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Linear Two Variable

Equality System (SPLDV)
By : Group 2

Class C

Guardian Lecturer: Era Maryanti, S.Pd.,M.Pd.


Citan Adlina Nur


Devi Sulistiawati Ningsih


Muflihatun Nisa



MEMBERS Material Paper

Draft SPLDV 01

Examples Questions 02

Problems Confronting Students 03

Anjal Saputra

A. Draft Linear Two Variable Equality
1. Understanding Systems of Linear Equations with Two Variables and Linear
Equations with Two Variables
A system of linear equations in two variables (SPLDV) is a system/unit of several
similar Linear Equations in Two Variables. Linear Equation in Two Variables
(PLDV) is a form of relationship similar to algebraic form which has two variables
and both have powers of one. It is said to be a linear equation because if this form
of equation is depicted in graphical form, a straight line (linear) graph will be
2. Parts of a System of Linear Equations in Two Variables
A. Variables
A variable is a change/divider/ substitute for a value or number which is usually symbolized by a letter/symbol.
Example :
Andi has 5 goats and 3 cows.
If written as an example: a = goat and b = cow
Then: 5a + 3b, where a and b are variables

B. Coefficient
A coefficient is a number that states the number of similar variables. The coefficient can also be said to be a
number in front of the variable because the writing for a term that has a variable is the coefficientin front
Example :
Andi has 5 goats and 3 cows.
If written as an example: a = goat and b = cow
Then: 5a + 3b, where 5 and 3 are coefficients. With 5 being coefficient a and 3 being coefficient b
C. Constant
A constant is a number that is not followed by a variable so that its value is fixed (constant) for the value of the
variable (variable).whatever.
4p + 3q – 10
– 10 is a constant becausewhateverp and q values, the value -10 is not affected so it remains (constant)

D. Ethnic groups
A term is a part of an algebraic form which can consist of variables and coefficients or take the form of a
constant, each term separated by an additional operation sign.
Example :
5x- y + 7, the terms are: 5x, -y, and 7
The following is an example of parts of a system of linear equations in two variables
2𝑝 − 3𝑞 + 13 = 0
• Terms: 2𝑝, −3𝑞, 13
• Variable: 𝑝 𝑑𝑎𝑛 𝑞
• Coefficient: 𝑝 𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑙𝑎ℎ 2, 𝑠𝑒𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑘𝑎𝑛 𝑞 𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑙𝑎ℎ − 3
• Constant: 13 (the value is relatively fixed and is not influenced by variableswhatever).
3. SPLDV General Form

The general form of a two-variable linear equation can be written as follows.

x and y are variables with powers of one
a and b are coefficients
c is a constant
4. Steps to solve a System of Linear
Equations in Two Variables
Each quantity contained in Mathematical models are
the related problem is created based on the problem
replaced by a variable to be solved. The
(generally designated by an mathematical model must
alphabet letter or symbol). comply with the provisions of
the general form of SPLDV.

The solution is obtained by using the SPLDV solution method for mathematical
models to solve the problem.
5. SPLDV Finishing Method

A. Elimination

B. Substitution Method

C. Combined Method
B. Example Questions
Example question routine
1. With elimination method, substitution, and combined decide solutions system equality
a. With Method Elimination
Step First I (elimination variable y)
Unforeliminate variables, coefficients must be the same, so that equality is : multiplied 1 and equality
multiplied with 3.
times 1 become
times 3 become
With add both equations
Step second II (elimination variable x)
Like the first step I, to eliminate variable x, the coefficient x must be the same, so that is the
equationmultiplied by 1 and x – y = 3 multiplied by 2.
multiplied 1 become
multiplied 2 become

So, the solution is

b. With Method Substitution
The solution:
Equality is the same as.

With method substitution equality to inequality so can obtain us following:

We got it, then to get the x value, substitute the y value into the equation , so we get:

So, the solution is

c. With Combined Methods
Elimination variables
Unfor eliminate variables, coefficients must be the same, so that equality is:multiplied 1 and
equalitymultiplied with 3.
times 1 become
times 3 become
With add both equations
Next, substitute the x value into the equation seuntil obtained:


So, the solution is

2. Determine solution from SPLDV following that is
Eliminate x

Substitution on

So, the solutions is:

