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Role of major world power , UN , OIC

and International community on

Kashmir politics

Presented by : Muhammad Ahmad

Role of major world power , UN , OIC and
International community on Kashmir politics

Table of Contents :
1. Introduction
2. Role of USA
3. Role of China
4. Role of Russia
5. UN
6. OIC
7. International Community
8. Potential Solutions
9. Conclusion

Kashmir :
 The Kashmir region, nestled in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent,
is renowned for its breathtaking mountain landscapes, including the iconic
Himalayas. Its diverse geography encompasses lush valleys, pristine lakes,
and a rich cultural heritage.
 Kashmir, boasts a diverse topography ranging from fertile valleys to snow-
capped mountains. Demographically, the region is characterized by a rich
cultural mosaic, with a mix of Kashmiri, Dogri, and Ladakhi communities.

Kashmir politics :
 Kashmir politics is a highly intricate and sensitive subject, shaped by a long
history of conflict, cultural diversity, and geopolitical complexities.
 The region, which is located in South Asia, has been a focal point of
contention between India and Pakistan, with both nations claiming parts of
the territory. Kashmir's political landscape is characterized by issues such as
autonomy, self-determination, and human rights, and it remains a source of
tension and international concern.
Role of major world powers

1. United States of America :

 USA is a diverse and vast country located in North America.
 It is known for its rich history, cultural diversity, and global influence.
 The USA is a federal republic consisting of 50 states and a capital district,
Washington, D.C.
 It is one of the world's largest economies and has played a significant role in
international politics, technology, and culture.
Role of major world powers

United States of America :

 The country is renowned for its landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, the
Grand Canyon, and its major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago.
 The USA has a democratic government.
Role of major world powers

Role of USA :
 The role of the USA in Kashmir politics can be summarized as follows:
 1. Mediation Efforts: Over the years, the USA has occasionally expressed its
willingness to mediate in the Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan.
 2. Human Rights Concerns: The U.S. government has, at times, raised
concerns about human rights violations in the Kashmir Valley, particularly
during periods of unrest.
 3. Economic and Trade Relations: The USA maintains economic and trade
relations with both India and Pakistan, which can influence its stance on
various regional issues, including Kashmir.
Role of major world powers

2. China :
 China is the world's most populous country, located in East Asia.
 It has a rich history dating back thousands of years and is known for its
cultural, technological, and economic contributions.
 The country is governed by the Chinese Communist Party and has a one-party
socialist system.
Role of major world powers

China :
 China has experienced rapid economic growth, becoming a global economic
 Its culture is diverse, with various ethnic groups and languages, and it's
renowned for its ancient philosophy, art, and traditions, such as Confucianism
and the Great Wall.
Role of major world powers

Role of China :
 China plays a significant role in the politics of Kashmir primarily due to its territorial interests
and historical disputes with India. Here are some key points:
 1. Border Disputes: China has a long-standing border dispute with India, particularly in the Aksai
Chin region, which is part of the larger Kashmir conflict. China controls Aksai Chin, a territory
also claimed by India.
 2. UNSC Involvement: China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council
(UNSC) and has used its veto power to block India's efforts to have Jaish-e-Mohammed chief
Masood Azhar designated as a global terrorist.
 3. Diplomatic Support: China has historically supported Pakistan's stance on the Kashmir issue in
international forums and has been critical of India's actions, such as the abrogation of Article 370
and 35A in 2019.
Role of major world powers

3. Russia :
 Russia is the largest country in the world, spanning Eastern Europe and
Northern Asia.
 It is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and vast landscapes.
 The capital city is Moscow, and the official language is Russian.
Role of major world powers

Russia :
 Russia has played a significant role in global politics, particularly during the
Soviet era.
 Its economy is based on industries like energy, technology, and agriculture.
Role of major world powers

Role of Russia :
 Russia's role in Kashmir politics has historically been significant, with a focus on
its relations with India and Pakistan. Here are some key aspects of Russia's role:
 1. Diplomatic Engagement: Russia has, at times, offered its services as a
mediator in the Kashmir issue, although its role has been limited.
 2. Bilateral Relations: Russia maintains diplomatic relations with both India
and Pakistan and seeks to balance its interests in the region. Its engagement
with India on a wide range of issues, including energy, technology, and trade, is
 3. Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): Russia, along with China, India,
and Pakistan, is part of the SCO. This platform provides an opportunity for
regional engagement and dialogue on various issues, including those related to
United Nations

United Nations :
 The United Nations (UN) is an international organization established on
October 24, 1945, in the aftermath of World War II.
 It was founded to promote cooperation among nations, maintain peace and
security, foster economic and social development, protect human rights, and
provide a platform for member states to address global issues collectively.
 The UN is headquartered in New York City and consists of various specialized
agencies, programs, and bodies, working together to address a wide range of
global challenges.
 Its primary objectives include the prevention of conflicts, the provision of
humanitarian aid, and the advancement of international cooperation for the
betterment of humanity.
United Nations

