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Government Polytechnic Pune ,Pune-16

(An Autonomous Institute Of Government Of


Seminar Report
Extraction and beneficiation of Platinum


Under the Guidance of

Shri Abhijit V.

(Academic Year 2023-2024)

Introduction and
Chapter 1 1

Minerals Used For

Platinum Extraction
Chapter 2 2

Extraction Process of
Chapter 3 3-7

Meaning of Beneficiation
and Beneficiation
Chapter 4 8-11
Processes for platinum.
The recent surge in platinum and palladium prices, coupled with a projected increase in demand
for these precious metals, has sparked renewed interest in the exploration and development of
platinum group elements (PGE) resources. Historically, primary producers of PGE metals have
closely guarded information on the mining and processing of these ores, resulting in a scarcity of
publicly available data compared to other metals.

This article clarifies the terminology surrounding PGE, differentiating between Platinum Group
Elements (PGE) and Platinum Group Minerals (PGM). It emphasizes the need for precise
language in the metallurgical literature to avoid confusion.

The extraction of platinum involves various methods, including open-pit mining, underground
mining, and hydraulic mining. Open-pit mining involves surface excavation and ore extraction,
while underground mining accesses ore deep below the Earth's surface through shafts and
tunnels. Hydraulic mining, on the other hand, employs high-pressure water jets to dislodge ore
and debris, particularly in alluvial or placer deposit scenarios.

Mineral beneficiation is the process of separating essential minerals from their ores. Due to the
high specific gravity of platinum, traditional gravity separation methods are not as effective.
Alternative techniques, such as froth flotation, are explored, emphasizing the need for specific
reagents to selectively separate platinum-containing minerals.

The smelting process is essential for refining platinum ore. It involves crushing, grinding, and
heating the ore to high temperatures with fluxes to remove impurities and separate platinum from
other metals. This process results in a matte, which is further processed to yield metallic

As the demand for platinum continues to rise across diverse industries, it is imperative to balance
efficient extraction methods with responsible environmental practices. This article highlights the
importance of further research and development to enhance the sustainability and efficiency

The six platinum-group elements (PGE): ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and
platinum, together with gold and silver, are considered to be “precious” metals. The recent spike
in platinum and palladium prices coupled with the projected increase in demand for the metals
has fuelled a spate of exploration and new projects in the PGE sector. Historically, primary
producers of PGE metals have controlled the flow of information relating to the mining and
processing of these ores into the public domain. Very little published information relating to
individual operations and processes is available in comparison to the available literature relating
to other metals.


The terms PGE (Platinum Group Elements) and PGM (Platinum Group Minerals) are often used
interchangeably, and incorrectly, in the processing and metallurgical literature. The terminology
is confused further by PGM being referred to as platinum group metals (which is strictly correct)
but often leads to the abbreviation of PGM, which refers to the mineral and not the metal. The
abbreviation, PM, should be avoided as this includes silver and silver is not often associated with
platinum group metals.
Minerals used for Platinum Extraction:-

The important platinum minerals identified in different areas are sperrylite, sudburyite, braggite,
hollingworthite, cooperite, laurite, geversite, kotulskite, michenerite, etc.

Percentage of Platinum in following Minerals:

1) Sperrylite - Platinum 56.56 % Pt.

2) Cooperite - platinum 66.66% Pt.

3) Laurite - 62.11 % Pt.

4) Geversite - 52 % Pt.

5) Michenerite - 76.7 % Pt.

Extraction Processes of Platinum

Open pit Mining

Open-pit mining, also known as opencast mining, is a surface mining technique that extracts
minerals from an open pit in the ground. This surface mining technique is used when mineral or
ore deposits are found relatively close to the surface.Platinum is often mined using the open pit
mining method, which involves the excavation of the earth's surface to extract ore deposits. This
process typically begins with the removal of overburden, the topsoil and rock covering the
valuable ore. Heavy machinery, such as excavators and haul trucks, is then used to access the
platinum ore. Once the ore is extracted, it undergoes various processes, including crushing and
milling, to extract the platinum. Finally, the platinum is refined to produce pure metal for
commercial use.
Underground Mining:-

Most of the mining for platinum ore occurs deep underground. To extract the mineral-rich
materials, miners pack explosives into holes drilled in the rock and blast it into smaller pieces.
The broken rock is then collected and transported to the surface for processing. Platinum
production in South Africa.

