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By: Bethel S.

rtable nt of inq
The comfo f a stick and Simple
so su
ergonomic h etically
ed, can itably
g it a e s t aesthet be
makin r esult in ically ple
n g w ill and ser as
appeali ve differ ing
reations ent
different c e rs pective.
t o p
Ai- explain and justify the
need for the unit
What is the problem and why does the problem exist?
The problem is making a simple, comfortable, and decorated stick, to help children
minimize their time on screens. This “stick”, should be simple, but aesthetically
pleasing. The stick should be appropriate for children 7-8 years old.
Why should people care about the problem?
This problem is important because, it will help children get off their screens. 7-8 year
olds should enjoy their childhood, and have fun instead of being on their screens all
the time. Research shows that children the ages 7 and 8 should use electronics for 2
hours maximum.
What action will you take to solve the problem?
I will create a creation that reminds people of nature, and makes them happy. I will
also try to make the item attractive, to persuade children to get off their screens.
Aii- research questions
1. What purposes does a stick have in a place/other?
2. Why do decorations improve the interest of the audience?
3. How big should the stick be? Size?
4. How can one item create different perspectives?
5. What skills are needed to make the plan work?
6. What could I create using a stick?
7. How are most of the sticks used in plays made?
8. What are some methods used to carve wood products?
9. When did people start using props in plays?
Q1: 6 different ways to use a stick:

1. Paint brushes: 15 cm long stick, strings, wool, and decoration will be needed.
2. Conductors wand: A musician needs a conductor to tell them what to do. The conductor's wand in this case,
can represent the personality of the conductor.
3. A drum stick: A drumsticks colour, shape, etc can show the personality of the owner.
4. Pencil (Ms. Briana’s idea): Can explain someone's thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
5. Nature: Can represent beauty in nature, grass, flowers, sun, rain, snow, wind etc.
6. Wand: Wands are used to gather , keep and use magic.

Q2: Decorations are “not always” the way to capture interest says Peter Jacob ( But, other sources
state that it makes you feel more comfortable, and may improve/capture the audience's attention. But, too much
decoration is not good.

Q3: The average hand’s width of children the ages 7-8 is 2.75 cm. So my stick creation, should be from 2.75-3 cm
long. The average length of children’s hands from the ages 7-8 is 5.5 cm so the stick should be from 5.5 cm- 5.75
cm- 6 cm.

Q4: To make different perspectives using one item, I should make one quality of the stick become more visible. In
addition make the audience find out a new fact about the material once in a while. Q5: It is crucial for me to be
able to carve wood, and know how to make patterns. Additionally, it is important for me to be able to use
measurements, and the tools. I also need to plan carefully to make my plan work.
Q6: Some ideas of what I can make include:

1. Stirring wand to stir potions.

2. Xylophone
3. Conductors wand
4. Paint brush
5. Penicil
6. Drumsticks
7. A game

Q7: The process of making a drumstick goes like this:

First a machine is used to get the mud, rocks, and bark off. Then they go into the “mill”. Usually the companies look for white logs to
make the performance of the sticks good. Then pieces of the log get cut off to be used for the drumsticks, and the rest will be used
for another product. The person conducting the machine will choose judging from the size what material can be made using it next.
Then those pieces that were cut earlier will be cut into 1 inch strips. After that people will look for white lumber. Then the sticks are
stacked for drying. They are dried to avoid damaging the wood. Then people use a machine to make it round. Then they are given
out to factories, to make the marks, then are given to stores.

Q8: Some wood carving techniques include:

8. Carving wood with grain = carving from the top to the bottom.
9. Push and pull cuts = Push - To make a shape Pull- To make details/do the same thing as pull but backwards.
10. V-gouge = used to make sharp lines and details
11. Carving in the round = Making curves on straight lines (only if needed).

Q9: People started using props in the in the 16th and 17th century. They first began using them in greek theatres.
Aiii- analysing existing
Note for myself:
- Find between 2 and 5 existing products linked to the unit.
- Caption/title your picture and provide the source.
- SWOT at least two to make a SWOT analysis.
Conductors wand/baton:


The conductor’s baton is used to

give information to musicians
using language.
1. Conductors
S- A conductor's baton is special as it tells the
musicians what to do at what time. When using a
W- “Usually, the baton is not necessary
in a orchestra”, says
baton, it should be aligned with your elbow to the
As my sources say, the conductors
end of your palm. When holding it, your thumb
baton has no seeable problems. The
and finger should be together. A baton may be
difficult thing about repairing the wand,
important to people as it is reported that it was
is that to make a quality baton, you
first used in 709BC in Ancient Greece. The
need lightweight wood, etc that is hard
conductors gestures are visually appealing when
to find.
looking at the baton.

