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doing good deeds on earth may be a more exalted

activity than doing God's will in heaven

one should help the needy people to get the heavenly

In the story “If not higher”, I.L Perethz tries to convince
the people that serving the poor and the needy is way
more meaningful than just doing the prayers.
The greatest religion of the world is humanism.
Visiting temple and praying god do not make people
religious and spiritual.
One can get heavenly pleasure even in the world by
doing good deeds.
heaven is at the service of humanity.
The story proves the fact the god and its blessings are
received not by means llu: words of the prayers but by
means of extending the hands of service.
this story could be interpreted as an advocacy to reject
temple worship and accept people service -- believe in
The story redefines the concept of heaven in that it
shows heaven in earth and demystifies the myth about
Rabbi’s “ascend to heaven”.
Critical Thinking.
Although this story to teach us a high moral lesson, some of the ideas are
less convincing.
 Is it possible for a mortal to go to heaven when he is alive?
 Is it possible to find such a idealist person like the Rabbi of Nemirov is
real life?
 Do the modern people believe on existence of gods and heaven?
 Existence of God and heaven is in fact out of question.
 How can he fellow the rabbi everywhere without unnoticed by him?
Last Para:
One of the striking features of this story is that it draws from and relates to
religious texts. However, instead of preaching any religious dogma, the
story attempts to challenge the traditional notion of religious duties of a
religious person. Without offending the religious community, the story
tries to tell that religion is for humanity and God is happy when you serve
the poor. This makes the story evergreen.

 [How did you feel after reading the story? It's your feelings and views.
So you can write yourself. You cannot be wrong in this, as it is just your
own reflection. You can say the story chanced your views, behaviour,
thoughts. Or say that the story taught some lesson, if any. Relate to

After reading this story I learnt the meaning of the importance of
selfless human service and the value of the service of humanity as well
as work. I have realized that selfless sevice and the work are the paths
towards the heaven. It means the blessing of the god can be easily
achived by serving the poor and needy people.

 As I go through the story, it reminds me of a man who is respectable in

my society. He is fifty years old. He never goes to the church and temple
and prays to god. But, in the village, he is well known for his kind and
selfless help to the people. He donates his properly every year little by
little for the homeless children and people,

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