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Technical Skill Task

Presentation for a technical skill (Jab Tackle) we would run with

a group of players learning the skill for the first time.

Group Members
Julia Gouveia
Carolyn Deane
Donnel Alleyne
Simeon Moore
Table of Content

 What is Jab Tackle?

 What are the uses of jab tackle?

 The technical points in learning this skill.

 The importance of this technique and how to implement

this tackle in a game.
What is Jab Tackle?

 Jab tackle is a tackle used in field hockey to take or win possession of the ball
by performing a quick jab of the stick with the left hand. This skill is applied
to all positions on the field whether it’s a striker or midfielder tracking back
or a defender trying to break down an attack.
What are the uses of the jab tackle?

 A jab tackle is ideal to utilize when an opponent thinks that is the person is
far enough away from you where you can't focus on a tackle or when your rival
is planning to make a pass prior to drawing near where a tackle can be
executed. It is a "surprise tackle," or when used repeatedly, it prevents your
opponent from scanning for passing options by keeping them focused on the
ball. Additionally, jabs cause your opponents to make mistakes which can
result in a turn-over of possession. This move can be used to delay the
opponent, causing them to lose possession or lose focus on the ball, which
results in another teammate taking possession.
The Technical Points in Learning this skill.
It is very important to understand the grip and stance used to execute this skill effectively in the game. Consider these few pointers:
1) Channel your opponent to a position to execute the tackle.
2) You should hold the stick in your left, positioned at the top of the grip with your right hand situated at the end of the grip for support when throwing the jab. Thew grip of the stick will change slightly when the hands turn usually palms upwards,
3) Stay light on your feet for quick movement
4) Always watch the ball, not the opponent because it can cause you to throwing a jab that misses the ball entirely.
5) It is important to stay low and push off with the rear leg to generate power and speed in your jab.
6) The sticks jabs out with the left hands and then return to both hands. After throwing the jab, the defenders returns to his original balanced position ready to throw another jab.
7) Hit the ball with the toe edge of the stick. The stick should be at angle wherethe flat side is facing upward when throwing the jab. the
Why is jab tackle important and when to implement it in a

 Tackling is one of the best ways used to prevent scoring opportunities.

Whether it is used to dispossess or break down a counter-attack, removing
scoring opportunities in field hockey is crucial. The jab tackle is a very
effective skill to used in situations whereas a defender you're 1v1 against an
attacker waiting on backup to arrive or you're sprinting back to help defend
against a goal scoring chance. It is very important to used this skill mostly
outside of the “D” so as to prevent the chance of giving away a foul inside the
“D” which can lead to a penalty corner or stroke. This skill requires a lot of
patience and timing because if you miss your jab and hit the opponent stick,
this can result in you getting a card or committing a foul depending on the
severity of the situation.

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