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Plan Percentage

Completion Task
& Variance
To identify potential delayed
Sharing Session for MPP by Roni
Table of contents
Task Name Planned Completion
01 Task merepresentasikan pekerjaan 04 Target perencanaan yang telah
yang harus dilakukan untuk di capai
mencapai tujuan proyek

Duration & Date Complete

02 Menghitung berapa banyak kerja 05 Task yang sudah selesai (di project ini
yang perlu dilakukan untuk satu untuk complete akan diinput manual)
kegiatan dan tanggal

Predecessors Variance
03 03
Relationship antar aktifitas 06 Selisih atau perbedaan nilai
dalam satu proyek antara actual dan target
Project Life Cycle (Phases)

• Initiation
• Planning Planning
• Execution

• Closure
Task Name
Project management focus: Defining the right tasks for the deliverable

To enter task names

1. Click an empty cell in the Task Name column.
2. Enter your task names and then press the Enter key after each one.

To insert a new task within a task list

3. Click in the Task Name column where you want to insert the new task.
4. On the Task tab, in the Insert group, click Task.
Project inserts a row for a new task and renumbers the subsequent tasks. Project names
new task <New Task>.
3. With <New Task> selected, enter the task name, and then press Enter.

To delete a task
4. Right-click the task name and then click Delete Task
Working With Task Name
Working With Duration & Date
Working With Predecessors
Working With Complete
Working With Plan Completion
Step 1: Insert 3 Custom Fields Formula as a type of Number
Formula #1: Duration in Days = Val(ProjDurConv(Duration;pjDays))
Formula #2: Elapse Days = IIf(ProjDateDiff(Start;[Status Date])/480>=Val(ProjDurConv([Baseline Duration];pjDays));
Val(ProjDurConv([Baseline Duration];pjDays));IIf(DateDiff("d";[Baseline Start];
[Status Date])<=0;0;ProjDateDiff(Start;[Status Date])/480))
Formula #3: Planned Percent = Number2/Number1

Step 2: Insert Column Formula as a type of Text

Formula #1: Planned % Completion = Format(Number2;"0%")
Working With Plan Completion

Percent Complete = (Actual Duration / Duration) * 100

Working With Variance
Step 1: Insert 1 Custom Fields Formula as a type of Number
Formula #1: Variance Number = Cstr(Cint([% Complete]-[Number3]*100))

Step 2: Insert Column Formula as a type of Text

Formula #1: % Variance = [Number4] & '%'
Working With Variance
Thank You

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