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Kr Shashikant Raj Malysheva V. S
Group 13 Psychology & Narcology
6th Year 12th Semester Asian Medical Institute
What are Amphetamines?
Amphetamines are drugs that are classified as Central Nervous System (CNS)

Amphetamines are drugs that induce false feelings strength and enhanced

Known to stimulate behavior, ease depression, induce euphoria, increase alertness,

decrease appetite, cause arousal and decrease fatigue.

Not always harmful if you don't abuse

Types of Amphetamines
Mechanism of Action
Main Action of Amphetamine: Increase the synaptic activity of the dopamine and
1) bind to the pre-synaptic membrane of dopaminergic neurons
and induce the release of dopamine from the nerve terminal
2) interact with dopamine containing synaptic vesicles, releasing
free dopamine into the nerve terminal
3) bind to monoamine oxidase in dopaminergic neurones and
prevent the degradation of dopamine, leaving free dopamine in
the nerve terminal
4) bind to the dopamine re-uptake transporter, causing it to act in
reverse and transport free dopamine out of the nerve terminal.
Pharmacological Effects
● Pharmacological effects follow from release of dopamine from presynaptic nerve
● Increased flight/fight/fright response that is dose-related.
● Metabolites detectable in urine for 48 hours. 40 percent of dose of
methamphetamine is excreted unchanged
● Harmful Effects follow from exaggerated doses and responses:
→ Insomnia, restlessness, agitation, stereotyped behaviors
purposeless/repetitive acts, violence, paranoia, delusions, anorexia, progressive
→ Amphetamine psychosis with paranoid ideation (can be persistent)
How They Differ From Cocaine?
Routes of Administration

● Methamphemines ● MDMA
-Oral (ingested) -Oral
- Parenteral (injected) Tablet
- Inhalation Pill (snorting) ✔️
-Smoked and resmoked
Therapeutic Uses of Amphetamines
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ADHD is characterized by hyperactivity, irritability, mood instability, attention difficulties, lack of
organization, and impulsive behaviors.
Amphetamines reverse some of these symptoms and have been shown to improve brain
development and nerve growth in children with ADHD.
The primary effects of an oral dose are wakefulness alertness, decrease fatigue; mood elevation,
increased ability to concentrate; an increase in motor and speech activity.
Anti-Obesity / Weight Loss
Depresses appetite by their action on the lateral hypothalamus rather than an effect on metabolic rate
(obesity, appetite control)
Mild Effects of Amphetamines

● Cognitive effects ● Systemic effects

- Initial "rush" or energy high - Restlessness

- Confusion - Movement delays
- Poor concentration - Sleep disturbances
- Memory problem - Thirst
(especially MDMA) - Nausea/vomiting
- Chills/Sweating involuntarily
- Aggression
Severe Effects of Amphetamines
(Including Overdosing)
● Convulsions/seizures
● Increase heart rate
● High blood pressure
● Panic Attacks
● Hallucinations
● Unconsciousness
● Damaged blood vessels
Life Threatening Effects of Amphetamines
(from Abuse)

● Hyperthermia
● Hyponatremia (Large free water intake due to physical activity causes a drop in
sodium levels)
● Kidney failure
● Intracerebral hemorrhage
● Heart failure
● Muscle breakdown
● Fetal death
Risk of “Designer Drug”
● Lead poisoning (methamphetamine abusers)
- Contamination from making and using on the street

● Fetal Complications due to use and abuse during pregnancy

- Deformities
- Death
Amphetamine-like substances such as "meth" and "ecstasy" are highly
abusive drugs among college students today. These highly addictive drugs
may seem appealing due to their short term, feel good, highs. But the high is
just that - short term. The after effects not only cause tremendous emotional
instability but also cause negative, physical effects as well. Amphetamines
harm your entire body; the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and blood vessels are
among the many systems of your body that deteriorate and shut down,
leading to a possible cause of death. Not only can death occur, but the risks of
acquiring HIV, hepatitis, and other serious diseases are significantly

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