Platinum is typically mined using the underground mining method, which involves accessing the
ore body through shafts or tunnels. The process begins with drilling and blasting to create tunnels
and chambers for extraction. Specialized machinery such as drill rigs, scoops, and haul trucks are
used to remove the ore and transport it to the surface. Once extracted, the ore undergoes various
processes such as crushing, milling, and flotation to separate the platinum from other minerals.
Subsequently, the refined platinum is then used for various industrial applications, including
catalytic converters, jewelry, and electronics.

Fig:-Underground mining of platinum.

Hydraulic Mining:-

A typical platinum mine configuration will comprise an ore preparation plant (to produce -15
mm material through screening or crushing), motive water pump on surface, high pressure water
pipeline from surface to underground, ore slurrification plant, three-chamber displacement
and a high pressure slurry. Platinum is typically mined using various methods, including
hydraulic mining. This method involves the use of high-pressure water jets to dislodge the ore
and debris, which is then collected and processed. The process includes the use of powerful
water cannons to erode the ore, which is then transported to a processing plant for further
refinement. This method is employed in specific geological formations where platinum deposits
are found in alluvial deposits or in the form of placer deposits.

Fig:- Hydraulic Mining

Fig:- Flow chart of Platinum Extraction using

Hydraulic Mining.
What is Beneficiation of Minerals?

Ans : Mineral beneficiation is the process of separating economically essential

minerals from their respective ores. For example, aluminum is extracted from
bauxite ore. Ores are the aggregates of rocks from which the desired minerals
are extracted.

Beneficiation of Platinum.

1) Gravity Seperation of Platinum

Gravity separation is a method of separating two components from a suspension or any other
homogeneous mixture where separating the components with gravity is sufficient.

However, the specific gravity of platinum is around 21.45, which is much higher than most other
materials. Gravity separation alone might not be the most effective method for separating
platinum from other materials due to the limited difference in specific gravity.

To separate platinum from other materials, more complex methods, such as froth flotation,
magnetic separation, or chemical processes, might be necessary. These methods take advantage
of specific properties of the materials involved, like magnetic susceptibility or different chemical
reactivities, to achieve effective separation.
Froath Floatation of Platinum:-

Platinum beneficiation using the froth flotation method involves a series of steps. Initially, the
ore is ground into a fine powder and mixed with water, followed by the addition of specific
reagents that help selectively separate platinum-containing minerals from the rest of the ore. Air
is then bubbled through the mixture, creating froth, which carries the platinum-containing
particles to the surface. The froth is then skimmed off, and the platinum-rich concentrate is
collected, while the remaining material, known as tailings, sinks to the bottom. This process
enables the concentration and purification of platinum from the ore

Smelting Of Platinum

Smelting of platinum for beneficiation typically involves several steps. Firstly, the platinum-
containing ore is crushed and ground into fine particles. Then, the concentrated ore undergoes a
process called smelting, where it is heated to high temperatures in a furnace with fluxes, such as
silica and limestone, to remove impurities and facilitate the separation of platinum from other
metals. The smelting process separates the desired platinum from the other elements, producing a
crude form of platinum known as 'matte'. This matte is further processed through refining
techques like converting, which involves blowing air through the molten matte to remove sulfur
and other impurities, resulting in the formation of metallic platinum.

Fig:- Smelting Of Platinum

The extraction and beneficiation of platinum involve complex processes that require careful
consideration of environmental impacts, technological advancements, and economic feasibility.
With the growing demand for platinum across various industries, the sustainable implementation
of efficient extraction methods and responsible beneficiation practices will be critical for
ensuring a balance between meeting global demands and preserving the natural ecosystem.
Further research and development in the field are necessary to enhance the efficiency and
sustainability of the extraction and beneficiation processes, thereby contributing to the long-term
viability of the platinum industry.

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