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‫َأُع وُذ ِباِهلل ِم َن الَّش ْيَطاِن الَّر ِج يِم‬

‫ِبۡس ِم ٱِهلل ٱلَّر ۡح َم ٰـ ِن ٱلَّر ِح يِم‬

‫َر ِّب اْش َر ْح ِلي َص ْد ِر ي‬

‫الَّلُهَّم ال َس ْهَل ِإَّال ما "‬ ‫ْد ْی‬ ‫َر‬ ‫َو َيِّس ْر ِلي َاْم ِر ي َو اْح ُلْل‬
‫َجَع ْلَتُه َس ْهًال‪ ،‬وأْنَت َتْج َع ُل‬ ‫ِّب ِز ِن ِعْلًما‬
‫"الَح ْز َن إَذ ا ِش ْئَت َس ْهًال‬ ‫ُع ْقَد ًة ِم ْن ِلَس اِني َيْفَقُهوا‬
‫َقْو ِلي‬

Introduction to the Basic

Teachings of the Holy Quran
Obligations towards the
Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and
Humanities, Riphah International University Islamabad,
Email :
Objectives of the lecture

• To understand the Obligations towards the Qur’an

• To recognize the Etiquettes of Tilawah (Recitation)
• To ponder on the teachings of the Qur’an and act accordingly
• To realize about the responsibility of conveying the message of Qur’an


Lecture Content
• Belief in Quran
• Recitation of the Holy Quran
• Understanding of the Holy Quran
• Acting upon its teachings
• Conveying its message
towards the

Convey the Recitation

message ‫تالوة‬


Act upon
Obligation towards the Qur’an
The Quran makes five Demands from every Muslim. these demands are as
1. A Muslim is required to believe in the Quran.
2. He is required to read it.
3. He is required to understand it.
4. He is required-to act upon its teachings.
5. He is required to convey its teachings to others .
1st Obligation
Belief in Quran
1st Obligation
Belief in the ‫َو اَّلِذ يَن ُيْؤ ِم ُنوَن ِبَم ا ُأْنِزَل ِإَلْيَك َو َم ا ُأْنِزَل ِم ْن َقْبِلَك‬
Quran who believe in what has been revealed to
you and what has been revealed before you;
• Allah says in surah Al-Baqarah [al-Qur’ān: al-Baqarah
that the people who believe in ]2:4
the revelation of the Quran (that ‫َو ِم ۡن ُهۡم َّم ۡن ُّيۡؤ ِم ُن ِبٖه َو ِم ۡن ُهۡم َّم ۡن اَّل ُيۡؤ ِم ُن ِبٖه​ َو َر ُّبَك َاۡع َلُم‬
‫ِباۡل ُم ۡف ِس ِد ۡي َن‬
it is revealed to the Prophet
And of them are those who believe in it,
(PBUH) by Allah Almighty) are
and of them are those who do not believe in
pious, rightly guided and it. And your Lord is most knowing of the
successful. .corrupters
)Surah Yunus: 40(
‫ُف‬ ‫ۡك‬ ‫ٰت‬ ‫اۡل‬
‫ٍض‬ ‫ۡع‬‫َب‬‫ِب‬ ‫َن‬ ‫ۡو‬ ‫ُر‬ ‫َت‬ ‫َو‬ ‫ِب‬ ‫ِك‬ ‫َاَفُتۡؤ ِم ُنۡو َن ِبَبۡع ِض‬
So do you believe in part of the scripture
‫ترے ضمیر پہ جب تک نہ ہو نزوِل کتاب‬ ?and disbelieve in part
‫ِگرہ ُک شا ہے نہ رازی نہ صاحِب کّشاف‬. )Surah Al-Baqrah: 85(
’’ ‫ٔالیس تشھدون ٔان ال إلہ إالہّٰللا وحدہ ال شریک لہ ؤانی رسول ہّٰللا ؤان القرآن جاء من‬
‫عندہّٰللا ؟ قلنا بٰل ی۔ قال فٔابشروا فإن ہذا القرٰٔا ن طرفہ بیدہّٰللا وطرفہ بٔایدیکم فتمسکوا بہ فإنکم لن‬
)‫تھلکوا ولن تضلوا بعدٗہ ٔابدًا‘‘۔(طبرانی کبیر‬

