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IQ: Do products bind people across the

Answer the questions below:

1. Think about a product that failed to resonate with local consumers in a

different country. What factors might have contributed to this failure?
Dunkin Donuts in India failed because ..

2. What is the difference between globalisation and glocalisation?

3. Can you identify examples of products that have created global connections in
your own life or community?

Challenge: In what ways do you think glocalisation influences cultural exchange?

IQ: Do products bind people across the globe?

Factual: What is glocalisation Statement of Inquiry

and where does it occur? Why are some countries rich while others
are poor?

Global Context
Conceptual: How are products Globalisation and sustainably.
an indicator of globalisation?
Key concepts
Global interactions
Time, place and space
Debatable: To what extent is
Related Concept
glocalisation a successful way Diversity, Disparity and equity.
to bring people together?
1. Describe the marketing strategies and brand image associated with Nike as
discussed in the video

2. Do you believe that the ongoing process of globalisation, as discussed in the

video, is morally justifiable? Explain your reasoning.

What have we learnt over the past 3 lessons?

To what extent do products bind people across the globe?

Introduction: Begin by introducing the concept of globalization and how products play a significant role in connecting people
worldwide. Briefly mention the chosen transnational corporations (McDonald's, Nike, and H&M) and their adaptation to different
cultural contexts. Conclude the introduction with a clear thesis statement outlining your stance on the extent to which products
bind people globally.

In today's interconnected world...
Globalisation, the process of...
This essay will explore...

Paragraph 1: Cultural Influences

Point: Discuss how products from transnational corporations, like McDonald's, Nike, and H&M, have adapted to different cultural
E settings.
L McDonald's altering menus to cater to local tastes, such as offering McArabia in the UAE.
Nike's diverse range of products reflecting cultural preferences and regional sports.
H&M modifying advertising strategies to suit conservative countries like the UAE. Continues onto next
These adaptations demonstrate a recognition of cultural diversity….
Transnational corporations acknowledge the importance of aligning their products with local values…
Cultural sensitivity in advertising fosters acceptance and promotes the binding of people globally…

Link back to question:

Therefore, these cultural adaptations in products enhance the connection between individuals across the globe.
To what extent do products bind people across the globe?
Paragraph 2: Technological Advancements
Point: Explore how technological advancements, particularly in social media, have facilitated global connections through product
promotion and advertising.

The rise of social media platforms like Instagram as a global advertising space.
Paid endorsements by influencers promoting products to a vast, diverse audience.
The ability of technology to transcend geographical boundaries, enabling real-time communication and product exposure.

Social media serves as a powerful tool for transnational corporations to reach a global audience.
Paid endorsements leverage the influence of individuals to promote products across different cultures.
P Technology breaks down barriers, making it easier for people worldwide to access and engage with globalized products.
Link back to question:
E Consequently, technological advancements significantly contribute to the global binding effect of products.
Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed in the essay and restate your thesis. Emphasize the combined impact of
cultural influences and technological advancements in binding people globally through products. Connect back to the question
and provide a final perspective on the extent to which products serve as global connectors.

In conclusion, the intertwining factors of...
The global binding effect of products is a result of...
Overall, the adaptability of products and the influence of technology...
Link back to question:
Ultimately, the extensive reach of products, influenced by both cultural adaptability and technological advancements, serves to
bind people across the globe.

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