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Negotiating a
科目 :01407 職場應用英文二
班級 :01474 動漫四甲
組長 : 姓名 ______ 學號 :______
組員 : 姓名 ______ 學號 :______
Vocabulary (Nouns)
1.circumstance 情況;情形
a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
I think she coped very well under the circumstances. 我覺得在那種情況下她處理得很不錯。

2.correspondence 信件,信函(尤指公函或商業信函)
letters, especially official or business letters
Any further correspondence should be sent to my new address. 以後來信請寄到我的新地址。

3.proposal 建議;計劃;提案
a suggestion, sometimes a written one
Congress has rejected the latest economic proposal put forward by the President. 議會否決了總統最近提出的經濟計
劃。” deal 雙贏的交易
A win-win situation or result is one that is good for everyone who is involved.
Flexible working hours are a win-win situation for employers and employees. 彈性的工作時間對於僱主和僱員來說是

5.determination 決心;毅力
the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult
[ + to infinitive ] You can't help but admire her determination to succeed. 她有很大的決心獲得成功,這一點讓人非常
Vocabulary (Verbs)
6.attach 使附著;附上
to fasten, join, or connect something
I attached a photo to my application form. 我在我的申請表上貼了一張相片。

7.confine 把…局限在,限制
to limit an activity, person, or problem in some way
Let's confine our discussion to the matter in question, please! 請把討論集中在正題上!

8.observe 觀察;觀測
to watch carefully the way something happens or the way someone does something, especially in order to learn more about
The role of scientists is to observe and describe the world, not to try to control it. 科學家的任務是觀察和描述這個世
9.negotiate (就…)談判,(就…)磋商
to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement with them
The government has refused to negotiate with the strikers. 政府拒絕與罷工者談判。

10.rely on 依賴;依靠

to need a particular thing or the help and support of someone or something in order to continue, to work correctly, or to succeed
[ + -ing verb ] The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort. 這個專案計劃的成功要靠每個人的努力。

依賴藥物、成癮 用 addict
addict to drugs 吸毒成癮
11.shape 決定(或影響)(尤指信仰或思想)的形式;決定,影響(性格)

to decide or influence the form of something, especially a belief or idea, or someone's character
Many people are not able to shape their own destinies. 很多人不能決定自己的命運。

to make something become a particular shape
The skirt has been shaped so that it hangs loosely.

to make an object from a physical substance

Early humans shaped tools out of stone.
Vocabulary (Adjectives)
12.critical 關鍵性的;決定性的;至關重要的
of the greatest importance to the way things might happen
The president's support is critical (to this project). 總統的支持(對該計劃)至關重要。
a critical decision 重大決定

1. The crux 關鍵;核心;癥結

Now we come to the crux of the matter.


2. Key 極重要的,關鍵的
* a key factor in tackling the problem 解決問題的關鍵因素

A good organizational culture is a key factor in the continuing success of the business.

3. The crunch 關鍵時刻;緊要關頭;嚴峻的形勢

It's crunch time for us.

13.persuasive 有說服力的,令人信服的
making you want to do or believe a particular thing
Your arguments are very persuasive. 你的論據非常有說服力。

Convince 表示用邏輯、數據、證據 ... 等「使某人在心理上相信、信服某事」,

片語用法是: convince someone of

persuade 著重於說服某人去「做某件事」,
片語用法是: persuade someone into doing something

14.previous 以前的,先前的
happening or existing before something or someone else
The previous owner of the house had built an extension on the back. 這棟房子以前的主人對房子後部進行了擴建。

before 作介詞,連詞,或者副詞。

介詞:可在後加一個時間點或者短語。 如 before 6 o'clock.

連詞:連接句子。 she had finished homework before we went shopping.

副詞:作爲狀語。 I’ve never been there before.

Vocabulary (phrase)
15.a case in point 佐證;例證
an example that shows that what you are saying is true or helps to explain why you are saying it
Lack of communication causes serious problems and their marriage is a case in point. 缺乏交流會導致嚴重問題,他們的婚姻就

proof( n.) 證據;證物;證明

a fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is true in decline 處於衰退中

when something becomes less in amount, importance, quality, or strength
She would never have guessed this was a city in decline 她絕不會想到這是一個處在衰退中的城市。 a deadline 在最後期限前完成
finish before a time or day by which something must be done
The boss is leaning on us to meet the deadline 老板要求我們在截止限期前完成
deadline ( n. ) 截止日
deadline 的字面意思為「死線」,引申義為「截止日;期限」,
例如: meet the deadline (趕上截止日)。
I stayed up late last night working on my paper in order to meet the deadline.

due ( adj. ) 到期的

due 的中文為「到期的;預期的;預計的」。而常見片語 due to 意思則是「由於」,同 because of 。

These library books are due on Monday.

procrastinate ( v. ) 拖延

procrastinate 的中文為「拖延;延遲」,這個字源自拉丁文 procrastinus ,該字由 pro- ( forward 「往後」、 until 「直

到」) 加上 crastinus ( tomorrow 「明天」),字面意思就是「推到明天或直到明天」。
Bob tends to procrastinate, and waits until the last minute to do his work.

名詞 procrastination 則是「拖延症」。
Someday you shall pay for your procrastination.
rely on 依靠 = depend on
rely on / upon sb / sth
rely on:
I rely on you for good advice.
rely uopn:
They often have to rely upon other races to provide primary materials.