Do you not testify that there is no god but Allah and that I am Allah's
Messenger and that the Qur'an is Allah's book? The Companions said:
Why not? Then you said: Get the good news, this Qur'an is in the
hand of Allah on one side and in your hand on the other side, so hold
fast to it, then you will never go astray."
• A muslim is the one who believe in Allah, in angels, in books, in
prophets, in the Day of Judgment and in decree (good or bad).
• Firm belief in divine books is also part of our faith. So it is our duty
to have a firm faith in the divinity and guidance of the Holy Quran.
• We used to memorize the following beliefs in our childhood:
‫ٰا َم ْنُت ِباِﷲ َو َم اَل ِئَک ِته َو ُکُتِبه َو ُرُس ِله َو اْلَيْو ِم اآْل ِخ ِر َو اْلَقْد ِر َخ ْيِر ه َو َش ِّر ه ِم َن اِﷲ َتَع اٰل ی‬
.‫َو اْلَبْع ِث َبْع َد اْلَم ْو ت‬
‫میں ایمان الیا ہللا تعالٰی پر اور اس کے فرشتوں پر اور اس کی کتابوں پر اور اس کے‬
‫ے ہ ونے پراور‬ ‫رسولوں پراورآخرت کے دن پراوراچھی اوربری تق دیرکے ہللا کی طرف س‬
‘‘ ‫م نرے کے بعد اٹ ھائے جانے پ ۔ر‬
Correct Recitation of the Qur’an
• Second obligation towards the Quran is its recitation. We should try to read the Holy Quran slowly that is
called ‘tarteel’ so that we may understand its meaning as well. We should also try to seek the bestrecitation
from best Qari.
• Allah says in the Quran:
‫َو َقاَل الَّرُسوُل َيا َر ِّب ِإَّن َقْو ِم ي اَّتَخ ُذ وا َٰه َذ ا اْلُقْر آَن َم ْهُجوًرا‬
And the Messenger will say, "O my Lord, my people had made this Qur'an the object of their ridicule.“ (Surah
Al-Furqan: 30)
‫َو َر ِّتِل اْلُقْر ٰا َن َتْر ِتْياًل‬
.and recite the Qur'an slowly and distinctly
)Surah Al-Muzzamil: 4(
‫اَّلِذ يَن آَتْيَناُهُم اْلِكَتاَب َيْتُلوَنُه َح َّق ِتاَل َو ِته‬
Those to whom We have given the Book and they recite it observing the rights of its recitation.
(Surah Al-Baqrah: 121)
• This refers to the pious element among the People of the Book. Since these people read the Book with
sincerity and honesty of purpose, they are inclined to accept whatever they find to be true according to it.
• ’’‫ ِقْیَل َیاَر ُسْو َل ِہّٰللا ! َم ا ِج اَل ُئ َھا؟‬،‫ِإَّن ٰھ ِذ ٖہ اْلُقُلْو َب َتْص َد ُٔا َک َم ا َیْص َد ُٔا اْلَح ِد ْیُد ِإَذ ا َٔاَص اَبُہ اْلَم اُئ‬
)‫(رواہ البیہقی‬ ‫’’ َقاَل َک ْثَر ُۃ ِذ ْک ِر اْلَم ْو ِت َو ِتاَل َو ُۃ اْلُقْر آِن ‘‘۔‬
Indeed, hearts also rust, just as iron rusts when water is applied to it. It was said: Messenger of Allah! How will it be cleaned?
He said: "Beware of death at all times and recite the Holy Qur'an frequently.“
’’‫َز ِّیُنْو ا اْلُقْر ٰٔا َن ِبَٔاْص َو اِتُک ْم ‘‘۔‬
'Beautify the Qur'an with your voices'. (‫سنن ابی داؤد‬، )
’’ ‫‘‘ َلْیَس ِم َّناَم ْن َّلْم َیَتَغَّن ِباْلُقْر ٰٔا ِن‬

