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Chapter 5

Cookie and session

Cookie and session
• The connection between client and server is not permanent
• Connection information between client and server cannot be saved in a
permanent memory. (there are millions of clients connecting simultaneously ).

Stateless connection

How to preserve
information throughout
webpage script’s calls?
Cookie and session
Cookie Session
Cookies are small text files used to Sessions are used to store user
store user information on the user’s information on the user’s server side.

Cookies expire after a specified A session ends when the user closes
lifetime or duration. the browser or logs out.

Cookies can only store a limited Sessions have a 128 MB size to store
amount of data of 4KB in a browser. data for one time.

Cookies store information in a text Session stores data in an encrypted

file. format.
Cookies and Sessions
1. Cookies
 You can store information in cookies and then retrieve it.

 You store cookies by using the setcookie function.

 The general format is as follows:

 The variable is the variable name, but you do not include the dollar sign

 This statement stores the information only until the user leaves your Web


 For example, the following statement stores the pair city=Jimma in the
cookie file on the user’s computer:
Cookies and Sessions…
 When the user moves to the next page, the cookie information is available
in the built-in array called $_COOKIE.
 The next Web page can display the information from the cookie by using
the following statement.
echo “Your home city is “.$_COOKIE[‘city’];

 The output from this statement is as follows:

Your home city is Jimma

 Setting expiration dates

 If you want the information stored in a cookie to remain in a file on the
user’s computer after the user leaves your Web site, set your cookie with
an expiration time, as follows:
Cookies and Sessions…
 The expiretime value sets the time when the cookie expires.
 The value for expiretime is usually set by using either the time or mktime function
as follows:
 time: This function returns the current time in a format the computer can
understand. You use the time function plus a number of seconds to set the
expiration time of the cookie:
setcookie(“state”, ”CA”, time()+3600); #expires in one hour
setcookie(“Name”, $Name, time()+(3*86400)) #expires 3 days

 mktime: This function returns a date and time in a format that the computer can
understand. You must provide the desired date and time in the following order:
hour, minute, second, month, day, and year. If any value is not included, the
current value is used.

 This is shown in the following statements:

setcookie(“state”, ”CA”, mktime(3,0,0,4,1,2003)); #expires at 3:00 AM on April 1, 2003
setcookie(“state”, ”CA”, mktime(13,0,0,,,)); /#expires at 1:00 PM today
Cookies and Sessions…
 Deleting a Cookie
 Officially, to delete a cookie, you should call setcookie() with the name
argument only:
 This approach does not always work well, however, and should not be
relied on.

 It is safest to set the cookie with a date you are sure has already expired:
setcookie("vegetable", "", time()-60);
 You should also ensure that you pass setcookie() the same path, domain,
and secure parameters as you did when originally setting the cookie.
Cookies and Sessions…
2 Session
 A session is the time that a user spends at your Web site.

 Users may view many Web pages between the time they enter your site

and leave it.

 After you create a session, the session variables are available for your use

on any other Web page.

 To make session information available, PHP does the following:

 PHP assigns a session ID number.

 The number is a really long number that is unique for the user and that no one
could possibly guess. The session ID is stored in a PHP system variable named
 PHP stores the variables that you want saved for the session in a file on the
 The file is named with the session ID number.
 It’s stored in a directory specified by session.save_path in the php.ini file.

Cookies and Sessions…
 If the user has cookies turned on, PHP passes the session ID
by using cookies.
 PHP gets the variables from the session file for each new
session page.
 Whenever a user opens a new page that is part of the
session, PHP gets the variables from the file by using the
session ID number that was passed from the previous page.
 The variables are available in the $_SESSION array.
Cookies and Sessions…
Opening and closing sessions
 You should open a session at the beginning of each Web page.

 Open the session with the session_start function, as follows:


 The function first checks for an existing session ID number.

 If it finds one, it sets up the session variables.
 If it doesn’t find one, it starts a new session by creating a new session
ID number.

 Because sessions use cookies, if the user has them turned on,
session_start is subject to the same limitation as cookies.
 That is, to avoid an error, the session_start function must be called
before any output is sent.
 This means that it is must be the first line code in your program.
Cookies and Sessions…
 You may want to restrict your site to users with a valid user ID and password.
 For restricted sessions that users log into, you often want users to log out
when they’re finished.
 To close a session, use the following statement wherever to want to close the

Using PHP session variables

 To save a variable in a session so that it’s available on later Web pages, store the value

in the $_SESSION array, as follows:

$_SESSION[‘varname’] = “John Bonson”;
 When you open a session on any subsequent Web page, the values stored in the

$_SESSION array are available.

 If you want to stop storing any variable at any time, you can unset the variable by
using the following statement:
Cookies and Sessions…
 The following two scripts show how to use sessions to pass information from one
page to the next.
/* Script name: sessionTest1.php */
$_SESSION[‘fullName’] = “David John Antony”;
<head><title>Testing Sessions page 1</title></head>
<p>This is a test of the sessions feature.
<form action=”sessionTest2.php” method=”POST”>
<input type=”text” name=”form_var” value=”testing”>
<input type=”submit” value=”Go to Next Page”>
Cookies and Sessions…
 In this script, a session is started and one session variable called fullName
is stored.
 A form is also displayed with one text field where the user can enter some
 When the submit button from this form, labeled “Go to Next Page” is
clicked, the sessionTest2.php script runs.
/* Script name: sessionTest2.php */
$session_var = $_SESSION[‘fullName’];
$form_var = $_POST[‘form_var’];
echo “session_var = $session_var<br>\n”;
echo “form_var = $form_var<br>\n”;
Cookies and Sessions…
 output:
session_var = “David John Antony”;
form_var = testing

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