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identit development

Given by :- james marcia

 James marcia was a Canadian developmental
psychologist .

 He expanded the psychosocial theory work of erik

erickson .

 He was born in 1937.

 He received a bachelors degree in psychology

from wittenberg university .
 Identity status theory postulates that identity statuses
are defined by the absence or presence of commitments
and exploration.

 According to james marcia possible combination of

these two elements high or low create four categories.

 The james marcia theory of identity development

focuses on adolescent and its also apply to adults .
Key concept of identity development

 Purpose is to adopt :-
A vocational direction
A sexual orientation
set of values and ideologies
 Achieved by 18-22 years old
 Crisis:-to the adolescents period of engagement in choosing
among meaningful alternatives
 Commitment:-to the degree of personal investment the
individul exhibits
Identity development
These are four type:-

1. Identity diffusion (low exploration and low commitment)

2. Identity foreclosure(low exploration and high commitment)

3. Identity moratorium (high exploration and low commitment)

4.Identity achievement (high exploration and high commitment)

1.Identity diffusion
 Identity diffusion usually happens in the early stages of
adulthood ,when people start to delve into various aspects
of themselves and look for their role in society
this period is characterized by the confusion .
2.Identity foreclosure
 High level of identity commitment

 Blindly accepts identity and values given from childhood by

family and others

 Committed to identity but no search or crisis

3.Identity moratorium
 Identity moratorium is a status that describes those who are
actively exploring in an attempt to establish an identity but
have yet to have made any commitment.
4.Identity achievement
 Clear identity
well defined personal values
expanded in adulthood
has experienced a search or crisis ,strong commitment
identity achievement is a long process.

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