O- I can use the carving method

T- This material is not aesthetically
used on the stick. This item fits
pleasing, it has no simple
into the statement of inquiry as
decorations on it. It may be hard to
it is simple and can be used for
use it as my design idea because it
many different purposes. The
is not the wood we are using. This
woods good condition is also
does not feel realistic as I don’t
have good carving skills.

A drum stick is used to make

a sound or beat when hitting
the drums.
2. Drumstick
S- A drumstick is special due to the sound it
makes when it hits a drum. When making W- The bold writing on the stick is
music with drumsticks make sure index finger unnecessary. One disadvantage of the
should be pointing out and your thumb on the drum stick is that you can’t use t for
other side of the stick. Your other 3 fingers another thing. It can only be used from
should be holding the opposite side to the 3-5 months. Sometimes more if you
thumb very well. Drumsticks enhance your take good care of it. If you are playing
comfort and helps you get some good sounds the drums to hard it may ruin the tips of
on drums. Drumsticks may or may not look the drumsticks.
appealing due to their colour.

O- The way the wood is waxed and

straight is useful. Due to the reason that
T- The material is not aesthetically
this will make a person avoid getting
pleasing, neither is it suitably decorated.
hurt. The object is comfortable, as its
It does not make you think of anything
straight and comfortable. It is easy to
else than a drumstick.
hold. The ball points at the top are
useful, to create a safer environment.
Paint brushes:


Paint brushes are useful to show

art, perspective, and thinking. It is
usually used to paint pictures.
3. Paint
S- Paint brushes can absorb/hold brushes:
liquid water. When painting, it is
useful to paint from top to bottom,
W- Paint brushes get ruined easily if
carefully making the small details
you leave them to long with stain or
and carefully making the light
water on them. Paint takes time to
drawings. Paint brushes are
dry, and they aren’t that quick to
important, as they are used to make
draw either.
paint. Additionally, they are useful to
represent people's feelings,
thoughts, and emotions.
O- You can use some paint brushes from T- The silver material in between the
-4 years. I can use the top of the stick and the brush is unneeded.
paintbrush on my design (if we have the Another problem is this material is not
material). This product fits the statement suitably decorated. The material the
of inquiry as it is simple, can be brush on the top is made out of is hard
decorated with colour, and serves to find.
different purposes.


A wand is normally used by a

wizard or a witch to represent
S- Wands are special as they represent W- The companies name on the wand is not
magic. While using a wand, it is thought needed, because it gets rid of the “magical
that it should be held on the right hand. feeling”. Wands are normally used by
Wands are important to people as they witches and wizards, while others use them
are used to make spells. Wands may for “magic tricks”. The details on the wand
vary, and mean different things to different are hard to repair.

O- The detailed description, the way it T- The companies name is not needed.
describes someone's personality or The problem with wands is that they don’t
identity is useful to be able to know the serve different purposes. It does not feel
difference between your wand and realistic to me making this as it would take
others wands. These are simply a lot of time making the details.
decorated, simple (sometimes), and
aesthetically pleasing. The meaning of it
may differ from person to person.
Aiv-developed and detailed
design brief

● A summary of your research.

● Share your learning from the whole of section A
● It must say how your learning links to the statement of inquiry and ATLs
(communication and perspective)
The statement of inquiryDESIGN
states that theBRIEF
toy/prop we will be creating should be simple, appropriately decorated,
aesthetically pleasing, comfortable, and can serve different reasons. Our task was to make a toy/prop for children
ages 7-8 years. What makes it difficult is we don't know their interests. To make this product suitable for the
consumers, we have to make calculations, interviews, and more to persuade the target audience to limit screen
time and buy the product. The stick we have is 50 cm in length and 2.25 cm in width. I want the product I will be
designing to help children get off screens and for them to enjoy the product.
Regarding my research, I have found some ideas of what I could make. I discovered that to capture the target
audience's attention, decorations can help make the consumer (in this case, a 7-8-year old) feel comfortable. To
create different perspectives, using one product is useful to make one part of the product more visible for others to
see. To help my understanding of the process needed to make a drumstick, I researched and wrote a couple of
the steps down. I also had a quick overview of carving techniques. My design will be simple, but detailed. My
design will be safe for children to use without lots of risks.
The benefits from using this product include:
● Children will get off their screens more easily. If the product is more aesthetically pleasing than their
screens, there is a chance that they might limit their screen time.
● It will enhance creativity, as one stick can create different opinions and perspectives. They will also
discover other ways they can use the product.
● Children will have to use their imagination to make the stick mean more to themselves and others.
● It also strengthens children's problem-solving skills, because the kids would have to make a game using a
stick that everyone can be included in and everyone can enjoy the game.
Bi-develop design specification
Aesthetics My material should be smooth and appropriate for
children ages 7-8. It should be safe, soft, I would
like to paint it. In addition I would like there to be
carved on it to represent personality, etc.

