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Abdullah Al-jehani 2816
Visibility of system status
if task or process takes time to complete, the system provide users with a clear indication of the

One drawback of system that is not displaying an error message when user having poor internet
connection or when internet is disconnected

It’s better to provide to user the option to refresh the page

Match between system and real-world
the system speak the user's language, using concepts, terminology, and interactions that
are familiar to them.

system's interface follow established conventions and standards that users are
accustomed to in their daily lives.

User control and freedom
Users able to easily navigate through the system and have clear options for exiting or
returning to previous steps or screens.

system ask for user confirmation to ensure that they intended to perform that action.
Thus preventing accidental or unintended actions with severe consequences.

One drawback is users don’t have the ability to save their progress, in the booking

Another drawback is users don’t have the ability to customize options such the
interface layout, but have the ability to change language

Consistency and standards

System have a coherent and predictable interface, where similar actions and
elements are presented in a consistent manner.

One drawback of the system is the visual consistency in terms of color and
typography, in some interfaces there is no consistency in colors with other

Error prevention

System prevents errors or minimizes the likelihood of users making mistakes.

By provide meaningful labels and instructions

System Use confirmation dialogs for critical actions. When users are about to
perform an action that has significant consequences

One drawback is that the error message only displayed in English language
Although the app is directed toward Arabic speaking users.

Flexibility and efficiency of use
In terms of flexability, there is a single way to do a single task, book a
flight for example, there is only one pathwy or approach to achive a task,
system doesn’t allow users to choose method suits their preferences

In terms of effeciency, System enable users to accomplish tasks quickly

and with minimal effort such as Enabling users to perform actions on
multiple items, users can book a multiple flights and multiple tickets at
same time

Aesthetic and minimalist design
System provide simplicity in both visual and interaction design eliminating any
unnecessary elements that don't contribute to the core functionality or user

One drawback is the app is not employing a limited color palette, in some
interfaces it uses a lot of colors which not maintains a sense of simplicity and

Typography used is not consistent in all interfaces, the size and color of titles,
headings , subtitles

Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

System provide users with clear and meaningful error messages that help them
understand what went wrong, why it happened . Error messages are user-
friendly, offering specific guidance or suggestions for resolving the issue.

Help and documentation
In terms of documentation system doesn’t have the availability of
comprehensive and easily accessible help and documentation resources.
While new Users should have access to clear instructions, tutorials, FAQs,
and other forms of guidance that assist them in understanding and
effectively using the system.

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics
& images by Freepik
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics
& images by Freepik

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