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What is the U.N?

 The UN is an international organisation, containing nearly

every country in the world.

 Only independent states may become members of the


 Created after World War II.

 1945 - 51 states signed the UN Charter, and became the

founding members of the UN.

 2008 - 192 member states.

Four Main Purposes

To keep peace in the world;

To develop friendly relations among nations;

To work together to improve the lives of poor

people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy and to
encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms;

To be a center for uniting the actions of nations to achieve

these goals.
Some words you need to know

Delegate – A member of a UN

Delegation – The entire group

of people in the UN committee.

Member State – The countries

that send delegations to UN
How will our club sessions work?

Role-play of a real UN meeting.

Events can last from one club hour to a few


 We will..
- debate real world issues.
- work together to try to find a resolution,
a way to help solve these problems.
What will I do?

You will be a delegate in a model UN meeting.

You will be given a UN Member State. You will

act in the role of that country’s diplomats.

 You will represent the views of ‘your’

country, reflecting that country’s national
NOT your own personal opinions!
Step 1 - Research

 The delegates will:

- research their country’s position on a topic.
- research their country’s perspective on the
topics that will be discussed at the Model UN.

 The topics are issues of global importance eg:

- provision of clean water
- economic justice
- Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
You should find the answers of these questions to
represent a country

• Type of government (e.g., democracy, monarchy)

• Is the country part of a bloc, trade organization or
economic organization (EU, ASEAN, Arab League,
BRICS, etc.)
• Geography (land type, coastline or landlocked)
• Are there indigenous people living on the country? What
percentage of the population do they make up?
• Major ethnic groups
• Poverty rate, is it a MEDC (most economically developed
country) or LEDC (least economically developed country)
• Past involvement in wars, disputes, civil wars
• Military power
• Basic recent history (major events in the last year?)
Step 2- The Meeting

 The delegations:
- come together at the UN
- follow rules of procedure that they have
agreed on.
- present statements of their
countries’ positions and debate.
- negotiate with the other delegations, in
formal and informal debates.
Step 3 – The Resolution

 The delegates:
- come together to write a resolution, which
reflects each country’s interests.
- vote on the resolution and the amendments
- produce a final resolution, which the majority
of delegations agree on.
What skills will you learn?




Are you in?

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