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• One question for all teams

• Any team member can raise the paddle

• First team to raise the paddle has a chance to answer
the question
• Judges are to tell whose turn it is
• Hesitation, delay or partners help after raising your
paddle will make you loose that chance
• If your answer is correct you score a point for your
team. Other ways the next team has a chance
What is the main island of the USA?

Samoa Puerto Rico

Midway Hawaii
What kind of animal is the whale?

Herbivorous Mammal

carnivorous oviparous
What Latin American city is known as
south American Athens?.
Buenos aires Bogota

Santiago de Chile City of Mexico

Which of the continents is dominated
by polar climate?
Asia Oceania

Antarctic Africa
How many bones are there in the human body?

300 200

206 306
In what country is the tower of Pisa

France Russia

Italy London
Where is the "Holy Family"?

Italy France

Barcelona Roma
Technique that describes and represents in
detail the surface of a terrain:
Serigraphy Epigraphy

Topography Holography
how many songs does the odyssey have?

20 24

22 30
What is the biggest ocean?

caribbean Indian

Glacial Pacific
What year did Christopher Columbus arrive in

1942 1482

1492 1490
Where did the Olympic games are
Greece Rome

Jerusalem Venice
What year was the Great Depression?

2011 1929

1912 1945
In English, the present simple is use
Facts of the present Routines and habits

Celebration When it’s happening at

the moment
Which of these is not a Nobel title?

Admiral Count

Marques Duke
In Greek mythology, Eros is considered
the god of:
Hate Fear

Love Work
A (Famelica) person is:

Irritable Hungry

Furious Scared
The triangle that has three equal sides
is called?
Equilateral Acutangle

Scalene Isosceles
The timpani is an instrument of?

Metal wind Percussion

Wood wind String

What is the best-selling record in
Ganman style one

thriller 22
The most known symbol of the cold war
Vietnam War Berlin Wall

Korean War Missiles Crisis

In the sentence: (An old lady sells
apples), the word sells is?
Noun Verb

Conjunction Adjetive
Which of these animals is a ruminant?

The squirrel The snail

The cow The parrot

Which chemical element is represented
by the symbol (P)?
Phosphorus Boron

Bromine Rubidium
It is the passage of water from the
liquid state to the gaseous state?
Liquefaction Infiltration

Evaporation Sublimation
Tim Burton directed the film:

Men in Black The Big Fish

Macabre Games Artificial Intelligence

In the female reproductive tract are:

Eustaquio Diogenes

Fallopian Augustus
The Tour of France is a famous
competition for:
Golf Football

Cycling Automobilism
Who is the author of Don Quixote?

Miguel de Cervantes Garcia Marquez

Mario Vargas Leonardo Da Vinci

Who is the famous King of Rock in the
United States?
Michael Jackson Elvis Presley

Bon Jovi Gene Simons

What is the name of the multiplication
Product Factor

Dividend Divider
What is the largest Ocean?

Caribbean Ocean Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean Antarctic Ocean

What is the third planet in the solar
Uranus Earth

Pluto Saturn
Which country is shaped like a boot?

France Russia

Italy Netherlands
What is the art area in the Grammy
Cinema Music

Theater Painting
What is the world's largest country?

russia Usa

China Chile
Who wrote (Hamlet)?

Victor Hugo Jorge Isaacs

Shakespeare Rousseau
Where is the White House located?

New York Washington

Los Angeles Hollywood

What is the name of the founder of Facebook?

Bill Gates Steve Jobs

Mark Zuckerberg Linus

Who is the protagonist of the movie
Sylvester Stallone Will Smith

Jean C. Vandame Chuck Norris

In the binary system what numbers
1 and 2 0 an 1

0 and 2 1
In Roman numerals, what number
represents CLXVVII.
160 177

167 170
What sport did Michael Jordan
basketball Cyclism

Baseball Differentiation
The union of positive, negative and
zero numbers are the numbers?
Real Natural

Rational Integers
what kind a number pi is?

Integer Irrational

Real Natural
The charge of an electron is?.

Negative Neutral

Positive Both
A 45-degree angle is cataloged?

Serious Acute

Straight Isosceles
What is the Indian currency?.

Drakar Marco

Rupia Dinar
What country of south America is surrounded by the
Atlantic and pacific ocean?

Brazil Uruguay

Colombia Bolivia
What writer prize Nobel wrote (one
hundred years of solitude)?
Garcia Marquez Mario Vargas

Julio Verne Gabriela Mistral

The electoral system to determine the
people who hold public office is?
Adage Suffrage

Shipwreck Prestige
Albinism is due to the lack of:

Calcium Pigmentation

Vitamin A Oxygen

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