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Fikri Ichsan Wiguna

Intan Hazimi Permatasari
21 Maret 2023
Tipe Pneumocephalus


Tension Pneumocephalus

1. Dabdoub C, Salas G, Silveira E doN, Dabdoub C. Review of the management of pneumocephalus. Surg Neurol Int. 2015;6(1):155.
• Trauma (75%)
• Infeksi (9%)  Umumnya Otitis Media Kronik
• Operasi

• Epidural
Awitan: • Subarakhnoid
• Akut (<72 jam)
• Intraventrikuler
• Delayed (≥72 jam)
• Intraserebral
• Subdural space  Tersering

• The Effect of Ball Valve
• Inverted Soda Bottle Effect

• Produksi gas in situ
1. Dabdoub C, Salas G, Silveira E doN, Dabdoub C. Review of the management of pneumocephalus. Surg Neurol Int. 2015;6(1):155.
Antibiotik Profilaksis?
Rasionalisasi Penggunaan Antibiotik
sebagai Pencegahan Meningitis pada Pneumocephalus
Tata Laksana lainnya?
Tata Laksana Pneumocephalus

Penyerapan spontan

Fowler (30o), hindari mengedan

Antipiretik untuk mencegah hipertermia terserap

Diuretik osmotik

1. Dabdoub C, Salas G, Silveira E doN, Dabdoub C. Review of the management of pneumocephalus. Surg Neurol Int. 2015;6(1):155.
Tata Laksana Tension Pneumocephalus


Needle aspiration

Penutupan defek dural

1. Dabdoub C, Salas G, Silveira E doN, Dabdoub C. Review of the management of pneumocephalus. Surg Neurol Int. 2015;6(1):155.
1. Dabdoub C, Salas G, Silveira E doN, Dabdoub C. Review of the
management of pneumocephalus. Surg Neurol Int. 2015;6(1):155.
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basilar skull fractures: A meta-analysis. Clin Infect Dis. 1998;27(2):364–9.
3. Fistulae F. Hilary A. Brodie. Prophylactic antibiotics for post traumatic
cerebrospinal fluid fistula a meta analysis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck
Surg. 1997;123:749-752. Lancet. 1974;304(7888):1054–5.
4. Eftekhar B, Ghodsi M, Nejat F, Ketabchi E, Esmaeeli B. Prophylactic
administration of ceftriaxone for the prevention of meningitis after
traumatic pneumocephalus: Results of a clinical trial. J Neurosurg.

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