other

code section, data section and other resources, e.g., open files.
CSC 4103: Operating System 4.4 BB Karki, LSU

s Increased responsiveness to user: 3 A program continues running with other threads even if part of it is blocked or performing a lengthy operation in one thread. s Resource sharing 3 Threads share memory and resources of their process. s Economy 3 Less time consuming to create and manage threads than processes as threads share resources, 3 e.g., thread creating is 30 times faster than process creating in Solaris. s Utilization of multiprocessor architectures 3 Increases concurrency because different threads can run in parallel on different processors (CPUs).

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Thread Types
s User Threads

Threads are implemented at the user level by a thread library

3 Library provides support for thread creation, scheduling and management. 3 User threads can be faster to create and manage. 3 Can be more portable across operating systems. 3 Can have trouble taking full advantage of hardware parallelism.

s Kernel Threads

Supported and managed directly by the OS.

3 Thread creation, scheduling and management take place in kernel space. 3 Can be slower to create and manage. 3 Can provide more direct access to hardware parallelism. 3 Examples: Windows XP+, Linux, Mac OS X.

s Relationship between user threads and kernel threads.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Multithreading Models

Three common ways of establishing a relationship between user-level threads and kernel-level threads
s Many-to-One s One-to-One s Many-to-Many 3 Two-Level

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Many-to-One Model
s Many user-level threads

mapped to single kernel thread.

s Easier thread management. s Blocking-problem. s No concurrency. s Examples: 3 Solaris green threads 3 GNU portable threads

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

One-to-One Model
s Each user-level thread maps to a kernel thread. s Overhead of creating kernel threads, one for each user thread. s No blocking problem s Provides concurrency. s Examples: Windows NT/XP/2000, Linux, Solaris 9 or later

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Many-to-Many Model
s Allows many user level threads to be mapped to many kernel

threads. s Allows the OS to create a sufficient number of kernel threads. s Users can create as many as user threads as necessary.
s No blocking and

concurrency problems.
s Examples: Solaris

prior to version 9, NT/2000 with the ThreadFiber package.

CSC 4103: Operating System 4.11 BB Karki, LSU

Two-Level Model
s Similar to M:M, except that it allows a user thread to be bound to

kernel thread s Examples: IRIX, HP-UX, Tru64 UNIX, Solaris 8 and earlier

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Threading Issues fork and exec

s Change in semantics of fork() and exec() system calls. s Two versions of fork system call: 3 One duplicates only the thread that invokes the call. 3 Another duplicates all the threads, i.e., duplicates an entire process. s exec system call: 3 Program specified in the parameters to exec will replace the entire process including all threads. s If exec is called immediately after forking, duplicating all

threads is not required.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU


s Task of terminating a thread before it has completed. 3 Canceling one thread in a multithreaded searching through a database. 3 Stopping a web page from loading. s Asynchronous cancellation 3 One thread immediately terminates the target thread (one to be cancelled). s Deferred cancellation 3 The target thread can periodically check if it should terminate, allowing a normal exit.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Signal Handling
s Signal to notify a process that a particular event has occurred. 3 Default or user defined signal handler. s Synchronous signal is related to the operation performed by a running

3 Illegal memory access or division by zero.

s Asynchronous signal is caused by an event external to a running process. 3 Terminating a process (<control><C>) or a timer expires. s Options for delivering signals in a multithreaded process: 3 Signal to the thread to which the signal applies. 3 Signal to all threads. 3 Signal to certain threads. 3 Signal to a specific thread.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Thread Pools

s Create a number of threads at process startup and place

them into a pool where they sit and wait for work.
3 e.g. for multithreading a web server.

s A thread from the pool is activated on the request, and it

returns to the pool on completion.

s Benefits of thread pool: 3 Faster service 3 Limitation on the number of threads, according to the need. s Thread-pool-architecture allows dynamic adjustment of

pool size.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Specific Data

s Certain data required by a thread. These data are not

shared with the other threads.

