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Learning Intention
 Learning Intention: Students will be able to explain the various
challenges associated with sexual health and being in
intimate relationships.
 Success Criteria: I will be able to understand the importance of
sexual health when being in intimate relationships.
 I will look into STI’s and what they are and what their consequences
What’s on the agenda?
 Different STIs  How do I know what to look
 How to protect yourself!
 Where do I go for help?
 How testing occurs

 How often do I need to be

Where am I found?
Cervix, urethra, anus, throat &

What do I look like?

I can be completely invisible!
but sometimes……
Discharge (from penis or vagina)
Irregular bleeding (often after
Pelvic pain
Stinging / burning when urinating

How did I get it?

Penetrative sex
Oral sex

How do I go away?
Gonorrhoea Where am I found?
Cervix, urethra, anus, throat,
eyes and bloodstream

What do I look like?

I can be completely invisible!
but sometimes……
Discharge (from penis or vagina)
Irregular bleeding (often after
Pelvic pain
Stinging / burning when

How did I get it?

Penetrative sex
Oral sex

How do I go away?
Where am I found?

Syphilis and in
Cervix, anus, mouth, eyes
later stages, brain
and heart

What do I look like?

Ulcers- painless
Red rash on back, hands,
chest & feet
Fever, swelling, flu-like

How did I get it?

Penetrative sex
Oral sex

How do I go away?
Herpes – Human Where am I found?

Simplex Virus Mouth, vulva, penis, anus

What do I look like?

Most of the time I’m invisible!
but when there’s an outbreak……
Painful ulcers!

How did I get it?

Skin-to-skin contact
Penetrative sex
Oral sex

How do I go away?
Antivirals can decrease number
of outbreaks AND transmission
Where am I found?

HIV – Human mucus,

Blood, semen, vaginal fluids, anal
breast milk

mmunodeficiency Virus What do I look like?

Flu – like symptoms
Fevers, chillsa
Weight loss, decreased appetite

How did I get it?

Blood transmission – needle sharing,
unsafe tattoos
Penetrative sex
Sharing bodily fluids

How do I go away?
Antiretrovirals can reduce the rates of
HIV in the blood – making it
UNTRACEABLE in the body!
Where am I found?

Hepatitis A Faeces
Contaminated food

What do I look like?

Nausea, loss of appetite

How did I get it?

Oral to anus sex
Eating contaminated food

How do I go away?
Preventative - Vaccine
Where am I found?

Hepatitis B Blood
Bodily fluids

What do I look like?

Loss of appetite
Pain in liver & joints

How did I get it?

Blood transmission – needle
sharing, unsafe tattoos
Penetrative sex
Sharing bodily fluids

How do I go away?
Anti-viral medications
Preventative vaccine
Where am I found?

Hepatitis C Blood

What do I look like?

Flu – like symptoms
Fevers, chills
Weight loss, decreased

How did I get it?

Blood transmission – needle
sharing, unsafe tattoos
Penetrative sex (less likely)
Sharing bodily fluids (less

How do I go away?
HPV - Human Where am I found?

Papilloma Virus Vagina, cervix, anus or penis

What do I look like?

Often invisible (or internal)
Occasional wart like bumps

How did I get it?

Skin-to-skin contact
Penetrative sex

How do I go away?
Cryotherapy for visual warts
HPV Vaccine for prevention
CST – Cervical Screening Test

Cell Cervical
changes Cancer

Pap Smear

 5 yearly – from age 25

 Screens for Human Papilloma Virus, which causes 98% of all cervical
Where am I found?
Bacterial Vaginosis Vagina

What do I look like?

Change in smell
Change in discharge texture
Pain or discomfort

How did I get it?

Penetrative sex (either digital
or penile)

How do I go away?
Anti-biotics (oral or cream)
But I don’t want
an STI!

Don’t panic 
Dental Dams
Regular Testing
But if there’s no
symptoms, how Communication
do I know?
Knowing your
HIV Gonorrhoea Gonorrhoea
Hepatitis Chlamydia Chlamydia
Syphilis HPV

What does a test involve?

What they’ll ask
Why you’re getting a test
 I’m seeing someone new, and want to make sure I’m safe
 I had sex and there was an accident (condom broke, no protection)
 I want to be tested
 I have a weird lump / bump / smell

What you want to be tested for (if you know)

 I’d only like to be tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea today please
 My partner has been positive for syphilis, so I need testing

Where an STI could be

 I had oral sex with my partner, and also had penetrative vaginal sex, I was the
receptive partner
What they DON’T need to know

WHO your What TYPE of Any specific

partner /s sex is being information
were had about the sex

If you’re unsure – ask!

“Why is this necessary to know?”
I have an STI!
Now what!?!
Most people end up with an STI at
some point in their lives!

 Undertake the recommended


 Wait until treatment is effective

to have sex

 See your doctor for another test

in a few months
 Organizations like
‘Drama Down Under’ can
‘I can't tell them’
tell your sexual partner
for you


 If you can't tell your

partner this might be a
sign of poor
communication which is
vital in informed consent
“The talk”
 What contraception plan do
they have?
 Does this include protection
against STI’s?
 When was their last STI screen?
 What were the results?
 What kind of relationship is
Where can I go if I want more
Youtube Websites
Amaze org Family Planning
Every body curious Victoria People
Puberty Talk Melbourne Sexual Friends
Health Clinic (Alfred Siblings
Podcasts Health) Family
Cliterally the Best Counsellors
Queer Sex Ed Teachers
Doctors / Nurses

 Centers for Disease Control, 2021

 Health Direct (.gov), 2021
 Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic, 2021
 Thorne Harbour Health, 2021
 Better to Know, 2021
 Free Victorian Sexual Health Network, 2021
 Department of Health, 2021
 Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic, 2021

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