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International Political Community

Nationalism & Globalization

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
What’s the Difference

Right and Left

Right Wing Left Wing

Right left Politics, Ideologies, Groups etc.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Just imagine the killings in the wars, especially WWI

Why people killed each other.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 Nationalism has been derived from nation.
 Nation is a sociological term, referring to a group of people
who have a sense of union with one another.
Nation Defined:-
“union of people based on similarities in linguistic pattern, ethnic
relationship, cultural heritage, and geographic proximity.”
 Nationalism, is an ideological expression of the nation state.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 One’s nationality is expressed through citizenship instead of
 Pakistani, Chinese, Indian, Iranian, etc.

 However, stateless people maintain their ethnic or religious

 Jews before Israel, Kurds today.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 Nationalism has been the most powerful political idea of the
past two centuries.

 It calls on people to identify with the interests of their national

group & support the creation of state – to support those

 Hence, nations create states…., to have sovereign control over

their own affairs. (Creation of Pakistan)
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Characteristics of Nationalism
 Patriotism is a gesture – saluting flag, singing national
anthems, mounting flags, ‘God Bless America’. (Saying)

 Nationalism requires its followers sacrifice family, fortune,

even life for the interest of the nation state. (Doing)

 Nationalistic emotions are stronger because it gives Identity

that goes beyond “Self”.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 It simplifies complex issues by defining “we” and “they”. (US
vs. Them)

 Its extreme form leads to imperialism, militarism, etc.

(expansionism and Fascism).

 A justification for the subjugation of other nations.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 Liberating - Asians, Africans (Anticolonial).

 Competitive & positive influence – however, its narrow vision

can trigger conflicts against others.

 Citizenship rendering – as it has replaced tribalism.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 Millions sacrificed, died, property destroyed, resources
plundered, all in the name of the state (national interest).

 All other ‘isms’ (feminism, environmentalism, Islamism) are

uncomfortable with the idea of ‘state/nationalism’.

 As they appeal to humankind in general than the narrow ‘State


Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Types of Nationalism
 Left nationalism: a tool to loosen the grip on the people of the
monarchist oppression.
 J. Bentham supported it – to improve free trade, education,
welfare services for national prosperity and strength.
 used it to improve the well-being of the citizens
 Right nationalism: a vehicle to forge unity to expand nation’s
 WW1 was the result of the imperialistic competition among
Europe’s rightist nationalists.
 It is used to encourage unity & stability.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
History of the Nationalism
 French Revolution proved stimulant with its two ideologies:
 Democracy & Nationalism
 Prior to the revolution people thought themselves as subjects of
the monarchs than member of the nation.

 People rebelled & demanded to be served served by the

government. (Rousseau)

 Leftist Nationalism impelled them to abolish rank & titles to

ensure equality.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 French values – liberty from monarchist oppression, equal in the
state, and fraternity with French nation.

 Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815) spread the nationalism across the

European society – infusing the ideas of nationalism and self-

 19th century became the century of nationalism – defeating

monarchy & spreading democracy.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Nationalism source of Wars & equality?
 End of the WWI saw a rise in Leftist nationalism.

 Europe saw a national self-determination (Poland, Check,

Yugoslavia), BUT not Asia and Africa.

 In 1920-30s right nationalism resurged – Italy, Germany,

Japan, and Spain – resulting in WWII.

 After WWII, anticolonial nationalism rose to free Asia and

Africa. (third world nationalism)
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 First world was immersed in Communism/Capitalism battle
(Cold war)

 Leftist nationalism resurfaced after the demise of USSR –

Central Asia & East Europe.

 In 21st century, Bush’s preemption and unilateralism are fresh

expression of rightist nationalism.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Nationalism as Theory
Why are people asked to commit to an idea, tradition, and history?
 Because, it (nationalism) gives a political identity to the nation.
Nationalism as Ideology
As ideology it acts as:
1. World View (How do Americans want to see China).
2. Vision (revivalism – Turkey, Iran, Germany, China).
3. Unifying ideology as it demands the subordination of all
identities to a national group (India, Pakistna).
4. Exclusivist in nature (domestically & internationally) “love it or
leave it”, “Speak English or get the hell out”, “Hindustan mein rehna ho
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Jai Shri Ram kehna ho ga”, “Beaf eaters should go to Pakistan”.
How Nationalism is Promoted
 That can be seen in following practices:
1. Education of youth.
2. Children are taught why their country is the best.
3. Heroic stories of the national leaders are told.
4. History of the country is taught in positive tone.
5. Political speeches invoking;
 National honor,
 Self-interest,
 Glorious traditions,
 Fallen heroes are subtle persuaders.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Challenges to the Contemporary Nationalism
 Nationalism has been facing a challenge of globalization
(deterritorialization, free movement beyond border).

