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Team Lemon presents:


Q1 & Q2

01 02 03
Quách Trọng Đức Hoàng Thị Lệ Hà Trung Hiếu

04 05
Trịnh Hải Ly Hà Phương Ngân
The strategic position of Kunapipi Gardens
Political Legal Economy
- Many discussions remain - The business will require a - USA disposable personal
about the impact of resorts on business license. income record in October
the environment. - Permission requires from 2022 increased to 18818.46
- The USA travel ban was the state such as USD Billion in October from
lifted on Oct. 27, 2020. June permission from the Nevada 18771.60 USD Billion in
12th, 2022, the United States
Division of Environmental September of 2022.
lifted the mandatory COVID-
19 testing for travelers from
Protection. - Tourism contribution to
abroad. => Normal regulations and USA’s GDP was still below
- No social groups and not too many rules that before Covid but is having a
protests aim at the resort affect the whole industry rising trend.
industry in 2022. => Price sensitivity is lower
=> Business can easily be and can benefit from the
done without much travel trend rises.
interference from outsiders
while profit is getting higher
after the ban is lifted.
Environmental Social Technological
- The climate type of - The USA population - Nowadays people do
Nevada state is semi-arid. increased by 0.21% while reservations mostly through
- Travelers are focused on the city population density the Internet and websites.
engaging in positive increased by 0.38%. - The use of mobile is still
practices which include - Despite the inflation rate, increasing with 85% of adult
protecting the environment. many American still want to American owning a
- Tahoe lake environment travel with 72% of smartphone.
has many different types of Americans Prefer Hotels - More hotels and resorts are
species and large pine and Resorts to Vacation applying technological support
forests. Rentals. to provide their customer with
=> Environment advantage => More customers with a better experience.
such as scenery, species, or increasing demand for => Industry opens to
specific activities related to family trips, and seasonal technology and scenery can
season can be used. activities experiment. be used as an advantage.
1.The threat of new businesses
Barriers to entry: KG is known as a 4-season resort in the RT area.
+ Meanwhile, RT develops into a big city with many high-class resorts, golf courses, spas → an
extremely developed business center.
+ Metro Reno Park area vs population 50k people, peak day is 300k people.
+ Large international airport, motels focusing on developing golf tournaments, KD meetups and

=> KG is located in the economic center area with great advantages in terms of the number of
customers and high demand for shopping and using services. However, the biggest advantage is
also the disadvantage of KG's diversified development of departments. Because, inherently a
bustling business center has many business competitors that have gone ahead and have a certain
name, dominating their market. From here, leading to joining more golf courses and spas with
many difficulties, development and survival is not feasible.
1.The threat of new businesses
Economic scale Brand loyalty
- With a medium-sized scale in TG with 180 The number of loyal customers of KG is mainly in
rooms used for 40 years → Small scale, the 4-season resort segment
outdated, less attractive to new customers However, with the history of the hotel business +
the event center also pulls a number of loyal
- Add 2 new buildings + 1 event center in 20 guests for KG as evidenced by: “The events
serving the event market (company meeting,
years → The scale has grown but not much, at
sales meeting, etc.) weddings, professional
the same time, if there is no innovation in 20 conferences, etc.) has transformed the
years → it cannot attract new visitors and also company's customer base. Many new Kunapipi
difficult to retain the number of customers customers expect better facilities with
who have used the service. accompanying services.” .

- Recently, KG added 1 golf course + spa → => To retain loyal customers requires the
Expanded with a variety of industries → still leadership to have innovative policies and to be
quite new and facing many difficulties ahead. grateful and attract customers.
2. Buyer's bargaining power
Customers number
KG Company is located in a large city with a population of more than 260k people with many high-end resorts,
golf courses, spas, an extremely developed business center, and an area with many high-end retail stores. →
Large number of customers, increased demand for hotel services
Differences between competitors
- Competition between competitors operating in the same industry, in the same market area of KG
- Many high-end resorts, golf courses, spas, an extremely developed business center, and an area with lots of
high-end retail stores.
→ Competitors are of equal size and competitive strength.
- With major international airports, the lodges host golf tournaments, business meetings and corporate events
in addition to the usual business travel.
- A large group with thousands of room nights will be informed that morning and afternoon breaks will be
provided free of charge if attendees book a number of rooms. certain number of rooms.
- Meeting space will be provided free of charge if higher booking is achieved and similarly with audio/visual
equipment rental.
→ Competitors have many unique marketing strategies to attract and entice customers.
3. Risk of substitute products 4. Competition of existing competitors
Number of substitutes available Number of competitors
Substitute competitors operating in another KG is known as a 4-season resort in the RT area.
industry but with services that bring the same Meanwhile, RT develops into a big city with many high-
values, benefits, and uses can replace KG's class resorts, golf courses, spas
→ extremely developed business center, many
services. competitors in the industry
+ There are many hotels, resorts, ... with Diversity of industry-focused competitors
modern and advanced styles, catching up with KG aims at a company with a variety of departments:
customers' trends hotels, event centers, golf courses, spas → Competitors
+ Competitors have many long-term marketing are also more diverse than ever.
strategies, attracting new customers and Industry growth
retaining old ones. Catering to the event market (corporate meetings, sales
meetings, weddings, professional conferences, etc.) has
Buyers' changing trends transformed the company's customer base.
Customers tend to choose services that → A new incentive compensation plan, along with a
maximize the needs of the company's services. new reporting format, may be needed to achieve the
performance that management is looking for is likely.
VALUE CHAIN - Basic operation
Incoming logistics: unclear in the Marketing activities: has not
situation without mentioning the launched any form of
input of KG company marketing yet

