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Software development lifecycle (SDLC)

Software development lifecycle (SDLC)

▪ Introduction
▪ SDLC overview
▪ Flowchart illustration
▪ Sequential phases
▪ Key objectives and outcomes
▪ SDLC models
▪ Characteristics and Applications
▪ Example and case studies
▪ Benefits of SDLC
▪ Conclusion
Introduction of SDLC

▪ Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a systematic process

used by software developers to design, develop, test, and deploy
high-quality software. It typically includes phases such as planning,
analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and
maintenance. Each phase has specific tasks and goals, ensuring a
structured and efficient approach to software development.
SDLC overview

▪ SDLC is a systematic process

for planning, creating, testing,
deploying, and maintaining
▪ It is ensures a structured
approach to software
development, leading to
successful and efficient
Flowchart Illustration
Sequential Phases

1. - Requirements Gathering: Defining project goals and gathering user

2. -Design: Creating a blueprint for the software structure and architecture.
3. - Implementation: The actual coding phase, where the software is
4. - Testing: Ensuring the software meets specified requirements.
5. - Deployment: Releasing the software for users.
6. - Maintenance: Post-deployment phase, addressing issues and making
Key Objectives and Outcomes

▪ Requirements: Clear understanding of project goals.

▪ - Design: Well-planned architecture for efficient development.
▪ - Implementation: Creation of functional software based on design.
▪ - Testing: Identification and resolution of defects.
▪ - Deployment: Successful release of the software.
▪ - Maintenance: Continuous improvement and bug fixing.
SDLC Models

Waterfall Model: Linear, sequential approach suitable for well-defined

- "Agile Model: Iterative, flexible approach ideal for dynamic projects."
- "Iterative Model: Repeated cycles of development and testing for
Characteristics and Applications

▪ Waterfall: Clear structure, best for projects with stable requirements."

▪ - "Agile: Adaptability to changes, suited for projects with evolving
▪ - "Iterative: Continuous refinement through feedback loops."
Examples and Case Studies

 Waterfall:
Used in traditional industries like manufacturing.
 Agile:
Commonly applied in software startups for rapid development.
 Iterative:
Successful in projects requiring frequent adjustments.
Benefits of SDLC

 Improved Project Management: Clearly defined phases enhance project

 - "Reduced Risks: Early detection of issues during testing minimizes
 - "Enhanced Communication: Clear documentation fosters better team

In conclusion, understanding and

applying SDLC models appropriately is
key to achieving successful software
development projects. It's a dynamic
process that ensures efficiency,
reliability, and adaptability in the ever-
evolving world of technology. Thank
you for your attention, and I'm happy to
take any questions.

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