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Ethnomedicine Catalog of the Dayak Ngaju Tribe

M. Zidan Prawinanda
Saurani Aurelia Hutabarat

SMPN 3 Palangka Raya

List of Traditional Medicine

Bajakah Kalalwit Putih…………………………..1

Karamunting ……………………………………..2
Hambin Bua/Meniran……………………………..3
Bawang Lemba…………………………………….4
Sarang Semut…………………………………….5
Tawas Ot…………………………….....………….6
Saretak Nyaring…………………………………..7
Akar Kuning………………………………………..8
Bua Bunut………………………………………9
Uhat Pahakat…………………………………10
Uwei Haci………………………………………12
Bajakah Kalalawit Merah………………………13
Atei Petak…………………………………………15
Katupat Napu……………………………………..16
Bajakah 1
Kalalawit Putih
Spatholobus Littoralis (White)

Bajakah Kalalawit Putih is a vine that usually

lives in lowland areas.

Function : curing breast cancer.

How to use : boil the Bajakah Kalalawit stem

until the water is red. Bajakah
boiled water is drunk regularly
every morning and evening.
Karamunting 2
Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa

A herbaceous plant with brown stems and

leathery, hairy leaves. Has purple flowers.
Usually live from the lowlands to the highlands.

Function : treating cataracts, stoping

bleeding in women, reducing
faver, and treating diabetes.

How to use it for How to use it for How to use it for How to use it for
cataracts: stoping bleeding reducing faver: treating diabetes:
Young leaves are ground Seven widths of young Karamunting roots are
until fine to extract the juice. The ripe purple fruit is leaves are boiled from boiled from 600 ml water
Water extract of burned and eaten. 600 ml of water to 100 to 100 ml. drink this
Karamunting leaves is ml. the boiled water is water regularly.
dropped into the eyes then drunk.
affected by cataracts.
Hambin Bua/ 3
Phyllanthus Urinaria

A type of plants that has a round, upright stem,

the height of the plant can reach more the one
meter in fertile soil conditions. The leaves of the
MENIRAN plant have even pinatte bones, each
stalk has compound leaves that are small and
oval in shape.

Function: Warning: How to use:

Used to cure Not recommended for 300 grams of all parts

hemorrhoids, lowers pregnant women (roots, stems, and
blood pressure, and because it can cause leaves) boiled from 3
lowers blood sugar level. abortion. glasses of water to 1
glass then drunk.
This plant grows mostly in mountainous areas
between 600-1500 m above sea level. Lemba
Bawang 4
Onions like open places with soil that is rich in
humus and moist. The part of the plant that is Lemba
planted is the tuber. Lemba Onions grow wild in Eleutherine Bulbosa
the forest, with white five-petaled flowers and
only grow in the dark. Lemba onions leaves are
ribbon-shaped with a length of between 15-20
cm and a width of 3-5 cm and resemble a palm

To treat narrowing of the blood vessels and

heart failure

How to use:

Boil of brew the bulbs/onions to drink.

Sarang Semut 5
Myrmencodia Pendans

Sarang Semut grow on branches or plant stems.

In nature, the tuber roots of Sarang Semut
usually hang from plant branches without a
significant amount of substrate, so they depend
on the symbiotic process for their nutritional


Used for the treatment of uterine cancer and


How to use:

300 grams of Sarang Semut are boiled to drink

twice a day during the trearment process, while to
maintain health it is enough to drink once a week.
Tawas Ot 6
Ampelocissus Rubiginosa L.

Vines in hilly areas have tubers like cassava.


Recovery of reproductive organs after post

partum, treatment of stomach acid and chronic

How to use:

Tawas Ot tubers are boiled and drunk or grated to

extract the juice and the drunk once a day.
Saretak 7
A type of forest nut but has a hard outer skin like
bark and is brown in color.


Lymph noce cancer treatment.

How to use:

The outer skin is burned and mixed with

coconut oil. The mixture is applied to the
area of the lymph node cancer lump.
Akar Kuning 8
Arcangelisia Flava

The garden creeps in hilly areas and is yellow in



Used for the treatment of liver disease, hepatitis,

diabetes, malaria, typoid, and antidote.

How to use:

Akar kuning boiled and drunk. During treatment,

boiled water is drunk three times a day, while during
the recovery period once a day is enough.
Bua Bunut 9

Fill the fruit from the Bunut tree. Function: How to use:
Often considered a nuisance
tree. Live in highland or hilly Treatment of hemorrhoids and The Bunut fruit is burned and the
areas with quite dense tropical toxic goiter. ash is drunk. In addition, the ash is
rainforest cover. mixed with coconut oil and applied
to the place where hemorrhoids
and toxic goiter grow.
Uhat Pahakat
Function: How to use:

Used to cure malaria The roots are boiled to drink.

Rosela 11
Hibiscus Sabdariffa
Rosela is a flower spesies originating from the
African continent. Initially, the flower, which was
alsa beautiful to decorate the yard, was brewed as
a warm drink in winter and a cold drink in summer.


Used for the treatment of gout, hypertension,

and lowering blood sugar.

How to use:

The roots are boiled to drink.

Uwei Haci 12
A vine similar to rattan but not thorny, has stems
that are softer than rattan. The growth and
development habitat is lowland along river flows
with not-peat soil types.


Used for the treatment of kidney stones and

urinary stones..

How to use:

The roots are boiled to drink and the young

leaves are steamed over hot rice to eat..
Bajakah 13
Kalalawit Merah
Spatholobus Littoralis (Red)

Bajakah Kalalawit Merah is a vine that usually

lives in lowland areas.

Function : used for the treatment of acid


How to use : boil the Bajakah Kalalawit stem

until the water is red. Bajakah
boiled water is drunk regularly
every morning and evening.
Bajei 14
Diplazium Esculentum

Bajei is the Dayak Languange of vegetable fern, this

vegetable fern or fern is not cultivated, usually grows in

Function : treating taborow disease, digestive

tract disease.

How to use : boil the roots of the Bajei plant to drink.

The first day seven clusters of Bajei
roots, The second day five clumps and
the third day just three clumps of roots.
Atei Petak
A type of fern but has tubers. Usually grows in hilly
areas and dense tropical reinforest cover.


Used to cure asthma

How to use:

Atei petak tubers are boiled to drink during the

treatment process.
Katupat Napu/ 16
Kantong Semar
Nepenthes Peltata

The pitcher plant is a carnivorous plant that forms

the genus Nepenthes and belongs to the
monotypic family Nepenthaceae. It consists of 130
species not including natural of artificial hybrids.


Treating diabetes mellitus

How to use:

The roots are boiled to drink.

Galinggang 17
Cassia Alata

Wild plants in the form of woody shrubs with oval

leaves and yellow flowers.

Function : used for the treatment of tinea

versicolor, cholesterol, tumors, and colon cancer.

How to use it for tinea How to use it for

versicolor: cholesterol, tumors,
colon cancer:
Grind Galinggang leaves
until smooth, mix with Grind leaf Galinggang,
olive oil or eucalyptus oil, take the extracted water,
then apply to the part of then drink it. For
the skin that is suffering treatment, once a day is
from tinea versicolor. enough, while for
recovery only once a

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