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Unit 5

Motivation and Motivating


Unit objectives:
At the end of the unit, students will be able

◦ Define motivation
◦ Identify the type of incentives
◦ Describe the major content theories of motivation,
◦ Describe the major process theories of motivation
 The level of employees job performance
determines the achievement of organizational
 To this effect employees performance is the
function of the motivation(efforts) of employee
and other factors as :
 Leadership and direction can determine
 Ability and skills can also determine performance
 Organizational culture /behavior/climate can
determine performance
 Technologies can influence performance
 Institutional constraints can influence performance
 Organizations must try to motivate their
employees so that the employees exerts
their maximum efforts towards achieving
the objectives of the organizations.
Discussions in groups(15m)

 What is Motivation in the context of

 What motivates employees in organizations?
 what is incentive? Its role in motivation?
What is Motivation?
 An inner state that energize, activates or
moves and that directs behavior towards
 Internal process leading to satisfy needs.

From organizational point of View:

 The process of getting employees in the direction
of the achievement of the goal of the
 It is the process of influencing employees to move
towards better job performance.
 Motivational system at organization level
generally consist of:

◦ An atmosphere of trust
◦ Open two way communication between workers and
◦ Positive response to workers suggestions and problems
◦ Workers job security
◦ Equal opportunity and career development
◦ Team work environment
◦ Workers skills upgrading through staff development
◦ Compensation/incentives according to their
 In the context of organization, incentives
are rewards that employees receive from
the organization in return for being good
 The purpose of organizational incentives is

to motivate employees to improve their

work performance.
Types of incentives
 There are two types of incentives-intrinsic and
 Extrinsic: tangible materials rewards such as

money, promotion, paid vacation, free

education for workers and childrens, sick
 Intrinsic: it is a reward or incentives mediated with
in the individuals and that the individuals grants him
self /herself.
 It is related to employees psychological needs
 Includes such incentives as praise, recognition,
responsibility, opportunity to use and develop ones
ability and skills, opportunity for advancement etc…

 Both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards are important.

Discussion questions

1.Describe intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.

which one is easily availed in your
2.Which incentives are under the control of
the individual employees?
Theories of motivation

 There are various theories of motivation that can be

employed by managers and organizations to motivate
 These theories broadly categorized in to two: Content
theory and process theory

1.Content theory
 Focus on what arouses ,energize or direct behavior.
 It is based on the notion that things with in us generate motivation.
 Concerned with the type of incentives or goals that people strives
to attain in order to be satisfied and perform well.
 It maintains that motivation starts with the existence of unsatisfied
needs in the individuals.
1.1. Maslow theory
 Abraham Maslow developed a hierarchy in to which needs are
arranged in order of their importance.
 it is based on three fundamental assumptions.

1. People are beings who want and whose needs/Unsatisfied/

influence their behavior.
 Only unsatisfied needs can influence behavior, satisfied needs

are not motivators.

2. A persons needs are arranged in order of
importance/hierarchy from the lower/basic to complex needs.
3. A person advances to the next level of hierarchy only when
the lower needs are minimally satisfied.
Eg.a hungry person's need is dominated by a need to eat(i.e
survival), but not to be loved.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory

Every individual has five basic needs:

 Physiological needs include hunger, thirst, shelter, sex, and other

bodily needs.
 Safety needs include security and protection from physical and

emotional harm.
 Social needs include affection, a sense of belongingness,

acceptance, and friendship.

 Esteem needs include internal factors such as self-respect,
autonomy, and achievement and external factors such as status,
recognition, and achievement.
 Self-actualization is the drive to become what one is capable of

 It is fundamentally the synthesis of 'worth', 'contribution' and
perceived 'value' of the individual in society.
Hierarchy of needs
1.2.Alderfers ERG theory
 He agrees with Maslow in that needs are arranged in
 However, his hierarchy is only three sets of needs.
1.Existence needs: Include both psychological and
safety needs essential in sustaining physical well
 These are needs satisfied by such factors as food,
air, water, working condition.

