Big Data Overview

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Big data overview

ESC Tunis (Afef Bahri)

 Big data
 The V’s of Big Data
 Types of data
 Facets of data
 Use cases
 Industry 4.0
 Terminologies: data in motion data at rest and data lake
 Big data Platform
 Hadoop ecosystem

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Big Data
 Big Data refers to non-conventional strategies and
innovative technologies used by businesses and
organizations to capture, manage, process, and make sense
of a large volume of data

 Huge volumes of data

 A tsunami of data
 Data of different types and formats
 Impacting the business at new and ever increasing speeds

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Big Data
 The challenges:

 Capturing, transporting, and moving the data

 Managing - the data, the hardware involved, and the software

 Processing - to provide insight

 Storing - safeguarding and securing

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Big Data
 Some terminology of Big Data :

• Oceans of data (data at rest) vs. Streams of data (data in


• Data Lake (a large storage repository and processing engine)

• NoSQL (“not only SQL”)

• Horizontal Scalability

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Scalability: horizontal vs vertical

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Entreprise architecture: traditional

Data and Application are in

differents machines

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Big Data Architecture

Data and Application are in the

same machine (Data nodes)

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A computer Cluster
 a group of linked computers, working together closely
so that in many respects they form a single computer

 The components of a cluster are commonly, but not

always, connected to each other through fast local
area networks

 Clusters are usually deployed to improve performance

and/or availability over that provided by a single

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 High availability : disponibilité élevée

 Load balancing : redistribuer vers un autre ordinateur du


 Remontée en charge

 Flexibility

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Network core

Rack 1 Rack 2 Rack 3

 Nodes are grouped into racks

 Links:
 intra-rack link
 cross-rack link

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Clustered file systems

 Clustered file systems (CFSes) (e.g., GFS, HDFS, Azure)

are widely adopted by enterprises

 A CFS comprises nodes connected via a network

 Nodes are prone to failures  data availability is crucial

 CFSes store data with redundancy

 Store new data with replication

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Packaging/Physical Design

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Packaging/Physical Design

 Google data center (circa 2012)

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Example of cluster

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The Vs of Big Data
The Vs of Big Data : (3Vs, 4Vs, 5Vs, …)
 Volume

 Traditional database technology will not suffice the need of

efficient data management i.e. storage and analysis.

 The need of a large scale adoption of new age tools like

Hadoop and MongoDB.

 Big data volume: Zettabytes which is equivalent to a trillion

gigabytes. 1 zettabyte is equivalent to approximately 3 million
galaxies of stars

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Data has an intrinsic property…it grows
and grows
90% 80% 20%
of the world’s of available
of the world’s
data was data can be
data today is
created in the processed by
last two years traditional

1 in 2 83% 5.4X
business leaders of CIO’s cited BI and more likely that
don’t have access analytics as part of top performers
to data they need their visionary plan use business
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Growing interconnected & instrumented

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System of Units / Binary System of Units

23 23/12/2023
The Vs of Big Data : (3Vs, 4Vs, 5Vs, …)
 Variety
 Variety is defined as the different types of data we can
now use. New and innovative big data technology is now
allowing structured and unstructured data

 Structured data such as bank records, demographic data,

inventory databases,

 Unstructured data includes captured like images, tweets or

Facebook status updates,

24 23/12/2023
The Vs of Big Data : (3Vs, 4Vs, 5Vs, …)
 Velocity
 Velocity refers to the speed at which vast amounts of data are
being generated, collected and analyzed

 The frequency of specific data collected via various sources

defines the velocity of that data
 Every day the number of emails, twitter messages, photos, video clips,
etc. increases at lighting speeds around the world

 Big data technology allows us now to analyze the data while it

is being generated, without ever putting it into databases

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The Vs of Big Data : (3Vs, 4Vs, 5Vs, …)
 Veracity
 Veracity is the quality or trust of the data

 Quality, accuracy, and precision are needed

 Data entry errors, wrong references or links

 Determining right source and form of the data and the

right method of analysis

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5th V - Value
 5th V - Value - that is the real purpose of working with
Big Data to obtain business insight.

