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Therapeutic Engagement and Psychosocial Interventions

Guide to Assessment 1

Written Assignment 1: Psychosocial Intervention Theory

Due Friday 9th June 2023 by 2300pm AEST

Mark Hopwood
Course Coordinator
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◦ This assignment requires you to develop a discussion essay

examining and critiquing a talking based psychosocial
intervention of your choice.
Criterion 1: Introduction
5 marks, 150-200 words

Provide an overview of the chosen talking based psychosocial intervention

that includes its main application
◦ Briefly Outline:
◦ Purpose
◦ Identify the intervention
◦ Include definitions
◦ Application of the intervention: what conditions/situations or presenting issues is it indicated for?
◦ Flag the supporting evidence
◦ Structure of paper - what you will cover in your discussion.
Criterion 2: Discussion: (Part 1)
10 marks, 700-800 words

 Provide a detailed synopsis of the intervention including its history,

development and current evidence base.
 Outline the intervention itself
 Its origins (who, where, what, why?)
 How it developed
 Critique and analysis the chosen intervention using the relevant contemporary
high-quality literature.
 Critical examination of the interventions and the strategies or approaches
 Current evidence from the literature
 Effectiveness/limitations
 Peer reviewed journal articles are the best evidence
Criterion 3:Discussion: (Part 2)
5 marks, 200-300 words

 Consider the intervention from a nursing perspective and include

contemporary high-quality literature that discusses its use by
nurses specifically.
 May be integrated into the broader discussion of the intervention
 Unique nursing perspectives and examples of nurse led use of
the intervention
 Discuss the gaps in the literature
150 words

Summarise the key points of the critical analysis

Strengths, limitations future research
Don’t include any new ideas
Criterion 4: Expression and Academic Writing Style
5 marks
 Structure and organisation
 Headings
 No tables, point form or lists
 Paragraph structure
 Authentic and expressed clearly
Criterion 5
5 marks
◦ Literature sources and referencing: Library guides
◦ In text referencing included in word count

APA 7 Referencing Guide

Word Count
 1400 words
 Succinct and focused
 Includes headings, intext citations and quotes
 Does not include reference list
 Work beyond 1140 words will not be marked.
Appendix A: Assessment 1 - Written Assignment 1 - Marking Rubric
High Distinction
Criteria Distinction (84%-75%) Credit (74%-65%) Pass (64%-50%) Fail (49%-1%) Fail (0%) Mark
Criterion 1: (5 marks) Outstanding overview of the psychosocial Excellent and detailed overview of the Relevant and informed overview of the Satisfactory overview of the psychosocial Inadequate overview of the psychosocial Did not attempt /5
intervention with definitions and applications clearly psychosocial intervention with definitions and psychosocial intervention including definitions intervention, definitions and applications. intervention Definitions and/or applications
An overview of the psychosocial intervention outlined. applications outlined. and applications. not provided.
that provides a clear and succinct definition and
description of the intervention and its

Criterion 2: (10 marks) Outstanding and comprehensive synopsis of the Excellent and detailed synopsis of the Relevant and appropriately informed synopsis of Satisfactory synopsis of the intervention Inadequate synopsis of the intervention Did not attempt /10
intervention including its history, development, intervention including its history, development, the intervention including its history, including its history, development, and has not adequately addressed the
Synopsis of the intervention including its history, applications and current evidence base, and includes applications and current evidence base, and development, applications and current evidence applications and current evidence base, history, development, applications or
development, applications and current evidence an extensive critique and analysis of the intervention includes a critique and analysis of the base, and includes a critique and analysis of the and includes a critique and analysis of the current evidence base. Critique and
base including a critique and analyse of your using the relevant literature. intervention using the relevant literature. intervention using the relevant literature. intervention using the relevant literature. analysis of the intervention using the
intervention using the relevant literature. relevant literature is unsatisfactory.

Criterion 3: (5 marks) Outstanding and comprehensive consideration of the Excellent and detailed consideration of the Relevant and appropriately informed Satisfactory consideration of the Inadequate consideration of the Did not attempt /5
psychosocial intervention from a nursing perspective psychosocial intervention from a nursing consideration of the psychosocial intervention psychosocial intervention from a nursing psychosocial intervention from a nursing
Consideration of the psychosocial intervention including highly relevant literature that discusses its perspective including literature that discusses its from a nursing perspective including literature perspective including literature that perspective and doesn’t include literature
from a nursing perspective including literature use by nurses specifically. use by nurses specifically. that discusses its use by nurses specifically. discusses its use by nurses specifically. that discusses its use by nurses
that discusses its use by nurses specifically. specifically.

Criterion 4: Expression and Academic Exemplary writing with very high levels of authenticity Evidence of superior academic writing skills. Evidence of sound academic writing. Authentic Authentic writing that attempts to show Lacks authenticity. N/A /5
Writing (5 marks) and independent thought. Ideas and reasoning are Authentic and original writing that clearly and original writing that clearly addresses the independent thought. May struggle with
clearly expressed. synthesises the key points of the assignment. key points of the assignment. Expression of expression of ideas and reasoning. Language hinders the effective flow of
Writing is authentic and clearly expresses ideas Expression of ideas and reasoning is clear. ideas and reasoning is satisfactory. ideas and meaning.
and sound reasoning. Introductory sentence used at the start of Attempts to use paragraphs. Some
paragraphs. Main subject matter is developed within Correct use of paragraphs. Discussion in each Paragraphs are 5-7 sentences in length and sentences may be too long/short. Sentences lack structure and are
Uses correct spelling and paragraph structure each paragraph. Concluding sentence used at the paragraph provides sufficient depth to sentences are clear and concise. consistently too short or too long.
throughout. end of paragraphs. demonstrate understanding. Meets almost all style requirements
Minor errors only in syntax, spelling and including spacing, page numbers, font, Multiple errors in spelling, grammar and
Structured as per requirements in Course Exemplary spelling, grammar and syntax with no Superior spelling, grammar and syntax < 5 minor grammar. Meets all style requirements. headings. style. Not structured as per requirements
outline. errors. Meets all style requirements. errors. Meets all style requirements. in Course Outline.

Criterion 5: Literature sources and Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from a Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from Sources are appropriate, mostly contemporary Sources are mostly relevant however there Sources are inappropriate and/or absent. Sources are /5
referencing (5 marks) range of journals and databases. a range of journals and databases. and from a narrow range of journals and are too few to demonstrate wide reading. absent.
databases. In-text referencing and/or reference list
Wide range of contemporary and relevant Complies with all the referencing style requirements. APA 7 referencing style is consistently accurate. Attempts to use APA 7 style. Some errors contains major errors (>10). Absent in-text
sources are used in text and listed in reference There are no errors in referencing throughout Less than 5 minor referencing errors. Complies with referencing style requirements. in in-text and/or referencing list (8-10). referencing and/or
list. Some referencing errors in in-text and/or reference list.
referencing list (5-7).
Uses APA 7 style.


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