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Content Standard:

Demonstrate an understanding of the historical background of

Philippine democratic politics, the executive, the legislative, the
judiciary, and decentralization and local governance

Performance Standard:
Explain the roles of different political institutions.
• Analyze the Evolution of Philippine Politics and
• Analyze the Roles and Powers of the Executive Branch of
the Government.
• Differentiate the Roles and Responsibilities of the
Philippine Senates and the House of Representative
• Analyze the Roles and Responsibilities of the Philippine
• Philippine politics travelled the long road of evolution from
the barangays of pre-Hispanic times to the present form
of government under the 1987 Constituion.
• Indeed, the Filipinos already had a government and
civilization before being colonized by the Spaniards.
• The Spaniards, to their credit, introduced a central
government which ironically awakened in Filipinos a
swnse of nationhood.
• The abuses of the colonizers prompted initially calls for
reform, which later morphed into cries for a revolution
uniting many Filipinos throughout the archipelagoo.
• The American colonizers introduced the Filipinos to the
democratic practices of the west. Left on their own, the
Filipinos had a bumpy road to democratic politics
beginning with the Third Republic in 1946.
The Evolution of Philippine Politics, Government and
1. The Government
-No central government before the Spaniards came
-Governance came from barangays scattered throughout
the islands
-Barangay is derived from the Austronesian balangay which
is a boat used by the Austronesian immigrants in sailing to
the Philippines
-The datu(chieftain)ruled each barangay
-The datu wielded executive, legislative, and judicial
The Evolution of Philippine Politics, Government
and Governance
1. The Government
-As a lawmaker, he was assisted by a council of elders
called the maginoos which advised him in the
administration of justice
The Evolution of Philippine Politics, Government and Governance

2. The Datu as Legislator

-Issued the laws as the chief legislative authority
-Would consult the council of elders to enact a law
-Would order the barangay crier (umalokohan) to announce
to the people the approval of the new law
The Evolution of Philippine Politics, Government and Governance