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Les …Vs
 Volume - how much data is there?
 Velocity - how quickly is the data being created, moved, or
 Variety - how many different types of sources are there?
 Veracity - can we trust the data?
 Validity - is the data accurate and correct?
 Viability - is the data relevant to the use case at hand?
 Volatility - how often does the data change?
 Vulnerability - can we keep the data secure?
 Visualization - how can the data be presented to the user?
 Value - can this data produce a meaningful return on
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Types of Big Data
 Structured
 Data that can be stored
and processed in a
fixed format, aka schema
 Semi-structured
 Data that does not have a formal structure of a data model, i.e. a table
definition in a relational DBMS, but nevertheless it has some organizational
properties like tags and other markers to separate semantic elements that
makes it easier to analyze, aka XML or JSON
 Unstructured
 Data that has an unknown form and cannot be stored in RDBMS and cannot be
analyzed unless it is transformed into a structured format is called as
unstructured data
 Text Files and multimedia contents like images, audios, videos are example of
unstructured data - unstructured data is growing quicker than others, experts
say that 80 percent of the data in an organization is unstructured
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Facets of Data
 In data science and big data, you will come across many
different types of data, and each of them require different
tools and techniques. The main categories of data are:
 Structured
 Unstructured
 Natural language
 Machine-generated
 Graph-based
 Audio, video, and image
 Streaming

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5’Vs and Data

31 23/12/2023
Data at Rest data in motion
 Data at Rest (data in storage)
 Refers to data that is being stored in stable destination
systems. Data at rest is frequently defined as data that is
not in use
 Data stored in an online database
 Data stored on disk
 Data stored online or offline database extracts
 Backups transferred to disk
 Archives
 Data at rest is a snapshot of the information that is
collected and stored, ready to be analyzed for decision-
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Data at Rest data in motion
 Data in motion
 Stream of data moving through any kind of network
 Data actively moving from one location to another such as
across the internet
 Data in motion is the process of analyzing data on the fly
without storing it
 Systems to analyze this data include IBM Streams

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Use cases for a Big Data platform:
Healthcare and Life Sciences
 Problem:
 Vast quantities of real-time information are starting to come
from wireless monitoring devices that postoperative patients
and those with chronic diseases are wearing at home and in
their daily lives.
 How big data analytics can help:
 Epidemic early warning
 Intensive Care Unit and remote monitoring

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Use cases for a Big Data
platform: Financial Services
 Problem:
 Manage the several Petabytes of data which is
growing at 40-100% per year under increasing
pressure to prevent frauds and complaints to
 How big data analytics can help:
 Fraud detection
 Credit issuance
 Risk management
 360° view of the Customer

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Graph analytics
 Path analysis • Community
 Connectivity
• Centrality
analysis analysis

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Industry 4.0
 “Industry 4.0” was the brainchild of the German
government, and describes the next phase in
manufacturing - a so-called fourth industrial revolution
 Industry 1.0: Water/steam power
 Industry 2.0: Electric power
 Industry 3.0: Computing power
 Industry 4:0: Internet of Things (IoT) power
 Characteristic for industrial production in an Industry 4.0 environment
are the strong customization of products under the conditions of
highly flexibilized (mass-) production. The required automation
technology is improved by the introduction of methods of self-
optimization, self-configuration, self-diagnosis, cognition and
intelligent support of workers in their increasingly complex work.

