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Group 8
1. Verb + to – infinitive

Kim 2. Verb + -ing form

3. Verb + to-inf
Verb + -ing ?
4. Like, start, etc.

Cát 5. Remember, regret, try,

6. Verb + Object + to-inf
Verb + Object + V–ing
7. Question word + to-inf.

Thi 8. Ajective + to-infi.

9. For with the to-inf.
10. The infinitive with
without to.
11. Verb/ adjective +
Thu preposition + -ing form.

12. Afraid to do or afraid

of doing?
13. Used to do & be
used to doing.
Thanh 14. Preposition
Tâm or
linking word + -ing
15. See it happen or
see it happening?
1. Verb + to infinitive

2. Verb + _ing

3. Verb + to infinitive or Verb + _ing

Kim Anh
1 Decide which option is correct ?
When I’m tired , I make mistakes ?
A. tend to
B. tend
C. tending
NOTE: We choose A in this case because Tend + to V . Tend to
We have some case use with “ TO “
 Seem, appear, tend, manage, fail, promise,…
 agreement, arrangement, decision,….
 Desire, failure, offer,…..
Kim Anh
2 What is a gerund ?

A. Verb + to_inf
B. Verb + ing
C. Verb
Note : Seem, appear, tend, manage, fail, promise,…
Gerund : V + ing
Infinitiy : To V
Kim Anh
* True / False
I like Simon, but I think he tends talk too
False : tends to talk
I like Simon, but I think he tends to talk too
NOTE: tend + to V
Kim Anh
4 Decide which option is correct ?

“You look exhausted.”

“Yes , I can’t stand any housework.”
A. doing
B. To do
C. done
NOTE: can’t stand + V_ing
Kim Anh
5 Rewrite the sentence
“Why don’t we visit her parents next week?”
You (suggest)
You suggested visiting her parents the next week.

NOTE : Suggest + V_ing

Kim Anh
4. Like, start, etc.
5. Remmerber, regret, try, etc
6. Verb + object + to-infinitive
or –ing form.

Cát Viên
Multiple choice
Decide which option is correct.
1. I like my homework carefully before I go to shool.

A. doing B. did C. to do D. not to do

Note : Like takes a to – infinitive when it means that we prefer

something even though we may not enjoy it.
Like usually takes an ing – form when we use it to talk about
hobbies and interests. Ex : Mary likes swimming.
Cát Viên
Rewrite the sentence
2. She is starting a good cry. ( have )
She is starting to have a good cry.

Note : We can use either a to – infinitive or an –ing form

after these verbs : begin, bother, continue, intend, propse,

Cát Viên
Rewrite the sentence
3. She remembered an email to her boss last week.
( send )
She remembered sending an email to her boss last week.

Note : - We use remember/ forget to do for necessary actions. The

remembering is before the action.
- We use remember/ forget doing for memories of the past.
The action is before the remembering.
Cát Viên
Multiple choice
Decide which option is correct.
4. We regret you that we stop our event because of
our problem.
A. to inform B. informing C. not to inform D. informed

Note : Regret to do sth means to be sorry for sth you are

Regret doing sth means to be sorry because of sth
that happened in the past.
Cát Viên
True or False
5. I invited Linda joining my birthday party.
Verb order : joining

Note : V + O + to – inf with verbs : Invite, advise, allow,

ask, encourage, expect, remind, teach, etc .
V + O + -ing form with verbs : dislike, imagine,
keep, involve, stop, mind, etc .
Cát Viên
1. Question Word + to_infinitive

2. Adj + to_ infinitive

3. For with the to_infinitive

1. Rewrite the sentence.
Complete your answer to the question. Use a question
word and a to_infinitive.
Vicky: How much money should we spend on the present?
You: I’ve no idea......................................... on it
 I’ve no idea how much money to spend on it.

Note: Wh_Word + To_Infinitive

Multilple choice
2. Decide which option is correct.
Using the computer is very simple.

