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Lesson 1: Integrating ICT in Teaching and Learning

What is ICT?

Information and Communication Technologies or ICTs are defined, as a –

diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create,
disseminate, store, and manage information. Some examples of these technologies
include computers, the internet, broad casting technologies (radio television),
Uses of ICT in Education

The Effectiveness of ICT in Education

ICTs provide a powerful tool for extending educational opportunities, both

formal and non-formal, to people who are unable to enroll on campus due to time
constraints and cost of education. They belong to the scattered and rural populations,
groups traditionally excluded from education due to cultural or social reason such as
ethnic minorities, girls and women, persons with disabilities, and the elderly- the
undeserved constituencies.
Three determinants of moral action:

Anytime, anywhere Access to remote learning resources ICTs help prepare individuals for
Today, we have the internet
It makes the and the World Wide Web (WWW) Using ICTs in the
Learning material
which technically can provide you classroom is useful in preparing
accessible and available learning students for a workplace where
accessible whenever you materials in any subject matter and in computers, the internet and other
want, wherever you are. It a variety of media, professionals, ICTs are being used. The ability
business leaders, and peers-all over to effectively and efficiently use
does not require both the
the world. ICTs is considered as competitive
presence of the learners and edge in increasingly globalizing
the trainers in one location. job market.

Generally, ICTs help provide greater efficiency throughout the school. The
regular use of these technologies can give a beneficial motivational influence in the
learning of the students. Moreover through email, discussion groups and chat rooms,
communication channels are increased.
Benefits of using ICTs for teachers
1. ICT facilitates of sharing of resources, expertise and advice.
2. Greater flexibility in when and where tasks are carried out.
3. Gains in ICT literacy skills, confidence and enthusiasm.
4. Easier planning and preparation of lessons and designing materials.
5. Access to up-to-date pupil and school data, anytime and anywhere.
6. Enhancement of professional image projected to colleagues.
7. Students are generally more ‘on task’ and express more positive feelings when they use
computers that they are given other tasks to do.
8. Computer use during lessons motivated students to continue using learning outside school
Lesson 2: Principles of Preparing Training


Theory and practice should go hand in hand teaching. This lesson will
introduce you to theories related to using ICTs in education. These theories can
help you understand how learners learn and what media can be used to address
learners’ needs.
Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (Mayer)

In Richard Mayer’s book, “Multimedia learning (2nd edition) multimedia

principle” is explained as the principle which states that “people learn more
from words and pictures that from words alone.”

However, to achieve multimedia learning, it is not an effective way to simply

add words to pictures. The goal of this theory is to utilize instructional media in
the light of how the human mind works. When it comes to learning with
multimedia, the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning propose three main
• There are two separate channels (auditory and visual) for
processing information;

• There is limited channels capacity; and


• That learning is an active process of filtering, selecting,

organizing, and integrating information.

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