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Orientation of work place.

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Meaning of workplace orientation:

Workplace orientation refers to the process of introducing new

employees to their work environment, company policies,
procedures and culture. It helps them become familiar with the
organization’s expectations, values and structure. Orientation is
essential for a smooth transition into the workplace and can
include aspects like workplace tours, introductions to colleagues
and information about job responsibilities.
Concept of Workplace Orientation:

A workplace orientation occurs on the first few days of a new hire's

employment. It involves introducing them to their team, showing them their
workspace and administering new hire paperwork. Employees will usually
spend a portion of their job orientation reviewing onboarding information
like dress code, benefits and salary.
Concept of Workplace Orientation:

A workplace orientation occurs on the first few days of a new hire's

employment. It involves introducing them to their team, showing them their
workspace and administering new hire paperwork. Employees will usually
spend a portion of their job orientation reviewing onboarding information
like dress code, benefits and salary.

Workplace orientation involves introducing new

employees to their work environment. It’s a process
to help newcomers to become familiarize with their
 Importance of workplace orientation:

Workplace orientation is crucial for several reasons:

1. Smooth integration:
-It helps new employees to get familiar with the organization.
2. Clear expectations:
-Orientation provides a clear understanding of job roles, responsibilities and aligning with organizational
3. Company Culture:
-It introduces newcomers to the company’s values, missions and culture.
4. Efficiency and Productivity:
-Well-informed employees are most likely to be productive sooner, minimizing the learning curve and
contributing to overall operational efficiency.
5. Team building:
-Introductions to colleagues during orientation facilitate networking and relationship building, fostering a
collaborative work atmosphere.
Purpose :

-It facilitates the smooth integration of new employees into

the organization.
-New employees become familiar with their roles, colleagues
and the work environment.
-Provides a clear understanding of things.
 Types:
There are various types of workplace orientation, some common types are:

1. Employees Orientation:
This is a general introduction for all new hires, covering company policies, procedures and essential information about
the organization.

2. Departmental Orientation:
It focuses on the specific functions and processes within a particular department, ensuring new employees understand
their roles.

3. Job-Specific Orientation:
Tailored to the requirements of a particular job or role, providing in-depth information about tasks, responsibilities and
expectations associated with that position.

The specific types of orientation may vary based on the organization’s size, industry and specific requirements.

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