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 What is junk food?

 'Junk foods' are foods that lack nutrients,

vitamins and minerals, and are high in

kilojoules (energy), salts, sugars, or fats. Junk
food is so called because it doesn't play a role
in healthy eating, especially if you eat too
much of it. Junk food is also known as
'discretionary food' or 'optional food'.
 Some examples of junk food include:
 cakes and biscuits
 fast foods (such as hot chips, burgers and

 chocolate and sweets
 processed meat (such as bacon)
 snacks (such as chips)
 sugary drinks (such as sports, energy and

soft drinks)
 alcoholic drinks
 How do I know if a food product is 'junk
 While finding healthy alternatives to junk

food can sometimes be difficult, the

Health Star Rating system is a convenient tool
to help you know how healthy a product is.
It's a quick and easy way to compare similar
packaged foods.
 How can I reduce the amount of junk food I eat?
 While it can be challenging to reduce the amount of
junk food you eat, you don't have to give up on all
your favourite foods.
 Here are some tips on how to create
healthy eating habits:
 Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time so you
decide what you eat based on nutrition, not based on
what is left in your pantry. Planning ahead also helps
you keep to a budget and makes shopping easier.
 Choose wholefood options such as wholemeal and
wholegrain carbohydrates like pasta, bread and flour.
 Choose fresh fruit for dessert instead of junk food to
keep away from added salt, sugar and saturated fat.
 Check your food's nutritional value using the
nutritional information panel on the back of the

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