CL7 Class 5

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• Talk about difficult situations in life and what to do
on them.
• Ask for advice to a friend.
Correct the questions
• Talk about how you greet people
• To learn new ways to greet people

1. Are you good at give advice?

2. Who does give the best advice in your family?
3. Who you trust the most among your friends for financial advice?
4. You usually ask for advice or make decisions yourself?
5. What was the last problem you had? How you solve it?
Correct the questions
1. Are you good at giving advice?
2. Who gives the best advice in your family?
3. Who do you trust the most among your friends for financial
4. Do you usually ask for advice or make decisions yourself?
5. What was the last problem you had? How did you solve it?
• You should… • One thing you could do is to…
• You really need to… • The best thing to do is to…
• You have to… • I’d suggest_____ing…
• My advice is that you… • I’d advise that you …
• If I were in your shoes, • You could always…
• Why don’t you…?
• If I were you, I’d…
• I highly recommend_____ing
• You might as well…
My back is killing me My girlfriend dumped me I just got fired
I can’t make up my mind about I sort of have a headache I am starving but I’m totally broke
who to vote for now

I flunked 3 courses last semester I guess my boyfriend is cheating This lockdown is boring me to
on me death

I want to set up my own business My parents just grounded me My son was caught read-handed
cheating on an exam

A dog just bit me I seriously need to cut down on I am so hooked with tik tok
my expenses videos

My friends borrowed some I have an awful hangover I have a major crush on someone
money and never paid me back

I just can’t stand my parents I have two left feet I sort of have second thoughts
about my career
What did we learn today?
• Talk about how you greet people
• What can we do with what we’ve learned today? • To learn new ways to greet people

• When can we use it?

• Give two examples

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