A It’s very simple to use the computer.

B It’s very simple use the computer.

C It’s very simple using the computer.

Note: An adjective + to_infinitive often comes in

this stucture with “ It + be + adj + to_Infinitive ”
Mutilple choice

3. We can use a To_ infinitive after an......

A Object
Note: Adj + to_Infinitive
B Adjective
C Gerunds

4. True/False
A small car would be cheap run.
A small car would be cheap to run
Note: Adj + to_infinitive.

Adj such as: cheap, easy, nice, terrible, safe,

simple, difficult, expensive, impossible, wonderful...

Rewrite the sentence
5. The road is too busy.......... safely.
( the children/across)
The road is too busy for the children to
across safely.

Note: Too + adj + for + object + to_infinitive

10. The infinitive with & without to.

11. Verb/ adjective + preposition + -ing


12. Afraid to do or afraid of doing?

Anh ThU
True or False
1. -Afraid to + verb means fearful of doing
-Afraid of + -ing means fearful of
something/someone or the consequences of

Anh ThU
Multiple choice
Decide which option is correct.
2. After a series of failures, he finally succeeded in
new products.

A. inventing B. being invented C. to invent D. invented

Note : A preposition is always followed by a noun or a
noun phrase, and the -ing form of a verb can function as
a noun . Anh ThU
Multiple choice
Decide which option is correct.
3. They have made an agreement and decided
this marriage.
A. to terminate B. terminate
C. terminating D. to be terminated
Note : The verb decide is followed by to because it belongs
to a group of verbs that take the to-infinitive form after
them. Anh ThU
True or False
4. We’re family so you must to help me in hiding.

Note : Must is a modal verb so it’s not followed by
to .

Anh ThU
Rewrite the sentence
5. We are scarcely moving and are afraid killed. ( be )

We are scarcely moving and are afraid of being killed.

Note : This sentence refers to the fear of the

consequence of doing something.

Anh ThU
13. Used to do & be used to doing.

14. Verb/ adjective + preposition + -ing


15. See it happen or see it happening?

Thanh Tâm
Multiple choice : Choose the best answer
1. They ______ out at restaurants all the time, but now they
prefer to cook at home.
A. use to eat
Wrong grammar
B. used to eat
C. are used to eating It means that something is familiar and is
longer strange.
D. are eating Wrong grammar (present continous)
Note: We choose B because “used to V-infinitive” describes an action that
happened in the past but is no longer performed now.
=> Họ thường ăn ở nhà hàng nhưng bây giờ họ thích nấu ăn ở nhà hơn.
Nguyễn Thanh Tâm
Thanh Tâm
Choose the best answer
2. What is a linking word?
A. It is a word or phrase that connects ideas within
a sentence or between sentences.
B. It is a word that shows the relationship between a
noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.
C. It is a word that modifies or provides more
information about a verb, an adjective, or another
D. It is a word used in place of a noun to avoid
repetition of the same noun in a sentence.
Nguyễn Thanh Tâm
Thanh Tâm
Rewrite the sentence

3. He became successful. He gave the customers what

they wanted. (by) by giving
=> He became successful ______ the customers what
they wanted.
Structure: Preposition + v-ing

Nguyễn Thanh Tâm

Thanh Tâm
Rewrite the sentence
4. He was happy. He was running his own business. (when)

=>He was happy ________

when runninghis own business.

Note : Linking Word + v-ing

Nguyễn Thanh Tâm

Thanh Tâm
True / False
5. There’s a phone upstairs. I can hear it ring.
 False
Note : We use the infinitive after these verbs to express that we
heard or saw the entire action or event.
We use the V-ing form to show that we hear or see an action
or event going on.
 There’s a phone upstairs. I can hear it ringing.
(Có điện thoại trên lầu. Tôi có thể nghe thấy nó đang đổ chuông).
Nguyễn Thanh Tâm
Thanh Tâm
for watching
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