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Bermuda Triangle

Conversation class
What is Bermuda Triangle?
 The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the Atlantic
Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico
where dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared.
When did we start to realize it?
 William Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest,” which some
scholars claim was based on a real-life Bermuda shipwreck,
may have enhanced the area’s aura of mystery. Nonetheless,
reports of unexplained disappearances did not really capture
the public’s attention until the 20th century.
Missing cases in Bermuda Triangle
 Flight 19
 DC-3 Airliner NC 16002
 Flight 201
 USS cyclops
 The Spray
Flight 19
 On the afternoon of December 5, 1945, five Avenger torpedo
bombers left the Naval Air Station at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., with Lt.
Charles Taylor in command of a crew of 13 student pilots. About an
hour and a half into the flight, Taylor radioed the base to say that his
compasses weren't working, but he estimated he was somewhere
over the Florida Keys. The lieutenant who received the signal told
Taylor to fly north toward Miami, as long as he was sure he was
actually over the Keys. Although he was an experienced pilot, Taylor
got horribly turned around, and the more he tried to get out of the
Keys, the further out to sea he and his crew traveled.

 As night fell, the reception of radio signals worsened, until, finally,

there was nothing at all from Flight 19. A U.S. Navy investigation
reported that Taylor's confusion caused the disaster, but his mother
convinced them to change the official report to read that the planes
went down for "causes unknown." The planes have never been
DC-3 Airliner NC 16002
 An Airborne Transport DC-3 airliner carrying 29 passengers and
three crew members disappeared near the end of a scheduled flight
from San Juan, Puerto Rico to Miami, Fla. on December 28, 1948.
Pilot Robert Linquist had told local repair crew that a landing gear
warning light was not functioning and the aircraft batteries were
discharged, but he was unwilling to delay the scheduled takeoff for
repairs. Since the transmission was reported from New Orleans, it is
possible that the aircraft may have drifted off course. Nothing else
was heard from the doomed flight, and the aircraft has never been
Flight 201
 The passengers were all Cessna employees, including the
pilot and co-pilots. Despite the experience of the crew,
something went wrong. Not quite midway to its destination,
the plane slowed its airspeed significantly, but no radio
signals were made from the plane to indicate distress.
Suddenly, the plane dropped from the air into the water,
completely vanishing from the radar. (near Bimini Island).
USS cyclops
 During World War I, the USS Cyclops, commanded by Lt. G. W.
Worley, carried coal for the U.S. Navy and stayed mostly on the
East Coast of the United States until 1918 when it was sent to
Brazil to refuel Allied ships. With 309 people onboard, the ship left
Rio de Janeiro in February and reached Barbados in March. After
that, the Cyclops was never heard from again. This tragedy stands
as the single largest loss of life in U.S. Naval history not involving
The Spray
 Joshua Slocum, the first man to sail solo around the world in
1895, was considered one of the best sailors of his time. His
boat, the Spray, was an old fishing boat that he had rebuilt,
and the story of his circumnavigation, "Sailing Alone around
the World", remains a classic in sea literature. He never
should have been lost at sea, but it appears that's exactly
what happened. In 1909, Slocum left the East Coast of the
United States and headed to Grand Cayman for the winter.
Slocum was never heard from or seen again. He wasn't
declared legally dead until 1924.
1.What do you think about that the plane and ship wercked are
never found after they got lost in Bermuda Triangle?
2.One of the history fact stated that the astroid dropped in the
sea and that is the reason of cause for Bermuda Triangle’s
existance.What do you think about that?
3.Are you interested about Bermuda Triangle?Why?
4.Would you like to explore in Bermuda Traingle if you get a
5.Not only ships but also the air craft and plane also keep
missing in Bermuda Triangle.What is your opinion?

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