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● Common names: Prunes,Dried plums, ‫البرقوق المجفف‬

● Scientific name: "Prunus domestica."
● Family: rosaceae

● Origin :
● originated in Western Asia.
● Now cultivated in France and the United States .
Perennial trees (4 to 8 meters) height,with
Ovate-shaped leaves ,white flowers and The fruit
of it is the plums, and when dried, it becomes a
The plums fruit can vary in color, including
shades of purple, red, or yellow. And The bark is
usually smooth and grayish-brown
And prunes the color ranging from deep purple
to black.

Taste: sweet and sticky texture

Chemical constituents
-sugars (such as glucose and fructose)
-Antioxidants (like phenolic compounds)
-vitamins (such as vitamin K and B-complex vitamins)
-Minerals (such as potassium and magnesium)
Prunes have several uses:

Heart health
-laxative effect
due to their high fiber and
Potassium in prunes may Anti oxidants
contribute to heart health
sorbitol content, aiding in helping to combat
by helping to maintain
digestion and preventing oxidative stress and
blood pressure levels.
constipation. inflammation in the

Natural sweetener and

overall health. for cooking
Prunes provide essential Prunes offer a natural sweetness, Bone health
vitamins and minerals making them a healthier They contain vitamin K and
-can help regulate blood alternative to refined sugars in manganese, which contribute
sugar levels recipes. to maintaining healthy bones.
User in cooking and baking to
enhance flavor and moisture.
While prunes offer health benefits
like aiding digestion due to their high
fiber content, consuming them in
excess can lead to digestive issues
such as bloating or diarrhea.
Additionally, prunes are relatively
high in natural sugars, so individuals
with diabetes should be mindful of
their intake. It's crucial to maintain
a balanced diet and consult a
healthcare professional for
personalized advice.

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