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Standard Normal Distribution

is the number of standard deviations above the mean.

This formula makes sense if you think about the

If we use IQ distributed as then:
definition above. For an IQ of 130:
as expected.
100 0 ? represents the coding:
130 2 ? and . is known as a standard normal distribution.
85 -1 ?
165 4.333
62.5 -2.5
? The 0 and 1 of are the result of the coding. If we’ve
subtracted from each value the mean of the normal
distribution is now 0. If we’ve divided all the values by
the standard deviation is now
Standard Normal Distribution
The point of coding in this context is that all different possible normal distributions become a
single unified distribution where we no longer have to worry about the mean and standard
It means for example when we calculate , this will always give the same probability regardless
of the original distribution.

It also means we can look up probabilities in a -table:

𝜙 ( 𝑎 )=𝑃 ( 𝑍 < 𝑎) is the cumulative distribution for the standard
normal distribution. The values of can be found in a -
This is a traditional z-table in the old A This is from the new formula booklet. This is sometimes
Level syllabus (but also found known as a ‘reverse z-table’, because you’re looking up the z-
0 𝑎 elsewhere). You no longer get given this value for a probability. Beware: here it the probability of
and are expected to use your calculator. exceeding rather than being up to . Let’s use it…
[Textbook] The random variable . Write in terms of for some value of .
(a) (b)

𝑃 ( 𝑋 ≥55 )
a b

? ?
‘Standardise’ to turn into .

[Textbook] The systolic blood pressure of an adult population, mmHg, is modelled as a

normal distribution with mean 127 and standard deviation 16. A medical research wants
to study adults with blood pressures higher than the 95 th percentile. Find the minimum
blood pressure for an adult included in her study.
A sketch will help you
visualise whether you Looking at the table, we see that the top 5%
expect a positive or corresponds to a -value of 1.6449.
negative value of .

? Use formula as soon as

you determine .

0 𝑧
Further Examples
(a) Determine
(b) Determine
(c) Determine the such that
(d) Determine the such that
𝑃 ( 𝑍>−1.3?)=𝑃 ( 𝑍<1.3 ) Either changing < to/from > or
changing the sign (+ to/from -) has
the effect of “”. However, if you
change both, the “”s cancel out!

𝑃 (−2<𝑍<1)=𝑃 ( 𝑍<1)− 𝑃 ( 𝑍<−2)

−1.3 0 1.3
𝑃 ( 𝑎<𝑍<𝑏 )= 𝑃 ( 𝑍<𝑏 ) −𝑃 ( 𝑍<𝑎 )
From the second sketch we can see that
our value is in the bottom half, so it is
0.7 negative. However, our table only gives d By symmetry, if 0.6 at
positive values of .
the centre, must be 0.2
0 0.5244 From the graphs on the left, we can see
at each tail.
by symmetry that the value for the top
30% must be the negation of the -value
for the bottom 30% (i.e. top 70%).
0.6 0.2

𝑃 ( 𝑍 >𝑎 ) =0.7 −𝑎 0𝑎

 Exercise 3D – All questions

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