Co 1 PPT 2023-2024

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OCTOBER 18, 2023
Good morning my dear Science V – pupils !
Today is a new adventure for us to continue
our journey to the outer space. But before we
go on to our new lesson, let’s have first our
singing of our Science Song for today. Are
you ready to sing with me? Let’s sing
together ! (see attached video)
Very good ! You did sing well ! Now, we
are now ready for our Science lesson for
the day ! But before we move on to our
next lesson, to check if we really learn
most about our past lesson, which is the
importance of 5R’s, let’s have this
1) Drill / Review of the past lesson
Am I RIGHT or Am I Wrong?
Directions: Write RIGHT if the
sentence shows a right decision, write
WRONG if the sentence shows a wrong
decision. Write your answer in the
space provided.
__________ 1. I should put my
garbage in a trash bin.
__________ 2. I can leave the
banana peel wherever I want
to, anyway it is not plastic.
__________ 3. Nena came to my house
with some biscuits, we ate a few and kept
its plastic cover on the table.
__________ 4. Vance kept his juice in his
drinking bottle, he forgot it might get
spoiled. The next morning, he threw it
over the window.
__________ 5. Anna was
preparing vegetables for
breakfast. After cooking, she put
the leftovers in their compost pit.
Hurray ! You nailed it ! Let’s
make a “Fireworks Clap” for
a job well done! Are you ready
to do the clap with me? Let’s
get started !
2) Checking of Assignment
How do you think does the 5Rs help in managing the
waste in the environment?
- 5Rs teaches people to maximize the use of a
material and to minimize the use of disposable ones
which contribute to the amount of waste in the
environment. For example, instead of using
disposable batteries, using a rechargeable battery is
better because you can reuse it by simply charging
when it runs out of power.
A. Setting the Stage
Wastes are present everywhere. Have you seen some on
your way to school? What did you do after seeing the
garbage? The right thing to do is to place it in a garbage
bin. We need to make sure to keep our surroundings
clean, not only to maintain the upkeep of our
environment, but also, to keep us away from diseases
caused by stocked up garbage where we live in. In this
lesson, you will learn how “Garbage” can be useful.
D. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
10 tips for active listening
• Face the speaker and have eye contact. ...
• “Listen” to non-verbal cues too. ...
• Don't interrupt. ...
• Listen without judging, or jumping to
conclusions. ...
• Don't start planning what to say next. ...
• Show that you're listening. ...
• Don't impose your opinions or solutions. ...
• Stay focused.
Story Time!!!!
A. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Recycling is the action or process of converting

waste into reusable material.
Reuse means to find new ways to use things that
otherwise would have been thrown out. Recycle
means to turn something old and useless (like
plastic milk jugs) into something new and useful
(like picnic benches, playground equipment and
recycling bins).
What is the importance of reduce, recycle and reuse
to save the environment?

Reducing, reusing and recycling waste helps

save landfill space by keeping useful materials
out. The amount of energy and natural resources
needed to produce or collect the raw materials
and manufacture the product are reduced.
A. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
Activity 1: Name My Trash! (Individual Activity) use timer
Direction: Name some garbage that you know. List them down
according to classification.
Write solid wastes in the first column and liquid wastes in the
second column.
Solid Wastes Liquid Wastes
Ex. Candy wrapper Ex. Rice water (when washed)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
What are the benefits of recycling and reuse
of natural resources?
Recycling reduces the need to grow,
harvest or extract new raw materials
from the Earth. That in turn lessens
the harmful disruption and damage
being done to the natural world:
fewer forests cut down, rivers
diverted, wild animals harmed or
displaced, and less pollution of
water, soil and air.
Why is it important to reuse and recycle products?

The more items we reuse, the more energy

we save and less precious resources end up
in landfills. It can be as simple as using old
glass jars for storage, or as creative as
turning that old bedside table into
something unique. Reusing is an integral
part of reduce, reuse, recycle!
Aside from doing the right thing in keeping
our environment clean, there are other
ways to manage our garbage. Are you
familiar with recycling? The next activities
will show you how to be creative.
G. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

Group activity
A. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

“Does your family recycle at home?” “Do

they separate the recycling or collect it in
one bin?” “Do they take the recycling to a
facility or put it on the curb with the rest of
the trash?” “How do you help with recycling
at home?”
I. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Group activity
Activity 4: Seeing a
Rainbow in a Tube
What is Spectroscope?
It is an instrument that is used
to split light into different
wavelengths, which we see.
J. Evaluating learning

Let’s Decide!
Directions: Each item has a picture showing a
situation that you as a pupil may encounter,
what will you do if you ever come across the
situation below? Write at least 1 sentence in
each line provided.
A. Additional activities for application or remediation

Make a paper mask

mache out of old news

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