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IoT and the connected world
 International Data Corporation (IDC) has estimated that
there will be 26 times more connected things than people
in 2020 - perhaps 200 billion

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Sensors & software for the automobile

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Big Data scenarios span many industries

Multi-channel customer
sentiment and
experience analysis

Detect life-threatening
conditions at hospitals
in time to intervene

Predict weather patterns

to plan optimal wind
turbine usage, and
optimize capital
expenditure on asset
Make risk decisions
based on real-time
transactional data

Identify criminals and

threats from disparate
video, audio, and data
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Introduction to Hadoop & the Hadoop
 Why? When? Where?
 Origins / History
 The Why of Hadoop
 The When of Hadoop
 The Where of Hadoop
 Hadoop Basics
 Comparison with RDBMS
 Hadoop architecture
 MapReduce
 Hadoop Common

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What is Hadoop?
 Apache open source software framework for reliable,
scalable, distributed computing of massive amount of data

 Hides underlying system details and complexities from user

 Developed in Java

 Uses Google’s MapReduce and Google File System (GFS)

technologies as its foundation

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What is Hadoop?
 Consists of 3 sub projects:
 MapReduce
 Hadoop Distributed File System (aka. HDFS)
 Hadoop Common

 Has a large ecosystem with both open-source &

proprietary Hadoop-related projects
 Hbase / Zookeeper / Avro / etc.

 Meant for heterogeneous commodity hardware

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Why & where Hadoop is used / not used
 What Hadoop is good for:
 Massive amounts of data through
 A variety of data (structured, unstructured,
 Inexpensive commodity hardware
 Hadoop is not good for:
 Not to process transactions (random access)
 Not good when work cannot be parallelized
 Not good for low latency data access
 Not good for processing lots of small files
 Not good for intensive calculations with little data
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Hadoop / MapReduce timeline

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The two key components of Hadoop
 Hadoop Distributed File System = HDFS
 Where Hadoop stores data
 A file system that spans all the nodes in a Hadoop cluster
 It links together the file systems on many local nodes to make
them into one big file system

 MapReduce framework
 How Hadoop understands and assigns work to the nodes

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Partitionning : shrading
 Data is divided into partitions that can be managed and
accessed separately

 Partitioning can
 Improve scalability
 Optimize performance.

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Scaling – Master/Slave Hadoop

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Horizontal scalability Hadoop

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Requirements for this new approach
 Partial Failure Support
 Data Recoverability
 Component Recovery
 Consistency
 Scalability

 Hadoop is based on work done by Google in the late 1990s/early 2000s:

Specifically, on papers describing the Google File System (GFS)
(published in 2003), and MapReduce (published in 2004)

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Core Hadoop concepts
 Applications are written in high-­level language code

 Work is performed in a cluster of commodity machines

 Nodes talk to each other as little as possible

 Data is distributed in advance

 Bring the computation to the data

 Data is replicated for increased availability and reliability

 Hadoop is fully scalable and fault-­‐tolerant

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A large (and growing) Ecosystem

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Who uses Hadoop?

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An example of a big data platform in
practice (IBM)
Ingestion and Real-time Analytic Zone Analytics and
Reporting Zone
Streaming Data
Warehousing Zone

BI &



MapReduce Hive/HBase Data Marts

Col Stores Visualization
& Discovery

in variety of formats
ETL, MDM, Data Governance

Landing and Analytics Sandbox Metadata and Governance Zone

55 Zone 23/12/2023
Big Data centers for Massive Parallelism
Storm Spark-Streaming
Pregel GraphLab GraphX
DryadLINQSpark Dremel
MapReduce Hadoop Dryad Hive

2005 2010 2015

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Historique : La naissance de MapReduce
et Hadoop
 2003/2004 : publication par Google de deux whitepapers,
le premier sur GFS (un système de fichier distribué) et le
second sur le paradigme Map/Reduce pour le calcul
 2004 : développement de la première version du
framework qui deviendra Hadoop par Doug Cutting
 2006 : Doug Cutting (désormais chez Yahoo) développe
une première version exploitable de Apache Hadoop pour
l'amélioration de l'indexation du moteur de recherche

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 2008 : développement maintenant très abouti, Hadoop
utilisé chez Yahoo dans plusieurs départements

 2011: Hadoop désormais utilisé par de nombreuses autres

entreprises et des universités, et le cluster Yahoo comporte
42000 machines et des centaines de peta-octets d'espace
de stockage

 Le nom lui-même n'est pas un acronyme : il s'agit du nom

d'un éléphant en peluche du fils de l'auteur originel (Doug
Cuttin) de Hadoop

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 Modèle de programmation parallèle (framework de calcul
distribué) pour le traitement de grands ensembles de
 Développé par Google :

 permet de répartir la charge sur un grand nb de serveurs


 abstraction quasi-totale de l’infrastructure matérielle

 La librairie MapReduce existe dans plusieurs langages

(C++, C#, Erlang, Java, Python, Ruby…)
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 Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
 where Hadoop stores data
 Nodes: a Hadoop cluster

 MapReduce framework

 Evolving: MR v1, MR v2, etc.