‫ف ع تف‬
He who does not read the Qur'an beautifully is not one of us. ( ‫سنن ابی داؤد‬، )
‫ل‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن فش ت غ‬ ‫ن ل‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ق‬ ‫تت‬ ‫ق‬
’’‫ی ا ٔاھل ال رآن !ال وسدوا ال رٰٔان وا لوہ حق الوت ہ من ٰٔا اء ا ل ی ل وال ھاروا وہ و وہ و دبروا ی ہ ل کم لحون‘‘۔‬
O People of the Qur'an! Do not leave this Qur'an behind, and recite it as it deserves, morning and evening, and spread it out,
and recite it with beautiful voices, and meditate on it so that you may prosper. ( ‫)رواہ البیہقی‬
‫ رواه مسلم‬.‫اْقَر ُؤ وا اْلُقْر آَن َفِإَّنُه َيأِتي َيْو َم اْلِقَياَم ِة َش ِفْيًعا َأِلْص َح اِبِه‬.
“Recite the Qur’ān, for on the day of resurrection it will come as an intercessor for those who recite it.
‫ رواه الترمذي‬. ‫ َو ِم ْيٌم َح ْر ٌف‬، ‫ َو َالٌم َح ْر ٌف‬، ‫ َو َلِکْن َأِلٌف َح ْر ٌف‬، ‫ الم؛ َح ْر ٌف‬: ‫ َال َأُقْو ُل‬،‫ َو اْلَح َس َنُة ِبَع ْش ِر َأْم َثاِلَها‬،‫َم ْن َقَر َأ َح ْر ًفا ِم ْن ِکَتاِب اِﷲ َفَلُه ِبِه َح َس َنٌة‬
“If anyone recites a letter of God’s Book he will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a tenfold reward. I do not
say that A.L.M are one letter*, but alif is a letter, lām is a letter and mīm is a letter.”
Etiquettes of Tilawah (Recitation)
:Allah has mentions etiquettes of reciting the Quran
‫َو ِاَذ ا ُقِرَٔي اْلُقْر ٰا ُن َفاْس َتِم ُع ْو ا َلٗه َو َاْنِص ُتْو ا َلَع َّلُك ْم ُتْر َح ُم ْو ن‬
When the Qur‘an is recited, listen to it and be silent, so that you may be
)Surah al-A‘raf : 204(
Etiquette of Tilawah (Recitation)
• Ikhlas: Sincerity Tarteel & Tajweed
• Niyyah of Hidayah Dua while reciting
• Imaan & Ihtisaab Ehitram the Qur’an
• Siwaak Husunus saut
• Clean place Insaat when recited
• Facing Qiblah Khatm of Qur’an
• Ta’wwuth & Basmalah Sajdah at Ayaat sujood
• Humility and reflection Repeating verse and crying
Understanding the Message of the Qur’an
.Allah invites people to the Quran to think/ponder. Think deeply in its verses. Have some deep study
‫ِكَتاٌب َأْنَز ْلَناُه ِإَلْيَك ُم َباَر ٌك ِلَيَّد َّبُروا آَياِتِه َو ِلَيَتَذ َّك َر ُأوُلو اَأْلْلَباِب‬
This is a blessed Book We have revealed to you, so that they deliberate in its verses, and so that the
men of understanding may heed to advice. (Surah Sauad : 29)
‫َو َلَقْد َيَّسْر َنا اْلُقْر آَن ِللِّذ ْك ِر َفَهْل ِم ْن ُم َّد ِكٍر‬
We have made this Qur'an easy as a reminder. Is there, then, any who will take heed? (Surah Al-
Qamar: 17)
‫َاَفاَل َيَتَد َّبُر ْو َن اْلُقْر ٰا َن َاْم َع ٰل ي ُقُلْو ٍب َاْقَفاُلَها‬
Then, do they not give serious thought to the Qur‘an, or do they have locks on their hearts?
)Surah Muhammad: 24(
Importance of understanding the Qur’an
The Quran is a complete code of life. To have success in both the worlds
we have to understand its teachings and apply it in our life. Only then
.we will be succeeded

‫قرآن میں ہو غوطہ زن اے مرد مسلماں‬

‫ہللا کرے تجھ کو عطا جدت کردار‬
Explanation of Hadith
• When we study the Islamic history we come to know about rise and
downfall of nations. Muslims and Islamic nations, from the advent of
Islam till today, have enjoyed rise because they understood the
message of the Quran and applied that to their lives, whereas when
they left pondering into its verses they were destroyed. Like Banu
Ummaya, Banu Abbas, Mughal dynasty, etc

