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Plasma Emission Spectroscopy


1.Spectroscopy. 2. Plasma. 3. Steps involved in ICP-AES. 4. Instrumentation. 5. Applications. 6. Draw backs 7.References


Spectroscopy is defined as the interaction of light and matter and has both physical and analytical applications. Plasma emission spectroscopy is a type of emission spectroscopy that uses the inductively coupled plasma to produce excited atoms and ions that emit electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths characteristic of a particular element .


2. Plasma
ICP-AES utilizes a plasma as the atomization and excitation source. A plasma is an electrically neutral, highly ionized gas that consists of ions, electrons, and atoms. The energy that maintains an analytical plasma is derived from an electric or magnetic field. Plasma is produced by three techniques.

Direct current plasma. Microwave induced plasma . Inductively coupled plasma .


3. Steps involved in ICP-AES

Sample preparation. Nebulization. Desolvation. Atomization . Emission . Detection.


4. Instrumentation


ICP Torch.
Argon gas is directed through the torch. Spark is applied to the gas causing electrons to be stripped off. This process continues till gas is converted into plasma ICP.



Sample Introduction
All three states (solid, liquid, gas) have been successfully introduced into an ICP. Although both aqueous and nonaqueous solvents have been utilized, the most commonly analyzed sample is cations in solution. For solutions, a nebulizer is used to convert the liquid stream into an aerosol consisting of particles that are 110 mm in diameter. Direct injection of liquids into the plasma would either extinguish the plasma or cause the atoms to be improperly desolvated, making excitation and emission less efficient. Five common sample introduction devices for solution samples are discussed-

Pneumatic Nebulizer

The pneumatic nebulizers, which are the most common type of combine at a through a nebulizer in use today. In the sample solution is drawn right angle, causing the the flowto form an aerosol, which subsequently strikes an capillary by sample of a nebulizing gas (the so-called Bernoulli impact beadaerosol generated impactspray chamber is drops to break effect). The (not shown). The in the bead causes the separated by apart size with smaller drops being carried to the plasma; the larger drops 4/28/12 are drained.

Frit Nebulizer

In a glass-frit nebulizer. The sample solution is pumped to the frit membrane, which consists of a porous man-made material similar in texture to coral. Argon passes through the membrane and causes the sample to form an aerosol spray. Frit nebulizers have efficiencies as high as 90% with excess sample being drained. The system is equipped with a wash solution inlet to clean the frit membrane and avoid memory effects.


Ultrasonic Nebulizers
The ultrasonic nebulizer. In this device, a piezoelectric crystal vibrates at Ultrasonic frequencies (50 kHz to 4 MHZ), and the sample is pumped to the crystal through a small plastic tube. The vibrations of the crystals cause the droplets to break up into smaller particles, which are transported to the plasma. Larger aerosol drops are drained.


Spray chamber.
Because only very small droplets in the aerosol are suitable for injection into the plasma, a spray chamber is placed between the nebulizer and the torch. The primary function of the spray chamber is to remove large droplets from the aerosol. A secondary purpose of 4/28/12 the spray chamber is

Dispersion and Detection Methods

There are three common devices used for the separation or dispersion of light: 1.Gratings 2. prisms and 3. Michelson interferometers. DETECTORS: There are three basic types of detector s : 1. photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) 2. photo diode arrays (PDAs),and 3.charge coupled devices (CCDs). These dispersion and detection devices are typically in one of four configurations, which vary in sophistication: (1) Sequential; (2) simultaneous with single-point detection; (3) Simultaneous with one-dimensional detection; and (4) simultaneous with two-dimensional detection.





Any chemical or physical process that adversely affects the measurement of the radiation of interest can be classified as an interference.Types of interferences in Icp 1.Sample preparation 2. spectral interferences 3. Other interferences Sensitivity The units are in parts per billion . Inert gases and some prominent nonmetals (C, N, O, H) are not analyzed by ICP-AES. Typical limits of dectection obtained with a commerical ICP-AES for over 70 elements


1.It is used as an ion source in mass spectroscopy. 2. It is used for assessment of health hazards in workers who work in metal industry by assessing the metal and metal compounds 3.This is particularly used for the estimation of metals in wine, arsenic in food, trace elements bound to proteins 4. It is used in production and analysis of motor oils. 5. This is used for analysis of trace elements in soils and for that reason often used in forensics to ascertain the origin of soil samples found at crime scene or on victims. 6. It is used for procedures to determine wide range of elements in the air sampling filters , dust, ashes and paints.

1.Argon is used as carrier gas in ICP which is very expensive. Air or nitrogen cannot be used because nitrogen emits several molecular bands in UV and visible region so overlaps with analytical lines are possible. 2.ICP AES cannot be used to detect nonmetals because nonmetals have strong emission lines. 3.ICP AES does not identify the oxidation state of an element in its original matrix.

1. Ingel, J. D. Jr.; Crouch, S. R. Spectrochemical Analysis; Prentice Hall: New Jersey, 1988. 2. Inductively Coupled Plasmas in Analytical Atomic Spectrometry; Montaser, A.; Golightly, D. W., Eds.; VCH Publishers: New York, 1988. 3. Greenfield, S.; Jones, I. L. I.; Berry, C. T. Analyst 1964, 89, 713. 4. Wendt, R. H.; Fassel, V. A. Anal. Chem. 1965, 37, 920. 5. Dickerson, G.; and Fassel, V. A. Anal. Chem. 1969, 41, 1021. 6. Olesik, J.W. Anal. Chem., 1991, 63, 12A.


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