Sue Oliver

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Sue Oliver

Coaching Journey

•I started The Brittany Watkins

Coaching Certificate at the end of
October 2021. I completed it at the
end of January 2022.

•I have been an Energy Healer for 20

years and started using all, of the
techniques with all, of my clients
straight away. I found the
techniques worked very well and I
incorporated them into my sessions.
I had been attracting clients that were struggling with weight issues and as I was
learning I implemented the techniques with them. I was only a session ahead of them.
I already had trust and rapport with my clients so they were happy to join me in my
new direction. I started them on a 12 week program. Working with the clients gave me
testimonials and videos as well as belief in the techniques Brittany was teaching.

Some clients lost weight quickly and others were much slower.

I had one original client who had lots of self sabotage patterns and she taught me so
much because I had to work out why she was not losing weight, where was she
blocked? She lost motivation and hope easily and she was responsible for me
incorporating self compassion and also teaching clients about the need to speak to
themselves in a positive way instead of belittling themselves and being judgemental.

I now have 12 blockers that I am looking to unblock during the coaching sessions
because of that tricky client.
My Avatar
• Women over 40
• Highly motivated and struggling with weight issues
• Emotional/binge eating
• Don’t know how to solve weight issues
• Want to dress nicely, go shopping for clothes they love
• Want to wear clothes in their wardrobe
• Want to be healthy
• Weight may not have always been an issue
• Have been yoyo dieting
• Putting on extra weight but not sure how to solve the problem
• Need to change food and exercise habits
What have I been doing since watching the videos?
• My website has been updated a couple of times/ testing and measuring
• My story has changed – focus from helping women going through menopause to
gaining weight during lockdown
• Collected videos/testimonials from my original clients and buddies as well FB Free
craving classes

• I have a funnel setup with two free offers but I haven’t been 100% sure on how to
implement that and am currently working on marketing ads.
• I have run FB events for free cravings classes over zoom for groups of people – 4 or
5 in a group. All had different foods and followed them up. Worked with about 20
women during that time. One became a client.
• I have run an ad in my local free paper over 3 weeks –expensive but taught me a
lot. Strategy for future interest. People who are interested but not ready to
commit – send them Mind Movie to watch with Habit sheet.
YouTube Channel

I create a video each week on some aspect of weight loss. Subscribers 13 at the
beginning of the year to 262 now.
Next step is to market to them better.
Completed the Ultimate Success Masterclass - Natalie Ledwell February to June 2022

I decided I needed to expand my thinking from charging A$150 per session to A$2500
for my program.
The 12 week course looked at all aspects involved in achieving goals. It also
incorporated Mind Movies and has helped me to see and believe that I am an expert
in the Weight Loss industry and see myself achieving my goals.
I want to have 6 new clients a month signing up to my online coaching business.
I have also created Mind Movies for male and female clients to watch morning and
My success so far:
• Apart from all my clients that I have taken through the program on a session by
session basis, I have 3 clients who have paid A$2500 for the 12 week program.
• One has just finished the 12 weeks and will come for monthly sessions. I keep in
touch with her and she lets me know how her weight is going each week. She has
gone from running away from her problem with weight to shifting habits and
losing weight.
• Another client came for Spinal flow and before her session stated her interest in
the weight loss program and had applied via my website. She does the program
over zoom.
• Another client came through an ad in my local paper and couldn’t wait to get
• I have had 2 clients on zoom talking about the program – not going ahead at the
• I send my Weight Loss Mind Movie to clients who are not ready at the moment to
create a link to them, so that they can begin watching the movie morning and
night. I can follow them up.
• I have decided I need to give people the chance to get to know me, and will be
suggesting they have a free one on one cravings session to see how powerful the
techniques are and to help them build a rapport with me moving them along the
buying continuum.
What have I learnt?

• Every client is different. I have to have all the blockers in mind, but follow where
they are in each session.
• Some lose weight quickly and some take a long time to start losing weight.
• How they talk to themselves needs to be addressed very quickly so that they stop
sabotaging themselves. Research is backing up that self talk leads to weight gain.
• It’s important to focus on wins first in every session and to remind them of their
progress because we forget when things change.
• I need to be flexible in how I work with each client and continually ask ‘how can I
support ….. best?’
• Marketing is an ongoing process and something I need to understand and keep
working on.
• I don’t know everything and have a lot to learn.
Buyer Readiness Scale

Less ready to buy More ready to buy

Appropriate messaging for each level on the buyer scale

Less Ready to buy

• Product is expensive
• Hard to understand
• High Commitment

Your audience
• Is very sceptical
• Has low awareness
• Requires more trust, rapport and relationship building
Strategies for marketing:
Problem Awareness
Information Stories
Moves to
Educate ‘how to’ content
Reveal the secret
Strategies for marketing:

Product is:
Impulse buy/cheap
Easy to understand
Low commitment
Your audience
• Has little/no sceptism
• Is very aware
• Requires little or no trust

Demonstrate Problem solution

Promise and result
We need to talk to people based on where they fall on the buyer readiness scale and
think about the conversations going on in our prospect’s minds so that we can move
them along the buyer readiness continuum.

In the program Jimmy is helping you to identify your avatar or target audience. To
create your story for prospects to see if they relate to you. Then everything else is
about helping prospects get to know you, apply, have a session, create a funnel that
will lead them back through your website to apply etc. It is all directed at taking a
client from being sceptical to ready to buy your program.

‘Perfection is a road block to your success!’

‘Take action! Version 1 is better than Version 0.’

Michael Masterson: The Six Easiest Ways to Start Any Sales Message
I haven’t read this book yet but it is supposed to be great for writing better ads/better
messages in ads.

I still have a lot to learn but am determined to have 6 new clients start
each month so that I can live wherever I want working online.

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