s Example of thread-specific data: 3 In a transaction processing system, different transaction services will be provided by different threads.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Scheduler Activations
s Communication between the user-thread

library and the kernel threads.

s An intermediate data structure known as LWP

(light-weight process).
3 User thread runs on a virtual processor (LWP) 3 Corresponding kernel thread runs on a physical

processor s Each application gets a set of virtual


processors from OS
3 Application schedules threads on these

processors 3 Kernel informs an application about certain events issuing upcalls, which are handled by thread library.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Thread Libraries
s A thread library provides the programmer with an API for

creating and managing threads.

s Two ways of implementing a thread library 3 User level 3 Kernel level s Three main libraries 3 POSIX Pthreads (a user- or kernel-level library) 3 Win32 Threads (a kernel-level library) 3 Java Threads (neither user nor kernel, provided by JVM) Java thread API is implemented using a thread available on the host OS.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU


s The POSIX standard defining API for thread creation and

s A set of C language programming types and procedure calls. s Implemented with pthread.h header/include file and a thread

s Common in UNIX operating systems.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Multithreading with Pthread API

Two threads: initial thread in the main function and a new thread performing summation in the runner function # include <pthread.h> void *runner(void *param); main (int argc, char *argv[1]){ pthread_t tid; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_create(&tid, &attr, runner, argv[1]); pthread_join(tid, Null); }
CSC 4103: Operating System 4.21 BB Karki, LSU

Multithreading with Pthread API (Cont.)

The new thread begins control in the runner function to perform summation of a non-negative integer. void *runner(void *param) { int upper = atoi(param); int I; sum = 0; if (upper > 0){ for (I = 1; I <= upper; I++) sum += i); } pthread_exit(0); }
CSC 4103: Operating System 4.22 BB Karki, LSU

Win32 Threads

s Creating threads using the Win32 thread library is similar to

the Pthreads in several ways:

s Threads are created using the CreateThread() function s A set of attributes for the thread is passed to this function s Once the summation thread is created, the parent thread must

wait using the WaitForSingleObject() function.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Java Threads
s Java threads are managed by the JVM 3 All Java programs comprise at least a single thread of control 3 Two ways of creating Java threads s Extending Thread class: 3 Create a new thread that is derived from the Thread class, and override the run() method

class Summation extends Thread

s Implementing the Runnable interface: 3 Define a class that implements the Runnable interface, which must define a run() method containing the code to be run a separate thread class Summation implements Runnable

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

Java Threads (Cont.)

s The start () method creates the new thread and calls the

run()method: thrd.start(); s Two threads created by JVM: 3 The first (parent) thread starts execution of the main() method. 3 The second (child) thread begins execution in the run() method.
s Java thread states

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

OS Examples: Windows XP Threads

s Window XP implements the Win32 API and one-to-one and many-to-

many mappings. s Each thread contains: A thread id and context (register set, separate user and kernel stacks, and private data storage area). s Data structures of a thread:
3 ETHREAD (executive thread block)

Pointer to the belonging process Pointer to the corresponding KTHREAD Address to the routine in which the thread starts control. 3 KTHREAD (kernel thread block) Scheduling and synchronization information Kernel stack Pointer to TEB. 3 TEB (thread environment block) User-space data structure for user-level thread User stack Array of thread-specific data (called thread-local storage).
CSC 4103: Operating System 4.26 BB Karki, LSU


s Linux refers to them as tasks rather than threads s Thread creation is done through clone() system call s clone() allows a child task to share the address space of

the parent task (process).

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

s A thread is a flow of control within the process. A process can have several

different flows of control or activity within the same address space.

s Multithreading benefits - increased responsiveness, resource sharing,

economy and concurrency.

s User level threads are visible to programmer and are unknown to kernel a

thread library manages them.

s Kernel level threads are supported by OS. s Three different models: many-to-one, one-to-one, and many-to-many. s Multithreading is challenging: many thread-specific issues. s Thread libraries: Pthreads, Win 32 threads and Java threads.

CSC 4103: Operating System


BB Karki, LSU

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