3. The Datu as Judge

-Court of justice was composed of the datu as the judge, and the
maginoos as the members of the jury
-Ancient Filipinos used trial by ordeal to determine who was lying and
telling the truth
-Test consisted of several activities such as testing the physical ability
of a person
-The one who came out with lesser injuries or was relatively
unharmed was pronounced the victor
-The local chieftains therefore used religion in governing their
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
1. The Magellan Expedition
-Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese, ignored by his king when he
broached his plan to sail to Malacca and Africa
-In 1519, King Charles of Spain provided him with a fleet of 5 ships:
Trinidad, Victoria, Conception, Santiago, and San Antonio
-Magellan & his crew saw the mountains of Samar on March 17, 1521
after months of difficult voyage
-They landed in Homonhon on the following day to allow the sick men to
-When the fleet sailed again, they reached the islet of Limasawa ruled by
Rajah Kulambu which he befriended and celebrated a mass afterwards.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
1. The Magellan Expedition
-Magellan then took possesion of the islands and called
Archipelago of St. Lazarus.
-The Spanish fleet next sailed toward the island of Cebu on
April 8, 1521.
-The Chieftain of Cebu, Rajah Humabon, welcomed the
-Rajah Humabon, his wife, and many natives became
Christians after the Spaniards celebrated a mass and erected
a cross on the island.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
2. The Battle of Mactan
-Rajah SUla, one of the Chieftains of Mactan, sowed
intrigue by complaining to Magellan that Rajah Si Lapulapu,
Sula’s rival, refused to pay tribute to the KIng of Spain.
-Sula asked for Magellan’s help in defeating Rajah Si
LApulapu. During the battle that ensued, one of the natives
wounded Magellan in the leg and Lapulapu’s men killed him
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
3. The Villalobos and Legaspi Expeditions
-In 1542 King Charles of Spain aent another expedition
headed by Ruy Lopez de Villalobos.
-Villalobos and his men were able to reach Mindanao in
Febraury 1543. The natives refused to welcome them.
-Villalobos then sent a man in Tandaya(Samar)to look for
food. Datu Makandala of Tandaya provided food for
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
3. The Villalobos and Legaspi Expeditions
-Delighted, Villalobos named the islands of Samar and Leyte,
Felipinas, in honor of Prince Philip of Spain, who later on became
King Philip II.
-In 1564, King Philip II sent an expedition to the East led by Miguel
Lopez de Legazpi.
-The expedition reached Cebu in February 1565. Legazpi also
reached Cibabao (Leyte), Samar, Camiguin Island, Butuan in
Mindanao, and Bohol.
-When Legazpi & his men reached Cebu, chieftain Tupas and the
Cebuanos were hostile to them.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
3. The Villalobos and Legaspi Expeditions
-After Tupas was defeated by the Spaniards, he fled to the mountains
-Legazpi then adopted a policy of securing friendship to Cebuanos by
encouraging those in the mountains to come down and live
peacefully with them.
-Tupas and his men returned to the lowland and entered into an
agreement with Legazpi to maintain peace in Cebu
-Legazpi established the first Spanish settlement in Cebu and called
it”City of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.”
-Legazpi founded the Second Spanish settlement in Panay.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
3. The Villalobos and Legaspi Expeditions
-Legazpi sent men to Manila and found out that it was a
prosperous Muslim Kingdom ruled by Rajah Sulayman or Soliman
who refused to pay tribute to his men.
-Martin de Goiti, an official of Legazpi, defeated Sulayman of
-Legazpi was then appointed by the king of Spain as the captain-
general of the islands (governor-general)
-On June 24, 1571, Legazpi made Manila the capital of the
Philippines. At the same time, he organized a city government or
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
3. The Villalobos and Legaspi Expeditions
-Legazpi appointed two alcaldes or magistrates, an alguacil
mayor or chief constable, twelve regidores or legislative
council members, and one escribano or court clerk.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
4. The Philippine Under Spanish Rule
-As a colony of Spain, the Philippines was administered by
the Council of the Indies.
-The King of Spain issued royal decrees and orders
appointing the Spanish officials in the Philippines
-In 1863, the Philippines was placed under the jurisdiction
of the Ministry of the Colonies or Overseas Ministry.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
5. The National Governmnet, its Head and its Branches
-The Spaniards establisheda highly centralized form of governmnet in
the Philippines
-The National government was so powerful that it controlled almost
every aspect of governance.
-It was headed by a governor-general
-The governor-general could appoint minor officials in the government
including the parish priests
-He was commander in chief of the armed forces.
-There were only 2 branches of the government:executive and
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
5. The National Governmnet, its Head and its Branches
--There was no legislature because the laws for the
Philippines were crafted by the Spaniards in Spain.
-THe judicial powers of the government were vested in the
royal audencia and the lower courts.
-The audiencia was the highest court in the country and had
the power to audit the finances of the governmnet.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
6. The Local Government
-There were local governments in the provinces, municipalities,
and barangays.
-A. The Provincial Government-headed by a governor or alcalde
mayor(appointed by the Governor General)
-B. The Municipal Government-headed by a gobernadorcillo or
captain municipal(chosen by 13 electors).
-Selection of gobernadorcillo had to be approved by the Spanish
friar curate.
-Governor General in manila has te final approval of the selection.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
6.The Local Government
--C. Barrio or Barangay-smallest unit of the government
-Heade by a cabeza who was tasked to maintain peace and
order, and collect taxes in the barangay.
-City or ayutamiento served as the center of social,
commercial, rekigious & cultural life.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
7. The Early Revolts
--The revolts were not because of a sense of nationalism
but to regain the lost of freedom
-There was a natural desire to bring the old native religion
back(rejected catholic religion)
-The revolts failed
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
8. The Reform Movement and the Katipunan
-In 1872, educated and well-to-do Filipinos began the peaceful campaign
for reforms.
-The campaign reforms (Propaganda Movement) sought the assimilation
of the Philippines as a province of Spain, representation in the Spanish
lawmaking body called the Cortes, and equality of the Filipinos and the
Spaniards before the law.
-Most famous reformistss were Jose P. Rizal, Graciano Lopez Jaena, and
Marcelo H. Del Pilar.
-After the failure of the Propaganda Movement, Andres Bonifacio founded
the “Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangan Katipunan ng mga Anak ng
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
9. The 1896 Revolution
-The discovery of the Katipunan marked the outbreak of the 1896
-Many Filipino suspected to be members of the katipunan were
captured, tortured, and persecuted.
-Bonifacio and his men fought the Spanish forces.
-The revolution spread to provinces in luzon(Cavite, Manila,
Laguna, Batangas, Bulacan, Pampanga, Tarlac, and Nueva Ecija)
which were thhen placed under martial law by the governor general.
-Suspected members of Katiipunan were punished without trial.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
9. The 1896 Revolution
-In the morning of December 10, 1896, Rizal was executed
for his alleged conncetion with the katipunan’’s attempt to
topple the government.
-The event angered the Filipinos and further emboldened
them to fight for the country and its independence.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
10. The Tejeros Convention and the Naic Military Agreement
-Under Emilio Aguinaldo, the Filipino rebels won every battle
against Spaniards in Cavite
-Katipuneros in Cavite were divided into two factions: the Magdalo
group, headed by Aguinaldo’s cousin and the Magdiwang group
headed by Bonifacio’s uncle
-Conflict between the 2 groups (Magdalo and Magdiwang)
-On March 22, 1897 the katipuneroos decided to form aa new
government, Aguinaldo was elected President while Bonifacio was
elected as the Director of the Interior.
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
10. The Tejeros Convention and the Naic Military Agreement
-Daniel Tirona questioned Bonifacio’s declaration of the result of
the election to be void.
-Bonifacio signed the Acta de Tejeros which contained a
resolution nullifying the results of the Tejeros convention.
-Bonifacio then signed a document known as the Naic Military
Agreement stating that a new form of government will be
-The upper class and educated were unwilling to accpet
Bonifacio as part of the newly created government
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
11. The Execution of Bonifacio
-Bonifacio was captured and was tried for treason
-He was sentenced to be shot death, but Aguinaldo
commuted the death penalty to punishment
-On May 10, 1897, Bonifacio and his brother Procopio were
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
12. The Biak-na-bato Republic
-Aguinaldo first established a republican government called
Biak-na -Bato Republic
-He later entered into an agreement with the Spaniards
whereby he and his men would go into exile in hongkong in
Exchange for P800,000.00
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
13. The Spanish-American War
-On April 25, 1898, the US Congress formally declared war
on Span(after Spain attacked the American battleship USS
Maine stationed at Havana Harbor in Cuba)
-On May 1, 1898 the American fleet proceeded to Manila
Bay to attack the Spanish fleet
-This was a turning point in the history of the Philippines
The Philippine Under Colonial Rule
14. The Return of Aguinaldo
-Convinced by the Americans that the US was not
interested in colonizing the Philippines, Aguinaldo agreed to
return to the Philippines and continue the struggle against
the Spaniards.
-By June of 1898, the entire Luzon was in the hands of the
Filipino rebels. On June 12, 1898 Aguinaldo signed the
Proclamation of

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