Cost My school provided the materials.

Customer My target audience are grade 2 and 3, from the

ages 7-8.

Environmental considerations My product can be used outside or inside. But, it is

recommended to not use it in rain, as it might ruin
the product.

Function It is made to help children improve imaginative play

and creativity. The main goal is to help children get
of screens.
Bi-develop design specification

Materials The materials I will use are:

1. Wood
2. Paint
3. Sandpaper
4. Carving materials
5. Burning pen
6. Glue

Safety I will avoid sharp edges to make sure the

children can't hurt themselves. Additionally,
I should use sandpaper to make the wood
smooth, making the children avoid getting
scars when using it.

Size The minimum will be 2.75 in width and 5.5

in length. The maximum will be 50 cm by
2.25 cm.
Bi-develop design specification
Success criteria Justification Testing
My prop should look good as a If the finished piece does not look I will test this by getting feedback
finished piece. (It should still be good, the children would not buy it. from my target audience and
simple) It would neither help me solve the maybe my class.
problem, helping children get off

My prop shouldn't have sharp It should be safe for 7-8 year olds I will observe it and ask target
edges and be smooth. to hold and play with. It shouldn’t audience.
let the children hurt themselves.

My prop should be a maximum of To make the prop suitable for I will make sure it is the right size
50 cm by 2.25 cm. them, I need to check the sizes of by measuring it.
the children's hands.

I need to make sure my toy is To make our target audience can I will have a survey/interview with
appropriate for children aged 7-8. use the product and so that they my target audience and their
can enjoy the product with all of its comments.
Bii-range of developed

I called this product a nature wand because t

represents plants in nature. I put a flower in the
middle, and green lines around the stick like green
grass. The stick is a shape of a wand. It will be
approximately 2.25 in width and 5.75 cm-20 cm in
length. I will use the colours: green, dark green, pink,
and brown the most.
Magicians wand. You might have heard of it
before. This magicians wand is different,
because a small part at the top is black with
some space in between (approximately 3 cm
space in between).In the space inbetween, I
will use the burning pen/marker to create a
pattern with lines crossing over each other.
Under that, it is black, just like the top. The
stick will be a circular shape. I will use the
burning pen to make thin lines
IDEA 3-Conductors

This conductors baton will be 2.25 cm-2 cm in width. Its

structure will start thick then become thin at the end/bottom.
There will be a red smooth place to hold it on. This will be
useful as it will make the product more comfortable to hold.

This drumstick will be 10 cm in length and 2.25 cm in width.

At the end of both/ one of the sticks, there are lines/patterns.
There will be safety balls at the top to help children to avoid
poking themselves in the eye. The wood will be waxed/sanded,
smooth wood, safe for children to use. There will be no paint
used. The burning pen will be used to make a pattern at the
bottom of a/the stick (s).
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

1. Which toy do you like the best, explain why?

2. Do you have any ideas of what I can add onto these wand?
3. Do you think these drawings have sharp edges? Where do you see them?
4. How much are you willing to pay for them?
5. What games/purposes would you use this stick for?
6. Do you think this is appropriate for 7-8 year olds? Why?
7. Where would you mostly play with this toy?
8. Would you stop using/watching screens for this toy?
9. What benefits do you think you would get from this product?
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

1. Which wand type do you like the best, explain why?

3 nature wand/ because it is pretty. It has flowers. Because it is pretty
1 drumstick// I like drumsticks because they can make lots of sounds
1 conductors wand/ because I like the color. It looks familiar, typically ice cream.
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

2. Do you have any ideas of what I can add onto these wand?
1. More leaves and flowers more colours.
2. Like, more stuff. More lines and colour.
3. Is more colours and make it bigger
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

3. Do you think these drawings have sharp edges? Where do you see them?
No sharp edges
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

