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Department of Software Engineering

Comprehensive study on database Past, Present and Future of database

History and Background of
Data is a representation of a fact, figure, and idea
Data in itself does not really mean anything just a cluster of numbers, words, or images out of context with
no relation to the other facts.
Once data is collected, there is a question of what to do with this abundance of data; thus, the need to
organize it, store it, and make it available when needed. The human race coined the term database.
A Database is a collection of related data that is organized and structured in a way that allows for efficient
storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data.
Emergence of Database

 Databases have existed since the beginning of civilization and in fact define civilization,
but were initially not electronic in nature
 When people need to store knowledge or keep track of information, they wrote them down,
cataloged them using paper indices.
 One of the earliest forms of databases can be seen in libraries and In other sectors, such as
government agencies and businesses, manual systems were employed to store and manage
 With the introduction of computers, databases would undergo further transformation,
leading to the development of more sophisticated database management systems capable
of handling larger volumes of data and providing faster access.
Evolution of Database

 Hierarchical Databases: Hierarchical databases were popular in the 1960s because they were
easy to implement and provided fast access to data.
 Network Databases: Network databases improved on the limitations of hierarchical
databases by allowing records to be linked to multiple parent records
 Relational Databases: Relational databases were a major breakthrough in the 1980s because
they provided a more flexible way to model data relationships. By storing data in tables with
predefined relationships between them
 Object-Oriented Databases: Object-oriented databases were developed in the 1990s as a way
to store more complex data structures and behavior. They allowed for data to be stored in
 NoSQL Databases: NoSQL databases emerged in the 2000s as a response to the limitations of
relational databases for handling large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data.
 Cloud Databases: Cloud databases have become more popular in recent years as more organizations
move their data to the cloud.
 Blockchain Databases: Blockchain databases have emerged as a way to provide secure and transparent
storage and management of data in a decentralized network
Application of Database
Databases are a critical component of modern computing infrastructure, providing a powerful tool
for managing and processing large volumes of data in a wide range of applications such as
Banking, Universities, Government , Transportation, E-Commerse Application and there are manty

Their importance will only continue to grow as organizations generate and process ever-increasing
amounts of data
Benefits of databases

 Improved data accuracy and consistency: Databases enforce rules and constraints on
data, which helps to ensure that data is accurate and consistent.
 Increased efficiency and productivity: Databases provide fast and efficient access to
data, which helps to improve productivity and reduce errors.
 Better decision-making: Databases provide a centralized location for storing and
managing data, which makes it easier to analyze data and make informed decisions.
 Data security and privacy: Databases provide mechanisms for securing data, such as user
authentication and access control, which helps to ensure that data is protected from
unauthorized access.
Features of Database in Past, Present and Future

In the past, databases were typically based on the relational model, which organized data into
tables consisting of rows and columns. Each table represented a specific type of data, such as
customers, orders, or products.
 Data was stored in a structured format, with predefined fields and data types. This made it
easy to search and retrieve data using SQL queries, which could be used to filter, sort, and
aggregate data.
 Cloud based Security
 Big Data

As technology continues to evolve, the future of databases is likely to bring even more advanced features and
capabilities. Here are some potential features we could see in the future
 Blockchain-based databases: Blockchain technology offers a secure, decentralized way to store and
manage data.
 Quantum databases: Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize the way we store and process
data. Quantum databases could offer faster processing speeds and greater scalability than traditional
 Augmented analytics: Augmented analytics uses machine learning and natural language processing to
automate data analysis and provide insights.
The future of databases is likely to bring even more advanced features and capabilities, making it easier to
store, manage, and analyze data at scale.
~~~ Thank YOU~~~

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