Role of United Nations :

 The UN’s role in Kashmir politics as summarized as below :
 1. UN Security Council Resolutions: The UN Security Council passed several
resolutions in the aftermath of the 1947-1948 war between India and Pakistan
over Kashmir. These resolutions called for a ceasefire, the withdrawal of
troops, and the holding of a plebiscite to determine the future status of the
 2. UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP): The UN
established UNMOGIP in 1949 to monitor the ceasefire line in Kashmir.
 3. Mediation Efforts: Over the years, the UN has occasionally offered its
assistance for mediation between India and Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir
dispute. However, these efforts have not led to a comprehensive resolution.
United Nations
Organization of Islamic Cooperation

 The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is an international organization
founded in 1969, consisting of 57 member states with significant Muslim
 The OIC's primary objective is to promote solidarity among Muslim countries
and ensure the protection of their common interests and values.
 It addresses various political, economic, social, and cultural issues affecting
the Muslim world and serves as a platform for diplomatic cooperation and
 The organization's headquarters are in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and it plays a
vital role in addressing global challenges faced by its member states.
Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Role of OIC :
 The OIC's role in Kashmir politics can be summarized as follows:
 1. Advocacy for a Resolution: The OIC has consistently expressed its concern
about the Kashmir conflict and has called for a peaceful resolution of the
issue through dialogue and negotiations.
 2. Diplomatic Initiatives: The OIC has organized meetings, conferences, and
discussions related to Kashmir to raise international awareness about the
situation in the region and to seek a peaceful resolution.
 3. Humanitarian Concerns: The OIC has expressed concerns about human
rights violations in Kashmir and has called for the protection of the rights and
freedoms of the Kashmiri people.
Organization of Islamic Cooperation
International Community

International community :
 The term "international community" refers to the collective body of nations
and states in the world that interact and cooperate on various global issues,
such as diplomacy, trade, security, human rights, and environmental
 The international community plays a crucial role in addressing global
challenges and conflicts, seeking to promote peace, stability, and cooperation
among nations.
International Community

Role of International community :

 Here are some key aspects of the international community's role in Kashmir
 1. UN Resolutions: The United Nations has been involved in the Kashmir issue
since the late 1940s. Several UN Security Council resolutions were passed,
calling for a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir to determine its future status.
 2. Mediation Efforts: Various countries and international organizations have
attempted to mediate the Kashmir conflict over the years.
 3. Human Rights Concerns: The international community has expressed
concerns about human rights violations in Kashmir.
Potential Solutions

Potential solutions :
 Potential solutions to the Kashmir conflict involve the engagement of major
world powers, the United Nations (UN), the Organization of Islamic
Cooperation (OIC), and the broader international community. Here are some
approaches that have been considered:
 1. Diplomatic Dialogue: Encourage major world powers to facilitate
diplomatic dialogue between India and Pakistan. Utilize diplomatic channels
to create a conducive environment for dialogue
 2. Peacekeeping Initiatives: Explore the possibility of UN-sponsored
peacekeeping missions to maintain stability and security in the region. Seek
international support for peacekeeping efforts.
Potential Solutions

Potential solutions :
 3. Conflict Prevention Measures: Implement measures to
prevent escalation and reduce tensions in the region. Encourage
confidence-building measures between India and Pakistan
 4. International Economic Incentives: Consider economic
incentives to encourage stability and development in the region.
Encourage international investment and development projects to
benefit both countries.
 5. Regional Cooperation: Advocate for broader regional
cooperation, involving neighboring countries and organizations, to
address common challenges and promote peace.
Potential solutions

Potential solutions :
 It's essential to note that the success of any solution
depends on the willingness of the involved parties to
engage in dialogue and find mutually acceptable
resolutions. Additionally, a comprehensive and inclusive
approach involving various stakeholders is crucial for
sustainable peace in the region.

Conclusion :
 In conclusion, the Kashmir issue has been a longstanding and complex challenge, and the
roles of major world powers, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the United
Nations (UN), and the international community have been pivotal in shaping the dynamics
of Kashmir politics.
 Major powers like the United States, China, and Russia have had an indirect influence on
Kashmir politics due to their strategic interests in the region.
 The UN has played a significant role in the Kashmir issue through its resolutions calling for
a plebiscite.
 The OIC has consistently voiced support for the rights of Kashmiri Muslims and has called
for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
 The international community, including various countries and international organizations,
has consistently advocated for dialogue, human rights, and peaceful resolution.

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