Vaccinate With Confidence

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Vaccinate with confidence

-Aditya Krishnan.K.B
-Balaram .I
-Chriswin S.M
-Elements of vaccine confidence

-Stratergies to build vaccination confidence

-Communication resources
Let’s start with defining of vaccine cofidence

• Vaccine confidence is the trust that the patients or professionals have in

recommended vacines
• A person must have trust in a vaccine to feel fully confident in their
decision to get vaccinated
• people often use to do “wait and see” approach and want more
information in getting vaccianated , which eventually leads in lack of
confidence and involvement in getting vacinnated
Stratergies in building vaccine confidence

-Build trust

-Empower Healthcare personnel

-Engage communitites & individuals

Build trust

-Share a clear , complete and accurate messages about

Covid-19 vaccines and many other vaccines
-take visible actions to build trust in the vaccine , the
vaccinator and the system in coordination with federal,
state and local agencies and partners
Empower Healthcare personnel
• Promote confidence among healthcare personnel in their decision
to get vacinated and to recommed vaccination to their patients
• Host discussions where personnel at different level can ask
questions and share concerns in a safe space
• Share Key messages with staff through e-mails, breakroom
posters and other channels
• Highlight the experiences of employees who were initially
hesitant to get vaccinated but later made decision to get
• Encourage senior leader to be Vaccine champions
Engage communitites & individuals

• Engage communities in a sustianable, equitable and

inclusive way - using two-way communication to listen ,
build trust and increase collabration.
Communication resources
• Empahsize some benefits of the benefit sto getting
vaccinated , including protecting themselves and their
community and explain what activities they can safely
retutn to doing once vaccinated

• in order to motivate to get the person vaccinated , share

your own experience with getting vaccinated
• the example of you choosing to recieve the vaccine is
critical, as in your willingness to share and celebrate thet

-Thank you very much for sharing your time with our project

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