Operations: A 4 seasons resort Hotel operations: operates

operates like a company with many without an effective strategy, the
departments. Added 2 new buildings, hotel was just accommodation for
1 event center and recently added a guests. Event management and
golf course and spa. operations receive little attention
The hotel sales department
Service activities: full service of usually handles both rooms and
providing food and drinks for guests events
and event spaces events for corporate
meetings, the event venue receives
little attention, the limited view of the
management of KG can easily be seen.
VALUE CHAIN - Complementary

Technology development Human Resource Management Organizational infrastructure

For KG, the revenue Improper allocation of human There are 738 hotel rooms,
calculation method is based resources such as: Event there are many senior
on the number of available organization responsibility is managers, the company
rooms and recognizes the often assigned to F&B manager, expands its business lines
impact of price and capacity. Hotel sales department often
The second is that KG does handles both rooms and events
not mention improving
- Favorable business
- Limited vision
not keeping up with
- Can be easily operates
with out much
- Barriers to entry,
new business
- Easy to grow trends interfered from the formation as well as
government and laws the scale to develop
- Easy to expand - Technology has not this type of business
- Tahoe lakes has a
- Sustainable development developed - Facing the difference
S beautiful environment
- Safe strategy for - Placing too much and ecological system of competitors in the
business development responsibility on which can be used as an market
- Simple company employees advantage. - The threat of
structure - Inefficient resource - The climate provides alternative missions is
- Easy to control allocation four seasons which the always direct and
innovative to keep up
- Business strategy has resort can use to create
with the times
not been clearly different activities.
- Competitive events
mention - Can be upgraded with
of industry
- The travel rate is
increasing after Covid.
The Pros and Cons of The Income Statement
Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI)
Current system The Detail of Income Statement
Used more than 40 years ago PANEL A :REVENUES
- Businesses are applying new activities such as golf spa - Businesses have a comparison between 3
event room years
- View as a hotel with many small departments
- The new CEO wants to organize business according to
- Revenue is divided by each activity for each
Multiple Department he wants golf spa event room as a department
private branch.
- Our income statement treats the organization as a hotel PANEL B : EXPENSES
with multiple departments, but I think of us as a - Divided by each part will have its own
multidivisional company expense
-> The accounting department has followed the - Expenses is divided into Direct Cost and
industry practice of preparing income statements in
accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts for
Indirect Cost in each part
the Lodging Industry (USALI) - The lower part is called Indirect Cost
(expenses for each room

1926 1961 2014

USALI was first published The American Hotel & The latest edition is the 11
the Edition published. As in
by a committee of the Lodging Association
the past, it is consistent
Hotel Association of New (AH&LA) published a with US GAAP. Future
York City (HANYC). The separate edition for editions are expected to
committee was chaired by small hotels. become consistent with the
E. M. Statler the founder International Financial
of Statler Hotels. Reporting Standards (IFRS).

- a) Provide an accounting model that can be adapted
To set up basics and developed system of
easily by any hotel regardless of size or category,
- and at the same time is useful for all kinds of users,
To define the registers and other databases
- both internal and external.
To delineate the costs of fixed and variable
- b) Being a uniform and standardized, enabling
To define the system of internal reporting
comparisons between hotels and hotel chains, even
when they are operating with different operating
=> USALI is widely accepted in the world and
system or are located in different countries.
leads to numerous advantages to hotels that use
it. Only 69% of respondents were not familiar
c) The Uniform System for Accounts in the Lodging
with this system, even with half of them there is a
Industry - USALI is set up whit aim to provide
drawback in terms of acceptance.
accounting information for internal results of the
hotels, is based on a single system of
identification,recording, classifying, organizing and
publishing on the value expresses in a way that
externally and can be compared
- Provides detailed information allows identify management responsibilities, organizational structure,
improve the overall profitability of the hotel.
- The system it is independent with respect to the system of operation be it in property, duty- contract or
lease or management.
- Getting information in a format generally accepted for the hotel business;
- Forming reports that are understandable to owners and investors, including foreign ones;
- Forming reports, whose indicators can be compared with those of competitors in different regions;
- Attracting financing, including bank loans and foreign investments;
- Planning and evaluating the performance of each service unit, department, and comparing indicators with
similar ones in the industry.
- A high degree of flexibility and ease of use.
- Makes performance comparability much easier, whether it is with the broader industry or, for chain hotel
organisations, comparing and contrasting results for each property.
- Provides can facilitate efficient subsequent business decisions that can drive optimised success.
- Will enable the classification, organization and presentation of financial information in a uniform and
consistent manner, thus improving user comprehensibility.
- Provide the tools to record, analyze and benchmark accounting & finance data in detail providing the
knowledge needed to manage the organization’s overall financial picture.
- The difficulty of income segregation between commercial packages as business conferences
are held imputing its share to rooms to food and beverage, room rental, coffee break, among
- Not clearly assignable to the same costs are included in the results of some departments,
such as maintenance and energy costs.
- The model lead to those responsible for the departments act in their own benefit (improving
the performance of “his” department) without worrying about the results of the hotel.
- The lack of USALI methodology developed and implemented taking into account domestic
- Difficulties in ensuring timely collection and proper quality of source data;
- Insufficient automation of information processing and accounting processes;
- Insufficient integration of the applied information systems;
- Insufficient qualification of system users.
In the United States, most of the economic sectors have
plans of sectorial accounts, called Uniform
Systems. seeks to establish an internal process of
determining results formalized in a general income
statement and a series of complementary analytical
documents that calculate results for each of the centers
operational activities, ie income- generating develop.

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