Java Gourav

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E ploring the

Core Java Fund

Name of student: Gourav sharma
Semester: 7th Sem
Language: A
University roll no. :30142820010
Enrollment no.: BK4226
Training Session :01/06/2023 to 24/07/2023
This presentation provides a
comprehensive overview of the
fundamentals of Java programming
language. It covers the basic
concepts of programming, syntax,
data types, control structures, and
object- oriented programming. By
the end of this presentation, you
will have a solid understanding of
Java programming and be able to
apply it to your projects.
Basic Concepts of
Programming is the process of
designing, writing, testing, and
maintaining computer programs.
Java is an object-oriented
programming language that is
widely used for developing web,
mobile, and desktop applications. It
is known for its simplicity, portability,
and security.
Java programs are compiled
into bytecode that can run on
any platform that has a Java
Virtual Machine (JVM).
Synta and Data Types Java syntax is similar to other
programming languages such as
C++ and C#. It uses semicolons
to end statements and curly
braces to define blocks of code.
Java has several data types
including primitive types (int,
double, boolean) and reference
types (String, Object). Primitive
types are used to store simple
values while reference types are
used to store complex objects.
Control Structures

Control structures are used to control the flow

of a program. Java has several control
structures including if-else statements, loops
(for, while, do- while), and switch statements.
If-else statements are used to make decisions
based on a condition.
Loops are used to repeat a block of code.
Switch statements are used to select one of
several possible actions based on a value.
Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP)

is a programming paradigm that
uses objects to represent data and
methods to manipulate that data.
Java is an object-oriented
programming language that
supports encapsulation, inheritance,
and polymorphism. Encapsulation is
process of hiding the
implementation details of an
object. Inheritance is the process of
creating a new class from an
existing class. P olymorphism is the
ability of an object to take on many
Java is a powerful and versatile programming language that
is widely used for developing web, mobile, and desktop
applications. It has a simple syntax, supports object-oriented
programming, and is portable across different platforms. By
understanding the fundamentals of Java programming
language, you can create robust and efficient applications
that meet the needs of your users.
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