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Tutorial Questions

Q1:What are the essential Ingredients of a

symmetric cipher?

Q2:What are the two basic functions used in

encryption algorithms?

Q3:What is the difference between a block

cipher and a stream cipher?
Q4:Suppose that Alice's RSA public key is (N; e)
and her private key is (N; d) where e is the
encryption exponent, d is the decryption
exponent, and N is the product of two prime
numbers p and q. We are given that p = 7; q = 11
and e = 17.If Bob encrypts the message M = 8
with the RSA algorithm using Alice's public key,
what is the Ciphertext C that Bob sends to Alice?
To show that Alice can decrypt C to obtain M.
Q5: Using this Play fair matrix:

Encrypt this message:

“Must see you over Cadogan West. Coming at
Q6:Jack is sending Tommy a message with RSA.
The public key is 3, while N is 55. What is the
value of d that Tommy must use to decrypt the
Q7: The following is a key for transposition

Encrypt the word “HELLO MY DEAR” using

the above key. Also decrypt to form the
original message.
Q8:Encrypt the message “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”
using a shifted cipher with a key of 20. Ignore
the space between words. Decrypt the massage
to the original plaintext.

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