2.Relatedness needs: deal with a desire for

meaningful and satisfying social relationships.
 They are needs satisfied by social and interpersonal
3.Growth needs: this category of needs
represents the highest level of needs: Self –
esteem and self actualization needs, which
represents an intrinsic desire for personal
1.3.Herzberg Motivation –Hygiene theory

 He developed two factors theory of motivation

1. Satisfaction-dissatisfaction factors
, 2. Motivation-hygine factors
 He concluded that when people talked about feeling

good, happy, pleased or satisfied, they identified

factors intrinsic to the jobs.
 He called these factors motivation /satisfaction

 On the other hand, when employees talked about

feeling bad, unhappy, unpleasant or dissatisfied,

they usually identified factors extrinsic to the job.
 He called these factors hygiene-
(maintenance )factors.
Motivation/satisfaction Factors
 They are related with the work itself.
 They are job elements that gratify employees
psychological growth needs.
 They are directly related with the nature of the job or the
task content that they are often termed intrinsic job
 The motivation(satisfaction) factors identified by
Herzberg includes:

◦ Achievement
◦ Recognition
◦ Responsibility
◦ Advancement
◦ The work itself
◦ Possibility of growth

 When these motivation factors present and
adequate, employees experience feelings of
 However, when absent or in adequate,
employee experience no feeling of
satisfaction i.e no satisfaction.
Hygiene factors
 Factors which are found in the environment of
 They are features which gratify employees pain
avoidance needs.
 The hygiene factors identified by Herzberg
◦ Salary
◦ Job security
◦ Working condition
◦ Status
◦ Policy and procedures
◦ Quality of supervision
◦ Quality of interpersonal relationships
 When these factors are absent or inadequate in
the job environment, employees experience
feelings of dissatisfaction.
 But, when present and adequate, employees will
not experience feelings of dissatisfaction.

 Employees cannot be motivated to high level of

productivity by improving hygiene factors.

 It is only through manipulations of motivation

factors (improvement in the job content)can
result in motivation and satisfaction.

 Thus, according to Herzberg theory improved
salary and hygiene factors will reduce the
level of dissatisfaction, but will not bring job
 It should be noted that, however, if hygiene

factors are not responded continually, they

have a severe impact on work effectiveness
because of workers increased absenteeism,
turnover, frustration, or negative thinking in
2.Process theory of motivation
 Choice among alternative goals is its concern
 Among the known theories are:

1.Expectancy theory of motivation

2.Equity theory of motivation

1. Expectancy theory

 Expectancy theory argues that the strength of a tendency

to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an
expectation that the act will be followed by a given
outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the
 Attractiveness is importance that the
individual places on the potential outcome
or reward that can be achieved on the job.
 Performance-reward linkage is the degree

to which the individual believes that

performing at a particular level will lead to
the attainment of a desired outcome.
 Effort-performance linkage is the
probability perceived by the individual that
exerting a given amount of effort will lead
to performance.

2. Equity theory
 Based on the recognition that employees tend to
make comparisons.
 Explains how fairly they are treated in social exchange
at workplaces can influence their motivation.
 It is based on the assumption that individuals are
motivated by a desire to be equaty treated at work
 The essence of equity/fairness theory is that
employees compare their efforts and rewards with
those of others workers in a similar work situation.
 Employees tend to compare their own job
inputs and outcomes with those of others
and those inequities can influence the degree
of effort that employees expend.

 The theory states that employees weigh what

they put into a job situation (input) against
what they get from it (outcome) and they
compare this ration with the input-output
ratio of relevant others.
 In general Equity theory Assumes that:
◦ perceived inequality creates a feeling of
resentment and tension with the individuals
◦ The greater the extent of perceived equality, the
greater is the strengthen of motivation and vise


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