3. Melly is 7 years younger than Ayu. Their total age is 43 years. Determine their respective ages!
For example
Melly age and Ayu age, so

substitute into equation 2

With substitute into the equation

So, Melly's age is 18 years and Ayu's age is 25 years

Example Question Non-routine
4. A parking attendant who works at one of the capital's hospitals. On his first day of work he managed to earn Rp.
16,500.00 from 5 cars and 3 motorbikes. The next day, he earns IDR 20,000.00 from 6 cars and 4 motorbikes. If on
the third day there are 25 cars and 35 motorbikes in place parking, so do the math income craftsman parking on day
Answer :
Is known:
 On his first day of work he managed to earn Rp. 16,500.00 from 5 cars and 3 motorbikes.
 The next day, he earns IDR 20,000.00 from 6 cars and 4 motorbikes.
p= parking cost of one car
q= parking cost for one motorbike
Mathematical model:
5𝑝 + 3𝑞 = 16,500
6𝑝 + 4𝑞 = 20,000
Elimination q

Based on the calculation above, a value can be obtained Then, substitute the values on one of the known
equations, for example
So, obtained parking cost For One unit scar
Parking costs for one unitsbicyclemotorcycles
So that, Money yeah obtained from 25 cars and 35 motorcycle is

So, the parking attendant's income for the third day is

5. A rectangular garden is 8 m longer than its wide. Perimeter of the park is 44 m. the area of the park is?
Answer :
Is known :
Park have size long 8 m longer than width
Perimeter of the park = 44 m
Asked: Garden area = ?
long parks
wide parks
mathematics Model:
Park have size long 8 m longer than wide, so
us we know The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is
With substitute into the perimeter equation, we get:

Us we do know thearea formula is Area

With substitute into the circum ference equation, we get:
So, the area of ​the park is
6. Two years Which Then age Harry 6 times age Laras. Eighteen years later Harry’s age will be twice Laras’s age.
Determine their respective ages.
Answer :
Age Harry= x
Mathematical model:
Elimination equality 1 and 2
Substitution to equality 1

So, Harry is 32 years old and Barrel is 7 years old.

C. Problem Confronted Students
1. Difficulty Understand Drafts
Students may have difficulty understanding the basic concepts of SPLDV, especially if they do not yet have a strong
foundation in mathematics.
Choose which equations below are SPLDV and which are not, and check which parts?
Answer :
a. is a linear equation in two variables
 For the variables, namely
 The coefficient is 1
 Forthe constant namely 6
 For the tribes, namely

Answer :
is not a linear equation of two variables
 For the variables, namely
 The coefficients are 2 and 3
 Forthe constant namely 8
 For the tribes, namely
Answer :
is a linear equation in two variables
 For the variables, namely
 The coefficients are 3 and 2
 For the constant namely 3
 For the tribes, namely

Answer :
is a linear equation in two variables
 For the variables, namely
 The coefficients are 4 and -5
 For the constant namely 10
 For the tribes, namely
Answer :
is not a linear equation of two variables
 For the variables, namely
 The coefficients are 3 and 4
 For the constant namely 7
 For the tribes, namely
2.Difficulty solving questions that are relevant to everyday life
Application of the SPLDV concept in solving problems relevant to everyday lifeoftencan
be a challenge for students, especially if they are not familiar with the solving
Question number 3: A fruit seller gets Rp. 50,000 from selling 6 mangoes and 10
oranges, while from selling 8 mangoes and 4 oranges he got Rp. 48,000. If he sells 20
mangoes and 30 oranges, he will make a lot of moneygetis?
For example

Mathematical Model
Substitute equality into equation 1

The price of a mango is IDR 5,000 and an orange IDR 2,000. So, the price of 20 mangoes and 30 oranges is

So price 20 mangoes and 30 oranges are

3. Confusing Between Variables And Creating Mathematical Models Of Problems Into Equations
Students may be confused in determining appropriate variables for a problem and how to describe them in equation
Composing equations from verbal problems can also be an obstacle, because it requires a good understanding of
mathematical relationships and the use of variables.
The new school year will start soon. For this reason, many students take turns coming to the stationery shop to buy
their school needs. Kenma went to buy 4 notebooks and 3 pens for IDR 29,000.00. In the same way shop, Kuroo
paid IDR 25,000.00 for 2 notebooks and 5 pens. If Yaku buys 2 notebooks and 1 pen at the shop, then how much
does Yaku have to pay?
Is known:
The price for 4 notebooks and 3 pens is IDR 29,000.00
Price for 2 books and 5 pens is IDR 25,000.00
How much does Yaku have to pay if he buys 2 books and 1 pen
For example:

Mathematical model

Eliminate the q value in equations (1) and (2) by equating the variables first.
Substitute values 𝑝= 5,000 feeling (2)

So, the price of 2 notebooks and 1 pen is

So, the price of 2 notebooks and 1 pen is

So, it can be seen that the money Yaku has to pay is IDR 13,000.00
T h a n k Yo u

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