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 1980-1988
More than one million Iranians and Iraqis died during the
THE WAR Iran-Iraq. The US government secretly assisted both
Iraqis and Iranians, including arms shipped as part of the
Iran-Contra Affair. During "the war of the cities" civilians
living in the major cities of both countries were
deliberately targeted. Several thousand Iraqis including

IRAQ more than 4,000 Kurds in Halabja were killed by their

own government, allegedly for assisting Iran. By war’s
end, Iraq’s debt was $50 billion.

 1990
Iraq invaded Kuwait over oil and debt issues. The UN
Security Council quickly imposed economic sanctions
until Iraqi troops withdrew from Kuwait.
THE WAR In spite of some opposition from countries such as
France, Germany, and Russia, the US obtained United
Nations’ approval for war against Iraq. In A National
Call for Nonviolent Resistance to the Continuing War
in Iraq, peace activists across the US participated in

IRAQ 2 acts of civil disobedience hoping to prevent the US

war on Iraq
 2011
After months of preparations, the US flag was
lowered in Baghdad on December 15, officially
ending the US war from a high of 170,000 troops.
 1980 The new Islamic Republic of Iran is in disorder.
many factions are divided and the new Iranian
government Iraq sensing an opportunity to settle
historical disputes concerning the boundary line of the
Shatt al Arab river which cuts across Shi a Muslims,
Arabs, and Kurds with differing political loyalties
IRAN also senses a danger from a newly formed theocracy
which seeks to incite Shi a Muslims the majority in
Iraq to similar notions of revolution Iraq invades Iran]
 1990-1991: Iran remains neutral during Iraq’s
invasion of Kuwait, and Iran and Iraq resume
diplomatic ties soon after. Rapprochement with the
West remains hindered. The fundamentalist regime
continues its repression.
2002 Iran begins construction on their first
THE WAR nuclear reactor despite U.S. objections President
Bush refers to Iraq ,Iran and North Korea as an
axis of evil in reference to the long-range
missiles being developed among the nations

IRAN 2 2004 Majles elections Conservative wrest back

control of Parliament having disqualified
reformist following a reprimand from IAEA for
failing to fully disclose details about its nuclear
 Iraq -iran war(1980–1988) length in time
military disagreement between IRAQ and
THE WAR IRAN during the 1980s. Open warfare began
on September 22, 1980, when Iraqi armed
forces attacked western Iran along the countries
joint border though Iraq claimed that the war
IRAQ VS IRAN had startted earlier that month on September 4
when Iran shelled a number of border posts.
WAR 1980 Fighting was ended by a 1988 though the
resumption of normal diplomatic relations and
the withdrawal of troops did not take place
until the signing of a formal peace agreement
on August 16, 1990.
Well after the fourth anniversary of the U.S. led
invasion and the fall of Saddam Husseins regime
Iraq is stalemated between two trends one bent on
escalating sectarian violence into full fledged civil
war the other on transforming the conflict into
peaceful institutional politics .The U.S. strategy

IRAQ announced on January 10 2007 was a last ditch

attempt to break out of the stalemate stopping

IPMACT further escalation of the conflict and moving the

country decisively toward a political solution. This
Policy Outlook examines the viability of the
current U.S. strategy in the context of domestic
Iraqi regional and international factors.
 during the Iran-Iraq War Iraq used large scale
chemical weapons against Iran causing
innocent Iranian civilians to suffer tragic
consequences According to the report of The
Janbazan affairs organization an organization
that provides facilities for the victims of the
IRAN Iranian War 398,587 people were injured in

IMPACT the Iran-Iraq War and required long-term

medical and health care after receiving
primary treatmen among them 52,195 people
(13%) were injured due to exposure to
chemical warfare agents such as mustard gas.

 Land of Two Rivers refers to the tigris and

euphrates the country two main rivers and
IRAQ NATIONAL where the capital Baghdad is situated. The
ANTHEM anthem was adopted in 1981 by then-
president Saddam Hussein.

 The first official anthem of the Islamic

Republic was adopted 13 months after the fall
IRAN NATIONAL of the Shah s government. The anthem speaks
ANTHEM of the success of overthrowing the Shah and
the anticipated future of what life in the new
Islamic Republic would be like.

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