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Historical Background of Security

- Four thousand years before the birth of Christ in the

Nile Valley, man knew law enforcement which is
- The Chinese, the Greeks, Hebrews the Persians and the
Roman Empires are replete with historical background
of security.
- During Christian era or after the birth of Christ the
watchman, forerunner of the security guard was
known in the old testaments.

- During that time the countries were governed by the

royal families , military bodyguards or guardsmen
picked from the elite troops comprised of the
household troops assigned to Royal families the
famous among them are the Praetorian Guards of
Ancient Rome and the Mameluks of Egypt.
Praetorian guards
Mameluks of egypt
Swiss guards of Vatican Rome
- Age of Feudalism, the Anglo-Saxons brought with them
to England organizations made up of individuals to
protect civil and military groups.
- The Anglo-Saxons (Angels, the saxons and the Jules
from Germany for six hundred years (450-1066)
consolidated England under a single ruler.
- They brought with them a stable structure and a fairly
legal system.
- Basic ties of society were kinship and the voluntary
association between Lord and man.
- Kinship was the bond on which individual depended
for security and mutual aid in all his affairs. Between
Lord and man the fact was bilateral.
- Man provided the Lord with weapons, horses, land
and treasures and gave total unswerving loyalty.
- The system of social structure was known as the
“frank-pledge” groups of ten householders were
considered a unit called “tithing” constituted the
police organization in criminal matters.
- Anglo- Saxons in the exercise of law used the oath or
ordeal for a system or justice.
- England History- the Norman period (1066-1199)
administered by William of Normandy brought
personality as “shire reeves” whose duties are
directed toward preservation of peace and order
within their jurisdiction.
- Rule of Henry II known as the “Law Giver”
established a truth between those crimes.
- He initiated the rule of law as distinct from the more
arbitrary judgments of the Normans.
- The Assize of Clarendon in 1166 provided the origin of
trial by jury.
Assize of Clarendon
- After the Norman period in 1215 the “Magna Carta”
was designed.
- It established the “principle of due process” by stating
that no freeman could be arrested, imprisoned,
deprived of his property, outlawed or exile or in any
way destroyed except by legal judgment of his peers or
by the law of the land.
- It established the important principle that everyone
including the King is subject to law.
Magna Carta (1966)
Origin of Trial by jury
- In 1748 author and magistrate Henry Fielding
proposed a permanent, professional and adequately
paid security force.
- His most valuable contribution was the “Foot Patrol”
to make the streets safe and mounted patrol for the

- The industrial revolution during the later half of 18 th

century began to gather momentum.
- People flocked to the cities lured by promises of work
and wages.
- The crowding of the cities with the influx of wealth
seeker brought theory, crimes of violence and juvenile
- “Laisses Fair” came which contented that labor was the
source of wealth and it was by freedom of labor, that
public wealth would best be promoted.
- Crime rates spiraled the response to high crimes
brought citizens to resort to carrying of firearms for
protection and they continued to band together to hire
special police to protect homes and properties.
- America Security- early days of colonization followed
those of England.
- Mutual protection and accountability characterized
the various groups.
- The American revolution sprang and the Declaration
of Independence was born.
- Police power is bestowed upon the state to permit
interference with the normal personal and property
rights in the interest of conducting government in the
general public interest.
- In 1783 a police department was established in New
York City followed by Detroit in 1801, Cincinnati in
1803, Chicago in 1846, Los Angeles in 1850,
Philadelphia in 1855 and Dallas in 1856.
- The advent of World War II causes an even more
dramatic development of private security agencies.
- Security personnel constituted a large work force
looking for jobs involving security services and thus
usher in the era of Modern security.
- In 1850 Allan Pinkerton a cooper from Scotland and the
Chicago Police Department’s first detective established
one of the oldest private security forces in the United
States which provides investigation of crimes and
security for industrial concerns also serves as the
intelligence gathering arm of the Union Army during civil
- In 1889 Brinks Incorporated started business as a
private service to protect property and payrolls.
- In 1909 William J. Burns Inc. was formed to become the
sole investigating agency for the American banking
- Pinkerton and Burns were the only National
Investigative bodies concerned with non-specialized
crimes until the advent of the Federal Bureau of
- In the Philippines to trace the steps leading to the final
signing by President Ferdinand E. Marcos on June 13,
1969 of Republic Act 5487.
- The private security agency law has the important role
of security guard force I assisting the police in its
mission to safeguard lives and properties.
- Philippine constabulary (PC) played role in supervising
all private security agencies, company guard forces
and government guards.
- The Headquarters of Philippine Constabulary issued
staff memo dated August 4, 1969 creating the
Philippine Constabulary Security and investigation
agency supervisory office (PCSIASO).
- After 2 months another General Staff memo was issued
renaming PCSIASO to PCSOSIA on June 29, 1970
renamed as PC Supervisory Unit for Security and
Investigation Agencies (SUSIA).
- The supervision was later transferred to the National
Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) now National
Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA).
- PD were issued such as P.D 11 issued on October 1972
amending certain sections of R.A 5487.
- Section 4 as to who may organize a security and
watchman agency.
- P.D 100 ON January 17, 1973 further amended
sections 3, 4,5,8 and 9 which permits the Philippine
Constabulary to deputize any private detectives,
watchman or security guard to assist in cases of
emergency disaster or calamity.
Legal Basis of Industrial Security in the

1. Natural Authority- the highest law is the law of self-

preservation. By instinct man, man naturally reacts in
order to protect himself, his family, his honor, freedom,
liberty and property from danger, threat or hazard.
2. Constitutional Authority-
deals with the fundamental principles by which the
government exercises its authority. In some instances,
these principles grant specific powers to the government,
such as the power to tax and spend for the welfare of the
a. The prime duty of the government is to serve and protect
the people. The government may call upon the people to
defend the state and in the fulfillment thereof, all citizens
may be required, under conditions provided by law, or to
render personal military service.

b. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property

without due process of law nor shall any person be denied
the equal protection of the law.
c. Private property shall not be taken for public use
without just compensation.

d. The right of the people to be secured in their persons

houses, papers and effects against unreasonable
searches and seizure of whatever nature and for any
purpose shall be inviolable and no search warrant or
warrant of arrest to be issued except upon examination
under oath describing the place to be searched and the
persons or things to be seized.
3. Statutory Authority- is a body set up by law
which is authorized to enact legislation on behalf of
the relevant country or state.

a. The Revised Penal Code (Act No. 3815 as

b. Private Security Agency Law (Republic Act

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