‫وہ زمانے میں معزز تھے مسلماں ہو کر‬

‫اور تم خوار ہوئے تارک قرآں ہو کر‬
Acting upon the message of
the Quran
Implementation of the Qur’an
‫ ُقْلُت َيا‬. " ‫ َقاَل َذ َك َر الَّنِبُّي ـ صلى هللا عليه وسلم ـ َش ْيًئا َفَقاَل " َذ اَك ِع ْنَد َأَو اِن َذ َهاِب اْلِع ْلِم‬، ‫َع ْن ِز َياِد ْبِن َلِبيٍد‬
" ‫َر ُسوَل ِهَّللا َو َك ْيَف َيْذ َهُب اْلِع ْلُم َو َنْح ُن َنْقَر ُأ اْلُقْر آَن َو ُنْقِر ُئُه َأْبَناَء َنا َو ُيْقِر ُئُه َأْبَناُؤَنا َأْبَناَء ُهْم ِإَلى َيْو ِم اْلِقَياَم ِة َقاَل‬
‫َثِكَلْتَك ُأُّم َك ِز َياُد ِإْن ُكْنُت َألَر اَك ِم ْن َأْفَقِه َر ُج ٍل ِباْلَم ِد يَنِة َأَو َلْيَس َهِذِه اْلَيُهوُد َو الَّنَص اَر ى َيْقَر ُء وَن الَّتْو َر اَة‬
" ‫َو اِإل ْنِج يَل َال َيْع َم ُلوَن ِبَش ْى ٍء ِمَّم ا ِفيِهَم ا‬
It was narrated that Ziyad bin Labid said:
“The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬mentioned something and said: ‘That will be at the time
when knowledge (of Qur’an) disappears.’ I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, how
will knowledge disappear when we read the Qur’an and teach it to our
children, until the Day of Resurrection?’ He said: ‘May your mother be bereft
of you, Ziyad! I thought that you were the wisest man in Al- Madinah. Is it not
the case that these Jews and Christians read the Tawrah and the Injil, but they
do not act upon anything of what is in them?’”
Sunan Ibne Majah 4048
Implementation of the Qur’an
Importance to apply Quranic teachings in practical life

‫ " إن هللا يرفع بهذا الكتاب أقواًم ا‬: ‫ أن النبي صلى هللا عليه وسلم قال‬:‫عن عمر بن الخطاب رضي هللا عنه‬
‫“ويضع به آخرين‬

Umar bin Al-Khattab (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Verily, Allah elevates some people with this Qur'an
and abases others."

Sahi Muslim 2115

To Convey
To Convey the Message of the Qur’an
It is our duty to convey the message of the Quran to others. It is its right on us. Whatever we read we should
.share it with others. We should spread the massage of the Quran
‫َو َم ْن َاْح َس ُن َقْو اًل ِّمَّم ْن َدَع ٓا ِاَلى ِهّٰللا َو َع ِمَل َص اِلًحـا َّو َقاَل ِاَّنِنْي ِم َن اْلُم ْس ِلِم ْيَن‬
Who can be better in words than the one who calls towards Allah, and acts righteously and says, :I am one of
those who submit themselves (to Allah) ? (Surah Ha-Mim Sajdah :33)
The Prophet said:
«‫»َخ يُر ُك م من تعَّلَم القرآَن وعَّلَم ُه‬
The best among you are those who learn Quran and teaches it to others.
،‫ َأَّن الَّنِبَّي صلى هللا عليه وسلم َقاَل " َبِّلُغ وا َع ِّني َو َلْو آَيًة‬،‫َع ْن َع ْبِد ِهَّللا ْبِن َع ْم ٍر و‬
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a
single sentence,
Sahih al-Bukhari 3461
Qur’an and Hadith categorically describe the obligations towards the Qur'an. We should
clearly understand our duties and responsibilities and then see whether we are
conscientiously fulfilling these duties and responsibilities. If we find that we are not
doing so, we should seriously think about the line of action, we should adopt for their
fulfilment; and then adopt the line without any further delay because our very salvation
depends on our efforts in this direction
The Quran makes five Demands from every Muslim. these demands are as follows
1. A Muslim should have firm belief in the Quran.
2. A Muslim should be able to recite it correctly.
3. A Muslim should understand the message of the Quran.
4. A Muslim should implement its teachings in practical life.
5. A Muslim should convey the message of the Quran to others .
Point to ponder:
Do we observe the rights of the
Holy Quran?

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