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4 key characteristics of a science Explain what is meant by hard, soft science, induction and deduction. Students can produce evaluation points that argue psychology is a science and 2 evaluation points that say psychology is not a science.


at these phrases and come up with a saying that contradicts it. Two many cooks spoil the broth Many hands make light work easier. You can't teach an old dog new tricks Your never too old to learn Great minds think alike Fools never differ. Birds of a feather flock together Opposites attract.


pairs write down what you understand a science to be.



The systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical world, especially by observing, measuring and experimenting, and the development of theories to describe the results of these activities

Characteristics of Science

observation is

made under objective conditions, systematic and controlled conditions. involves making predictions about what you expect to happen under certain conditions. Aims is to validate or falsify predictions. can be replicated by others.


explanation generally accepted in place of other explanations of naturally occurring phenomenon. Hard science are those that lend themselves to reductionist approaches and experiments. Soft sciences by the nature of there subject matter may aim to use a reductionist approach but can not conduct research with the same rigour.


you discount the impossible what is left however improbable is probably the truth.

Inductive and Deductive


= From the particular to the general.

A scientist looks at the natural world derives a general law Pre 20th Centaury Method Isaac Newtons laws Logical positivism (empiricism).

Inductive and Deductive


= From the general to the particular.

A Scientist starts with a theory and looks for evidence to confirm it. Post 20th C thinking Charles Darwin, generated the theory of evolution and then looked for the evidence to prove it. Deduction

Knowledge can be verified but never falsified

You can prove the existence of white swans, but just because you have done this it does not mean that all swans are white. The observation of only one black swan leads us to the certainty that not all swans are white.

Popper suggested that natural laws could not be made on the basis of assumptions alone. Theory can never be accepted as a certainty because new evidence may come along that disproves the theory. We can refine a theory by removing what we know is not true.

Empirical Observation

Testing Deduction

Developing, refining (Induction)

Rational Analysis (Theory)

Hypothico Deductive Model (Popper 1935)



Theories and laws can be derived from nature. These should be used to generate expectations/hypothesis that can be tested. This relies on observation and deduction and not on chance observation


Hypothico Deductive Model (Popper 1935)

Inductive Processes

Deductive Processes

Coincidence I think not!

Wundt was one of the key influences in the development of psychology.

Believed that psychology should be distinct from philosophy. Studied in a scientific manner using an experimental methodology that could be replicated. Established the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany. Similar laboratories followed in America, Europe and Britain. Introspection is the analysis of ones own mental experiences, sensations and reactions. Wundt believed that results gained through introspection where highly reliable and could be easily replicate.

Wundts Influence
Introspection has been shown to be highly subjective ideas of controlled conditions the Replication of results continues to be a central idea in psychological research.

Development of behaviorist view and Gestalt Psychology

Watson (1913) pointed to the fact that introspection lacked objectivity and could not be replicated (developed behaviorist view) Around the same time Gestalt psychology was developing in Germany. (Gestalts interested in problem solving) Simon (1992) reflected that the development of cognitive psychology could be the combination of Gestalt and behaviorist ideas.

Coincidence I think not!

Work for the weekend


class now

Complete the missing gap task. Use the fish bone diagram to analyze if psychology is a science. Prepare an essay plan for next week

Is Psychology a Science

Evidence that Psychology is a science

Evidence that Psychology is not a science

Use the Fish Bone diagram to evaluate the evidence that psychology is a science. Use your notes and read the pages 260 and 261

Outline and evaluate arguments for the claim that psychology is a science. (30 marks)

In pairs prepare a 3 minute speech outlining if you think psychology is or is not a science.

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