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Lesson 1

Definition and
Process of
1 Define communication
Learning (EN11/12OC-Ia-1)

2 Explain the nature and

process of

● define what communication is;

● explain the nature of communication; and
● describe the process of communication.
Direction Quiz
Read through ALL the numbered steps below before you begin. Read the
directions carefully and do exactly as they say.

1.Use a piece of paper to complete steps 2-11.

2. Write your first name in the middle of the paper.
3. Draw a heart above your name.
4. Write your last name in the bottom right corner.
5. Cross your last name out with two lines.
6. Draw a picture of your favorite food underneath your name.
7. Draw a smiley face inside the heart your drew above your first name.
8. Raise your hand. When your teacher call on you say “I am on Number 8”.
9. Draw a ball in the bottom left corner of your paper.
10. Label whether the ball is a noun, verb, or adjective.
11. Do not do steps 1-10. Put your pen down quietly and wait for others to finish.
Essential Question

Why is communication an essential human need?

Essential Question

Communication is an important human need. It is

essential for us to be able to define what communication is
and what makes it so. In this way, we can further develop
our communication skills and understand how to make
them effective.
Vocabulary Words

stimulus (noun) - an idea or concept receiver (noun) - the person who

1 that a sender would like to convey 3 decodes the message
A conversation starts with a stimulus. As the receiver of his message, I decide
whether to reply or not.

sender (noun) - the person who decode (verb) - interpret

2 encodes the message
In this written correspondence, who is
4 It took Clarisse quite some time before
she was able to decode the message.
the sender?
feedback (noun) - the response of the
5 receiver to the given message of the
You can’t predict what feedback someone
will give you.
Learn about It!

Definition of Communication


● the transmission of ideas and emotions between or

among persons with the use of verbal and nonverbal
● comes from the Latin word communis, which means
● helps people adapt to or survive in the place they live in
Learn about It!

The Process of Communication

stimulus - an idea or concept that the sender has and would

like to convey

sender - encodes the message by putting it into words and

then expresses the ideas in proper sequence

receiver - accepts and decodes the message; chooses

whether to respond
Learn about It!

feedback - given by the receiver when responding to the


noise - causes breakdown in the communication process; any

barrier or hindrance that obstructs the understanding of the
Learn about It!
Learn about It!


At a thrift store

Erika: Hi, miss. This one has no tag. How much does this dress cost?
Cashier: Oh that would be 280 pesos.
Erika: I see. I’ll take it then.

Erika then hands over 220 pesos to the cashier.

Cashier: Ah, miss, this isn’t enough. You still need to give me 60 pesos more.
Erika: Oh! It’s 280. I thought you said the dress was 218 pesos. My bad. Here’s the
60 pesos.

Identify the term that would best complete each of the

sentences below.

1. ____________ is the transmission of ideas or emotions between

persons using verbal and nonverbal cues.
2. Every instance of communication starts with the ____________.
3. In a conversation, the one who gives the message is called the
4. The one who needs to decode the message is the ____________.

5. ____________ is what is given when one responds to a message.

6. Breakdown in communication happens because of ____________.
7. Anything that hinders the receiver’s understanding of the
message is considered ____________.
8. It is the duty of the receiver to ____________ the message.
9. The word communication comes from the Latin word
____________, which means “common.”
10. When the receiver provides feedback, the first sender then
becomes the ____________ of the message.

Take a look at the phone conversation below:

What Do You Think?

Read the following dialogue and answer the questions that

What Do You Think?

1. What was the stimulus of the conversation?

2. What was the noise in the situation?
3. What could have been done to prevent a breakdown
in the communication?
4. In what way did Annie provide feedback?
Values Integration

As a senior high school student, how will you use

communication to your advantage when applying for
college or looking for a job?

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