 Few Muslims condemn the nation-state and call on their co-

religionists to move beyond national boundaries and join a
single nation – Ummah (Pan Islamism).

 It is post Col War movement, projecting a fear that Muslim

lands will be divided into North Africa, Central Asia, and
Middle East.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 Nationalism is an ideological expression of national interest.

 It unites few people and divides others and demands loyalty to

the national interest.

 It is identity rendering in modern nation state system.

 It is reactionary, against others, asks for unity, promises the

revival of a perceived utopian state.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Globalization Defined:
“the inexorable integration of markets, nation states, and
technologies to a degree never witnessed before—in a way that is
enabling individuals, corporations, and nation states to reach around
the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before.”
Tom Friedman
“The increasing integration of the world in terms of
communications, culture, and economics; may also refer to changing
experiences of space and time accompanying this process.”

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Globalization explained
 It is widening, deepening, and speeding up of worldwide
interconnectedness for the collective good. (NPT, WTO, IMF,
 It is the increasing:
1. Interdependence (economic, recession),
2. Integration (conflict, Peace, refugees, EU, Brexit, Russo-
Ukraine war – inflation).
3. Interaction (people, culture, businesses).
Thanks to technology: industrial, communication, and information
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Three Perspectives on Globalization
Globalists (optimists):
 Expansion of global market and free flow of goods via trade

 Emergence of homogenous global culture, where democracy

and capitalism are the global values.

 North South divide is over, and conflicts have been reduced.

 Economic growth, increasing prosperity with the help of Int
financial institutions.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Skeptics (pessimists):
 They believe, globalization as a socially constructed
phenomenon, and is beneficial for few not for all.

 North-south divide has disappeared in favor of global market.

 Wealth has been concentrated into the hands of a tiny minority.

 Global community is an illusion – is far from reality.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 Economic and political activities are controlled by the developed

 Armed conflicts have not ceased to exist.

 It is instrument of imperialism (Americanization, Westernization,

& equal to colonization).

 West exports the social structures of modernity - capitalism,

industrialism, rationalism, urbanism, individualism to the world.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 They see state sovereignty undermined by WTO, IMF etc.

 Globalization diffuses authority among other stake holders as


 States have transformed and learned to operate in the new


Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Engines of Globalization

 Technological – communication & information revolutions.

 Economics - Laissez Fair (no state interference) based on

Demand & Supply mechanism.

 Political - Financial institutions – WTO, IMF, & WB.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Friedman’s 3 Waves of Globalization

 First, the age of discovery 1492-1800 European discoveries

and expansionism.

 Second, 1800-1950 major expansion in the spread of European

empires MNCs.

 Third, 1960-onward Services based economy in the era of US

hegemony, micro chip, digital age, information revolution, AI
– the virtual world.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Globalization at different levels
 Various types of global connectivity across a variety of human

 Few call it 4 types of globalization;

 Economic
 Social
 Political
 Cultural

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Economic Globalization

 Increasing economic interdependence.

 International division of labor and technology – ensured this


 Rising volume of capital flows across the world in the form of

Capital remains concentrated into the hands of wealthiest nations
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Political Globalization

 National policies that bring people together politically in the

presence of global institutions.

 Global and regional institutions are rising in importance. (UN,


 States have joined hands for peace and prosperity.

 Non-state actors have gained power.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Social & Cultural Globalization

 Increases exposure to foreign cultures, has lead to the

emergence of homogenous culture.

 Which is Western in form and nature, and is exported to the

rest of the world.

That has resulted in a sharp increase in reactionary “nationalist”

and “fanatical” groups against the West.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Manifestations of globalization

1. Communications
2. Culture
3. Travel
4. Production
5. Ecology
6. Health

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.

 Globalization is a reality and here to stay, as it has crept into

every sphere and dimension of human life.

 Populism posed a challenge but in few parts of the world;

however, that too has receded as the world is too dependent upon
each other that has no alternative.

 Pandemic also debilitated the globalizing process but that was

also dealt with global effort (WHO, Information sharing,
Vaccine, Mask, Ventilator).
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Questions to consider.
 The contemporary rise of neo-nationalism (populism) in
globalized world is the revenge of nation state, discuss.
 Critically analyse how globalization has undermined different
cultures by universalizing the western concept of modernity
across the globe?
 Globalization promotes or reduces economic inequality?
 Does globalization mean that the state has become irrelevant?

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.

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