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Guidelines for Team

Research Presentation
About the Team Research Assignment
You will be working in small teams to complete this assignment.

Teams will be assigned by your respective lecturer.

Each team will:

1. Select a topic of historical significance that interests you. This topic must be related to St.
Lucian history. It could be an event (cultural, economic, natural disaster), a person, a place, an
institution etc. You are not limited in any way.

2. Research your chosen topic and prepare a power point presentation on the topic.

3. Prepare to present your research orally.

Organize Your Team
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Brainstorm Ideas
Contact Members
• Discuss all the possible ideas for your research project.
• Immediately contact team
Select topics that interest you and come to a consensus.
members and set up a meeting to
• Consider the pros and cons e.g Access to information,
discuss the research project. restrictions on movement etc
• Save contact information (set up a
whatsapp group)
Organize Your Team
3 4

Assign Roles/Responsibilities Set Timelines

• Create a TO DO list • Design a schedule of activities and set due dates
• Decide on roles and responsibilities • Make sure everyone knows what they have to do
• Elect a team leader • Set follow up meetings
• Assign roles and responsibilities. • Team leader should send reminders of due dates
• Make sure roles and responsibilities are clear
Gather Your Research
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Collect Data/Information Prepare Your Presentation

• Formulate your research question/s • After you have organized your information,
• Write your objectives: what you want to find prepare your power point presentation. Use the
out about the topic rubric to guide you.
• Make a list of all the possible sources of • Make sure you include all names of team
information: Library, Archives, textbooks, members.
articles, internet , interviews, photographs etc.
• Vary your sources and use at least one
primary source
• Organize your information (use objectives to
guide you)
Present Your Research
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Format for Presentation

• Title slide: include course title, project title , a
Submit Your Presentation
relevant image (optional), team members, lecturer, • Submission forums will be set up for each
date section.
• Introduction: About your topic, your reason for • Save your presentation as in PDF format before
choosing the topic and objectives. submitting.
• Methodology: How you collected • The team leader or a designate will submit on
data/information for your research behalf of the team (every member does not
• Findings: Results based on objectives and data
have to submit).
collected. Could be separated into themes or • No submissions will be accepted past the due
sections. Include pictures, charts etc. date unless prior approval was given.
• References: List all your sources of data.
• No more than 10 slides (excluding references)
Present Your Research

Oral Presentation
• Select which members are going to present on behalf of the team
• Prepare a 10-minute oral presentation summarizing your research. Use the rubric to guide you.
• You can add audio to your power point presentation, or you can present live. Either way you
must be present to respond to any questions.
• A schedule for the team oral presentation will be posted.
• All members must participate fully.

• Power point presentations must be submitted on time, before the oral presentation.

• All team members must be present for the oral presentation.

• Research assignment should be submitted by April 3rd, 2023.

• No requests for late submission will be entertained after the submission date.
• If you have any queries contact your lecturer via email





• A schedule for the oral presentation will be posted later.

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