A case in point
a good example of something

reduce :to make something less 「減少、降低、縮小」

reduce to sth. 就是指「減少為~、減少到~」
reduce by sth. 則是指「減少了~、減去多少」
The original price is $200, but he wants to reduce it to $150. →150
The original price is $200, but he wants to reduce it by $150. →50
As a result of = Therefore = Hence = consequently = as a consequence
= accordingly
由於 / 因此 / 因而 / 所以
He decided to drop out of the race as a result of his twisted ankle.

however 可當副詞,當連接副詞時是用來轉折語氣。
However 當轉折語氣時可放句前,但一定要加逗號與句子分開。
This is a straightforward and effective method. However, it can be dangerous.

However 不加逗號時,意思為無論如何,不管怎樣。
However carefully I explained, she still didn’t understand.

but 是一個對等連接詞 , 如果 but 前是完整的句子則需要逗號。
現在 ,but 常見的用法為長句中加上停頓。
She is happy about moving away, but also a little sad.
begin to+v
begin v-ing
兩者意思相近, begin v-ing 有持續性的進行此事情一段時間,或是重
Next year I'll begin 3rd grade.( 年級為階段,較不被視作為持續性動作 )
Next year I'll begin studying English in college.
be in decline 處於衰退中 延伸 :be in 在家 / 參加

be 為動詞, in 為介詞, decline 為名詞

If Rose's career looks to be in decline, the opposite is true for Otto Porter.

meet a deadline 在最後期限前完成、如期完成

If a client needs the company to meet a deadline earlier than expected, a boss must find
ways to motivate employees to work faster and harder.
By the time 到⋯時候

By the time the company realized its mistake, it was too late.

Furthermore 此外;而且;再者 同義字: moreover

Furthermore, they claim that any such interference is completely ineffective.

negotiate 談判;協商;商定;達成(協議);通過;越過(路)

第三人稱單數: negotiates
現在進行式: negotiating
過去式: negotiated
過去分詞: negotiated

agree to negotiate 同意進行談判

fail to negotiate 談判失敗
refuse to negotiate 拒絕協商
try to negotiate 嘗試協商
「雙贏」( win-win )的局勢。

也許有人會對追求「雙贏」的想法嗤之以鼻: Let’s face it. We live in a dog-eat-dog world. When you’re sitting down
in a negotiation, if the other side is buying, they want the lowest price and you want the highest price; if they’re selling,
they want the highest price and you want the lowest. They want to take money out of your pocket and put it right into
theirs. How on earth can we both win?


Winning is a perception, and by constantly servicing the perception that the other person is winning, you can convince him
that he has won without having to make any concessions.

People are not out for the same thing! 我們經常假設別人和我們要的是同一樣東西,直覺認為對我們很重要的東

聰明談判者的五大要領( Basic Principles Make You a Smarter Negotiator )

1 、 Get the Other Side to Commit First (讓對手先出招)

Power Negotiators know that you're usually better off if you can get the other side to commit to a position first…. The less
you know about the other side or the proposition that you're negotiating, the more important the principle of not going first

2 、 Act Dumb, Not Smart (裝笨,不要裝聰明)

To Power Negotiators, smart is dumb and dumb is smart. When you are negotiating, you're better off acting as if you know
less than everybody else does, not more.

3 、 Think in Real Money Terms but Talk Funny Money (心裡想真錢,嘴上繞著彎說)

There are all kinds of ways of describing the price of something. If you went to the Boeing Aircraft Company and asked
them what it costs to fly a 747 coast to coast, they wouldn't tell you "Fifty-two thousand dollars." They would tell you
eleven cents per passenger mile.
4 、 Concentrate on the Issues (絕對專注)
Power Negotiators know that they should always concentrate on the issues and not be distracted by the actions of the other
negotiators. Have you ever watched tennis on television and seen a highly emotional star like John McEnroe jumping up
and down at the other end of the court. You wonder to yourself, "How on Earth can anybody play tennis against somebody
like that? It's such a game of concentration, it doesn't seem fair."

5 、 Always Congratulate The Other Side (永遠讓對方覺得他贏了)

When you're through negotiating, you should always congratulate the other side. However poorly you think the other
person may have done in the negotiations, congratulate them. Say, "Wow! You did a fantastic job negotiating that. I realize
that I didn't get as good a deal as I could have done, but frankly, it was worth it because I learned so much about
negotiating. You were brilliant." You want the other person to feel that he or she won in the negotiations.

If you let these five principles guide your conduct when you're negotiating, they will serve you well and help you become a
Power Negotiator.


1.I know I can count on you. (我知道我可以相信你。)作用:拉近距離。

2.We'll come out from this meeting as winners. (這次會談的結果將是一個雙贏。)
3.Not in the long run. (從長遠來說並不是這樣。)作用:這句話很實用,沒有否決,但其實在找一個更好的
solution 。
4.Let me explain to you why. (讓我給你解釋一下原因。)作用:很好的轉折,爭取一點空間。

5.Let's compromise. (讓我們還是各退一步吧。)作用:接下來講的話不一定是退一步,而是先讓對方鬆一口氣。

6.It depends on what you want. (那要視您的需要而定。)作用:不一定要立刻給答案。
7.That will eat up a lot of time. (那會耗費很多時間。)
8.The longer we wait, the less likely we will come up with anything. (時間拖得越久,機會就越少。)作用:勸對方
9.Are you negotiable? (你還有商量的餘地嗎?)作用:直接切重點
10.We can work out the details next time. (我們可以下次再來解決細節問題。)作用:談定就談定,不要膠
如何進行薪資談判 (How to Negotiate a Salary)

The following video shows how to negotiate salary. I think everyone knows that we are about to graduate and we are going
to be unemployed. Salary is of course very important. It's going to broke, so let's take a quick look at how to negotiate
salary with your annoying boss.
Thanks for
your listening

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