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 HDFS: Hadoop data file system
 Hbase: is the Hadoop database
 Yarn: is the architectural center of Hadoop that allows multiple
data processing engines such as interactive SQL, real-time
streaming, data science and batch ...
 Oozie: is a workflow scheduler system to manage Apache
Hadoop jobs
 Parquet: a columnar storage format available to any project in
the Hadoop ecosystem, regardless of the choice of data
processing framework
 Pig: is a platform for analyzing large data sets

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 Snappy: compression for Hadoop

 Slor: searches of data stored in HDFS in Hadoop

 Sqoop: transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured

datastores such as relational databases

 ZooKeeper: is a centralized service for maintaining configuration

information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing
group services.

 Knox Gateway (“Knox”) is a system to extend the reach of Apache™

Hadoop services to users outside of a Hadoop cluster without reducing
Hadoop Security.

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 Slider lets you deploy distributed applications across a Hadoop cluster.
Slider leverages the YARN ResourceManager to allocate and distribute
components of an application across a cluster

 Ambari : The Apache Ambari project is aimed at making Hadoop

management simpler by developing software for provisioning, managing,
and monitoring Apache

 Mahout : creating Scalable Performant Machine Learning Applications

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Differences between RDBMS and

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Some terminology…to get you started
 75 Big Data Terms Everyone Should Know (July 2017)

 But these are just

the beginning of
a terminological
dictionary that you
should develop
for yourself

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Data lake
 A Data Lake is a storage repository that can store large
amount of structured, semi-structured, and
unstructured data

 Entreprise Data Hubs’’, ou ’’Data Platform’’

 It is a place to store every type of data in its native format

with no fixed limits on account size or file. ... Data
Lake is like a large container which is very similar to
real lake and rivers

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Data lake Vs data warehouse
 Data.
 A data warehouse only stores data that has been
 A data lake stores structured, semi-structured, and unstructured

 Processing
 Before we can load data into a data warehouse, we first need to
model it. That’s called schema-on-write

 With a data lake, you just load in the raw data, as-is. Schema-on-

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Data lake Vs data warehouse
 Storage. One of the primary features of big data
technologies like Hadoop is that
 the cost of storing data is relatively low as compared to the data
 There are two key reasons for this:

 First, Hadoop is open source software, so the licensing and

community support is free.

 And second, Hadoop is designed to be installed on low-cost

commodity hardware

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Data lake Vs data warehouse
 Agility. A data warehouse is a highly-structured
repository, by definition. It can be very time-consuming to
change the structure

 A data lake lacks the structure of a data warehouses

 Gives developers and data scientists the ability to easily

configure and reconfigure their models, queries, and apps on-
 A data lake is best suited for the data scientists.

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Data lake for Data scientists

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Munging eq wrangling
 Data munging/Data wrangling is the process of
transforming and mapping data from one
"raw" data form into another format with the intent of
making it more appropriate and valuable for analytics

 Example: python and pandas libraries

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Data ingestion
 Is the transportation of data from sources to a storage

Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available open source analytics &

service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, monitoring solution
and moving large amounts of log data.
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Vocabulaire à retenir
 Data in rest
 Data at motion
 The V’s of Big data
 Data Lake
 Data ingestion
 Data munging/Data wrangling
 Horizontal scalability
 Data node
 Master node
 Rack
 Cluster
 Cluster file system
 GFS, HDFS, Azure: CFS
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