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Deadly regime

-A lot of people got killed, especially those who stood against


-According to HRVVMC, 11,103 had fallen victims to

rights violation by the dictatorship. But according to
Amnesty International (AI) there were 107,200 victims,
mostly killed, tortured, and imprisoned by the Marcos
HRVVMC Amnesty International (AI)
-According to HRVVMC, 11,103 -They said that there were
individuals had fallen victims to the 107,200 victims, most likely killed,
rights violations by the dictatorship. tortured, and imprisoned by the
Marcos regime.
-Their data showed that 2,326 were
either killed or disappeared, never -They stated that at least 3,200
to be found. innocent people were killed.

-They said that there were 699 and

1,417 approved claims for those
victims of illegal detention during -Counted at least 70,000 people
the Marcos dictatorship who were wrongly imprisoned by
the Marcos regime.
•The families of victims of
involuntary Disappearance said that
from 1971 to 1986, at least 878
people went missing and are now
considered desaparecidos.
Tortured for fighting tyranny
• HRVVMC listed 2,104 approved claims for torture.
Rape and forcible abduction -238
Mutilation , sexual abuse involving children and
minors -217
Psychological, mental, and emotional harm insanity,
acts of lasciviousness -1,467
And inhumane and degrading treatment -182
“TORTYUR: Human Rights Violation During The Marcos
This are the several kinds of torture experienced by victims of
Martial Law:
Electric Shock- Often used, this involves electric wires
attached to the fingers and the genitalia of the victim.
Sometimes, the wires were attached to the arms and the
San Juanico Bridge- Between two beds, the victim lies and if
his/her body “falls or sags,’’ the victim will be beaten.
Truth Serum- Done at the V. Luna General
Hospital, it prompts the victim to “talk
Russian Roulette- The victim is forced to
aim a revolver with a bullet at his/her own
head and then pull the trigger.
Beating- A group of soldiers would beat with
“fists, kicks and karate blows’’ manacled
Pistol-Whipping- A victim is beaten with rifle
Water Cure- Huge amounts of water would be
forced through into the victim’s mouth, and by
beating would be forced.
Strangulation- Constriction of the neck done by
hand, electric wire and steel bar.
Cigar and Flat Iron Burns- A victim is inflicted
with heat.
Pepper Torture- A “concentrated peppery
substance” is placed on the lips and genitals.
Animal Treatment- victims are manacled and
caged like beasts.

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