4. How much are you willing to pay for them?

- 20kr
- 10 kr
- Free
- 100 kr
- 100 kr
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

5. What games/purposes would you use this stick for?

1. To annoy my sister
2. To do magic tricks on
3. To make fire at the night
4. Have it in my room for decoration purposes
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

6. Do you think this is appropriate for 7-8 year olds? Why?

It is because people in the world like to use it and kids like noises, like me.
Yeah, because it does not look dangerous.
Yes. Because the decoration
Yeah I think so, because it does not look dangerous
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

7. Where would you mostly play with this toy?

Outside and in my room.
I will play hide and seek with my friends, and they need to find it.
In my room.
In my sisters and my own room
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

8. Would you stop using/watching screens for this toy?

Sometimes and sometimes not. When my sister is annoying me I will stop my game and annoy her.
No. Because, first I would play games and then with the toy
No. Because if I stop playing, then I will never sleep.
Sometimes. Because it's pretty.
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

9. What benefits do you think you would get from this product?
Annoy my sister
To make a decoration and play magic
To do magic tricks
To play with with it at home
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection
Chosen design: Nature wand-Design 1-
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

In my opinion, the design idea that meets most of the criteria that I have I have put in Bi is the magicians wand or the nature wand. The reason

being how the magicians wand is simple, and the nature wand is decorated. They don’t have any sharp edges, and the children said that they think

the pictures I drew were good, and that they were appropriate for children their age. Some strengths of the nature wand is that it looks nice

aesthetically, and it has little details to make it important, you can use it for different purposes (that's how it encourages creativity and

imagination). Some weaknesses include: The carvings may be hard to carve as they look complex. Some strengths of the magicians wand include:

It is simple, useful for children that want to play with it. Some weaknesses are: It has few decorations, it can be used for a number of purposes, and

it does not really encourage children’s creativity, and imagination. Sme strengths on the conductor's baton include: It is simple and decorated, and

easy to use. Some weaknesses are: It does not encourage imagination, and creativity, and children would not stop using their PC’s for it. Some

strengths of the drumstick include: It will help the children learn how to use drums, it might help them decrease the time they spend on PC’s, and

it is simple. Some weaknesses of the drumstick are: It is too simple, as it is not decorated, the children might get bored, and start increasing the

time they spend playing video games, and spending too much time with PC’s.
Biii- present the chosen design and justify its selection

I think it is more practical if I create the nature wand. Because, the majority of the children I worked with in grade 2 chose the

nature wand. It will approve the criteria I made: It is simple, but decorated, it is appropriate for 7-8 year olds, it can be used for

lots of different purposes. Additionally, I have noticed that the minor details play a big role in the children’s interest.

What I might find difficult is that the minor details may be hard to make. But, I can improve my carving skills. Because, before

we start carving, somebody will teach us how to carve and use the burning pen. This will help me improve my skills.

In result, I will be making design number 1 (nature wand), because the majority of children in grade 2 said they will enjoy this

toy, and that they think it is pretty. Additionally, it fulfills most of the criteria’s I have listed. It is also a good size, children will

be able to use their imagination and creativity to create a new way to use this product. It is also colourful, and has little details

that make it even more important for the children/people using it. ⅗ of the students questioned said it was pretty and enjoyable.

The nature wand is also a sensible and appropriate choice for children ages 7-8.
Biv-Accurate and detailed planning and outline
the requirements for the creation
- If someone else had to make it, this is the step by step process. Final sketch: Design 1- Nature wand
Biv-Accurate and detailed planning and outline the requirements for the creation

1. Get all of your materials out. Make 5-10 min

sure it all works.

2. Measure the wood. (20 cm length) 5-10 min

(2.25 cm width).

3. Carve out the leave shape at the 30-40 min


4. Use the burning pen to make the 1 hour

green lines on the flower.

5. Make the zig zag curved lines 20 min

supposed to be on the stick.

6. Make the pink/red flower shapes. 20-30 min

Biv-Accurate and detailed planning and outline the requirements for the creation

7. Make the lines that are supposed 5-10 min

to be in the outside of the circle.

8. Make a circle in the middle. 5-10 min

9. Continue the green curved line 30-40 min

pattern using the burning pen. (As
done previously).

10. Make the lines, flowers, and leaves 1 hour

look 3D using the glue/ hot glue

11. Add paint, and other finalizing 20 min


12. Make sure the product looks like it 20-30 min

is supposed to.

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