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The college

‫نواتج التعلم‬

‫‪ .1‬أن يقرأ الطالب النص قراءة صحيحة‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬أن يحلل الطالب الفقرة‪.‬‬

‫المفردات الجديدة‬

College ‫ُك ـِّلـَيـٌة‬

foreign countries ‫البلدان األجَنبية‬
Specialists ‫ُم ّتّخ ِص صون‬
Skilled ‫ماِهرون‬
Procedures ‫إجراءات‬
News Papers ‫الَج رائد‬
college residence ‫َس كن الُك ِّلَية‬
This is a college affiliated with the University of Delhi. Its building
is large and beautiful. This is the main section of the college, which
has two other side doors. On the main door, there is a gatekeeper,
and he is strong and active. He allows entry to college students only.
There are many departments in the college, including the Arabic
Language Department, the English Language Department, and
departments of other sciences. The college's students come from
different parts of India, as well as from foreign countries. The
college has two residences, one for males and one for females. Some
male and female students live in college housing.
Some of them come to the college every morning from their homes.
In the college, there are teaching rooms in which male and female
students study.
The teachers in this college are specialized and skilled in their
subjects. This is the library building. Male and female students
come there to read the books and poems. The library books are
large and very useful.
This college has employee offices and the office of the college
dean. Staff assists students with admission and other procedures.
They are there to help students, professors, and staff at the college.
‫الَبّو اٌب على الباب الرئيسي‬
‫مْن أنحاء الِهنِد الُم ْخ َتِلَفة والبلدان األجنبية‬

‫يدرس الطالب في غرف التدريس‬

‫نجد في المكتبة الُك تب والجرائد‬

‫يذهب الطالب واألستاذة إلى بناية المكتبة‬

‫ُطاّل ب‬
‫متَخ ِّص صون وماهرون‬

‫باب الحُجرة‬
‫بنات الفصل‬
‫مكاتب الكلية‬
‫ضمائر المخاطب‬

‫هي الضمائر التي تدل على الشخص الذي نكلمه أو نخاطبه وهي‪:‬‬

‫أْنتن‬ ‫أْنتم‬ ‫أْنتما‬ ‫أْن ِت‬ ‫أْن َت‬

‫املأ الفراغ ِبضميٍر ُم ناِس ٍب مما يأتي ‪:‬‬

‫أنَت – أنِت – أنتما – أنتما ‪ -‬أنتم – أنتن‬

‫* ‪ .......................‬طالبة ذكية‬

‫*‪ ....................‬مهندسون بارعون‪.‬‬

‫*‪ ....................‬تلميذتان مجتهدتان‪.‬‬

‫*‪ .....................‬العب مبدع‪.‬‬

‫*‪ ....................‬أمهات رائعات‪.‬‬

‫*‪ ....................‬طبيبان ماهران‪.‬‬

‫الحصة الثانية‬
Road safety
‫َن واِتج الَّت َع ُلم‬

‫‪.‬أْس َت طيع توظيف كلمات في جمل مفيدة‬

‫‪.‬أْس َت طيع َت حليل الَفقرة واإلجابة على األسئلة‬

‫‪.‬أسَْت طيع كتابة فقرة عن أمن الطريق‬

‫اْلُم ْف رَد ات‬

‫‪ /‬األفعال‪Verbs‬‬

‫‪broken‬‬ ‫إنَك سرْت‬ ‫‪cut off‬‬ ‫َقَط عتْ‬

‫َص د ْ‬
‫‪took‬‬ ‫أخذْت‬ ‫‪Fall‬‬ ‫وَقَع ‪ -‬سقط‬
‫‪happened‬‬ ‫حدثْت‬
‫َم ْقَط ع َس اِكن‬
‫َم ْقَط ع َمْم دود‬
‫َقِد مْت‬
‫اْلِقَر اءة الصامتة ُثَّم اْلِقَر اءُة اْلَج ْه ِر َّية‬
One day, Adel went out with his father to buy vegetables and fruits
from the market. On their way, an accident happened to Adel. Adel
and his father reached a crosswalk. Suddenly, a speeding
motorcycle ran a red light, impact with Adel and his father. They
both filled on the ground. Adel's arm was broken. He looked at his
father, who lay motionless on the ground. Adel realized that his
father had passed away.
An ambulance arrived and rushed Adel and his father to the
hospital. In the evening, the family knew about the accident, and
They were very sad.
‫ِلماَذ ا َخ َر ج عاِد ل َوَو اِلِد ه ِم ْن اْلَبْيِت؟ ‪1-‬‬

‫َخ رُجوا ِلِش راء اْلَخ ْض َر اوات َو اْلَفواِكه‬

‫ماهو َسَبب ُحدوث اْلَح اِد ث ؟ وماذا َح َد ث لعادل وواِلِد ه؟ ‪2-‬‬

‫قاَم ت َد ّراَج ة َناِر َّية ِبَقْطع إَش ارة اْلُم رور ‪ .‬اْنَك َسَر ت ِذَر اع عاِد ل‪ ،‬ومات واِلِد ه‬
‫‪ -3‬ماهي َش خِص َّيات اْلِقَّصة ؟ اْلمكان ؟‬

‫عاِد ل وواِلده – الَّطِريق‬

‫‪ -4‬مارأيَك في َتصرِف الَّساِئق ؟‬

‫أسماء اإلشارة‬
‫هذه‬ ‫هذا‬

‫المفرد المؤنث‬ ‫المفرد المذكر‬

‫هذان‬ ‫هذان‬

‫المثنى المؤنث‬ ‫المثنى المذكر‬

‫الجمع العاقل (مذكر – مؤنث)‬
‫حّد د نوع الُجمَلة (إسمية ‪ -‬فعلية)‬

‫(‪......‬فعلية‪1. ).............‬‬ ‫ذهب الولد إلى المدرسة‪.‬‬

‫(‪......‬إسمية‪)..............‬‬ ‫‪ .2‬أحمد ولد مهّذ ب ‪.‬‬

‫(‪.....‬إسمية‪3. )............‬‬ ‫الطبيب ُيعالج المريَض ‪.‬‬

‫(‪....‬فعلية‪4. ).............‬‬ ‫وصلت سيارة إسعاف ‪.‬‬

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